This is a update of the GNU LGPL Free graphlet and GTL graph software from University of Passau with a tcl graphical user interface
3 년 전 | |
GTL-1.2.4 | 3 년 전 | |
GTL-example | 3 년 전 | |
gmlpeg | 3 년 전 | |
graphlet | 3 년 전 | |
orig | 3 년 전 | |
.gitignore | 3 년 전 | |
LICENSE | 3 년 전 | | | 3 년 전 | |
european-software.png | 3 년 전 | |
gplv3.png | 3 년 전 | |
graphlet-logo.png | 3 년 전 | |
graphlet-screenshot.png | 3 년 전 | |
lgplv3.png | 3 년 전 |
This is a update of the GNU LGPL Free graphlet and GTL graph software from University of Passau with a tcl graphical user interface
The graphlet and GTL graph template library is LGPL Free software Copyright (C) 1995 University of Passau
This old C++ software is still usable and very interesting for people interested in graph theory topics
This software is maintained here and not anymore supported by the University of Passau
This software includes the original manuals and documentation as html pages and tex files
This software has a GML graph data format parser in C with documentation and the GML graph data is supported by most Free software projects
In the directory orig are the original unmodified sources
In the directory GTL-1.2.4 is the updated and recompiled Graph Template Library version 1.2.4
In the directory graphlet is the updated and recompiled graplet program with a tcl tk graphical user interface
In the directory gmlpeg is a peg grammar for GML graph language for C and javascript parsers with a html test page
More updates and improvements will be made available at this site
Using the git tags feature there are complete snapshots available
This software can be compiled for windows and mac os-x but only current GNU/Linux is implemented and supported
Implemented graph algorithms are:
constraint Fruchterman Reingold layout algorithm Some user comments are:
Iterative Constraint Spring Embedder
gem spring embedder
kamada spring embedder
reingold pring embedder
sugiyama with priority algorithm
tree layout lgorithm
tunkelang algorithm
radial tree algorithm
extended dag algorithm
the graphed package has many more interesting algorithms
The manuals have a programmers guide to program with it or add other algorithms
GTL is a great library that I've found really useful in my research.
I found the GTL to be a very well implemented solution for what I
was trying to do (...) Thank you for a great toolkit: GTL has been
very helpful to me
The patches done to recompile graphlet are visible using the diff program
with the version in directory orig and here available with the same GNU LGPL
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
License-Filename: LICENSE