geohash.mli 550 B

  1. (** Geohash math to encode and decode base32 character hashes. *)
  2. (** a WGS84 coordinate pair *)
  3. type wgs84_lat_lon = (float * float)
  4. type delta = (float * float)
  5. (** encode a WGS84 (lat,lon) coordinate pair into Geohash of given
  6. hash character count. *)
  7. val encode : int -> wgs84_lat_lon -> (string, int) result
  8. (** decode a geohash base32 string to a WGS84 coordinate region center,delta. *)
  9. val decode : string -> ((wgs84_lat_lon * delta), char) result
  10. (**/**) (* hide Whitebox module *)
  11. module Whitebox : module type of Whitebox
  12. (**/**)