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- {0 Geohash}
- #🌐 geohash converter 🐫. Commandline and CGI. Zero-config, single-file.
- Convert WGS84 lat/lon pairs to {{:http://niemeyer.net/} Gustavo Niemeyer}s
- {{:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash} Geohash} and back. Web and commandline, 🐪,
- statically linked, single-file, zero-config.
- {1 Install}
- geohash.cgi is designed to be run and operated by yourself on your own webspace.
- 1. download the cgi file from the {{:https://mro.name} downloads},
- 2. copy it to a webserver and make it excutable (chmod 555),
- 3. visit the url with your browser
- {1 Lat,Lon -> Geohash}
- {:https://demo.mro.name/geohash.cgi/?q=geo:31.630660,-7.984850}
- {:https://demo.mro.name/geohash.cgi/?q=31.630660,-7.984850}
- Do a HTTP 302 redirect to the according geohash.
- {1 Geohash -> GPX}
- {:https://demo.mro.name/geohash.cgi/evd7fq1tgw2k}