dot.output 24 KB

  1. Grammar
  2. 0 $accept: startdot $end
  3. 1 $@1: %empty
  4. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename $@1 "{" statements "}"
  5. 3 | error
  6. 4 | %empty
  7. 5 utf: "utf8code"
  8. 6 | %empty
  9. 7 thetype: "strict" "graph"
  10. 8 | "graph"
  11. 9 | "strict" "digraph"
  12. 10 | "digraph"
  13. 11 thename: text
  14. 12 | %empty
  15. 13 ctext: "string"
  16. 14 | ctext "+" "string"
  17. 15 text: "text"
  18. 16 | "number"
  19. 17 | ctext
  20. 18 htext: "<html-string>"
  21. 19 statements: statements statement
  22. 20 | statement
  23. 21 statement: statement2
  24. 22 | statement2 ";"
  25. 23 | statement2 ","
  26. 24 statement2: nstatement
  27. 25 | estatement
  28. 26 | astatement
  29. 27 $@2: %empty
  30. 28 statement2: sstatement $@2 oattrib
  31. 29 $@3: %empty
  32. 30 nstatement: nidid $@3 oattrib
  33. 31 nidid: text
  34. 32 | text ":" text
  35. 33 | text ":" text ":" text
  36. 34 nid: text
  37. 35 | text ":" text
  38. 36 | text ":" text ":" text
  39. 37 sattr: "text" "=" text
  40. 38 | "text" "=" htext
  41. 39 sattr2: sattr
  42. 40 | "text"
  43. 41 iattr: sattr2 iattr
  44. 42 | sattr2 "," iattr
  45. 43 | sattr2 ";" iattr
  46. 44 | %empty
  47. 45 tattr: "[" iattr "]"
  48. 46 oattrib: tattr oattrib
  49. 47 | %empty
  50. 48 $@4: %empty
  51. 49 $@5: %empty
  52. 50 estatement: nid $@4 erhs $@5 oattrib
  53. 51 $@6: %empty
  54. 52 $@7: %empty
  55. 53 estatement: sstatement $@6 erhs $@7 oattrib
  56. 54 erhs: "-> or --" nid
  57. 55 $@8: %empty
  58. 56 erhs: "-> or --" nid $@8 erhs
  59. 57 | "-> or --" sstatement
  60. 58 $@9: %empty
  61. 59 erhs: "-> or --" sstatement $@9 erhs
  62. 60 astatement: atype tattr
  63. 61 | aset
  64. 62 atype: "graph"
  65. 63 | "node"
  66. 64 | "edge"
  67. 65 aset: text "=" text
  68. 66 | text "=" htext
  69. 67 sstatement: shead "{" statements "}"
  70. 68 $@10: %empty
  71. 69 sstatement: "{" $@10 statements "}"
  72. 70 shead: "subgraph" text
  73. 71 | "subgraph"
  74. Terminals, with rules where they appear
  75. $end (0) 0
  76. error (256) 3
  77. "{" (258) 2 67 69
  78. "}" (259) 2 67 69
  79. "+" (260) 14
  80. "," (261) 23 42
  81. ":" (262) 32 33 35 36
  82. "=" (263) 37 38 65 66
  83. ";" (264) 22 43
  84. "[" (265) 45
  85. "]" (266) 45
  86. "utf8code" (267) 5
  87. "strict" (268) 7 9
  88. "graph" (269) 7 8 62
  89. "subgraph" (270) 70 71
  90. "digraph" (271) 9 10
  91. "node" (272) 63
  92. "edge" (273) 64
  93. "text" <string> (274) 15 37 38 40
  94. "number" <string> (275) 16
  95. "string" <string> (276) 13 14
  96. "<html-string>" <string> (277) 18
  97. "-> or --" <string> (278) 54 56 57 59
  98. Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
  99. $accept (24)
  100. on left: 0
  101. startdot (25)
  102. on left: 2 3 4
  103. on right: 0
  104. $@1 (26)
  105. on left: 1
  106. on right: 2
  107. utf (27)
  108. on left: 5 6
  109. on right: 2
  110. thetype <string> (28)
  111. on left: 7 8 9 10
  112. on right: 2
  113. thename <string> (29)
  114. on left: 11 12
  115. on right: 2
  116. ctext <string> (30)
  117. on left: 13 14
  118. on right: 14 17
  119. text <string> (31)
  120. on left: 15 16 17
  121. on right: 11 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 65 66 70
  122. htext <string> (32)
  123. on left: 18
  124. on right: 38 66
  125. statements (33)
  126. on left: 19 20
  127. on right: 2 19 67 69
  128. statement (34)
  129. on left: 21 22 23
  130. on right: 19 20
  131. statement2 (35)
  132. on left: 24 25 26 28
  133. on right: 21 22 23
  134. $@2 (36)
  135. on left: 27
  136. on right: 28
  137. nstatement (37)
  138. on left: 30
  139. on right: 24
  140. $@3 (38)
  141. on left: 29
  142. on right: 30
  143. nidid <string> (39)
  144. on left: 31 32 33
  145. on right: 30
  146. nid <dp> (40)
  147. on left: 34 35 36
  148. on right: 50 54 56
  149. sattr (41)
  150. on left: 37 38
  151. on right: 39
  152. sattr2 (42)
  153. on left: 39 40
  154. on right: 41 42 43
  155. iattr (43)
  156. on left: 41 42 43 44
  157. on right: 41 42 43 45
  158. tattr (44)
  159. on left: 45
  160. on right: 46 60
  161. oattrib (45)
  162. on left: 46 47
  163. on right: 28 30 46 50 53
  164. estatement (46)
  165. on left: 50 53
  166. on right: 25
  167. $@4 (47)
  168. on left: 48
  169. on right: 50
  170. $@5 (48)
  171. on left: 49
  172. on right: 50
  173. $@6 (49)
  174. on left: 51
  175. on right: 53
  176. $@7 (50)
  177. on left: 52
  178. on right: 53
  179. erhs (51)
  180. on left: 54 56 57 59
  181. on right: 50 53 56 59
  182. $@8 (52)
  183. on left: 55
  184. on right: 56
  185. $@9 (53)
  186. on left: 58
  187. on right: 59
  188. astatement (54)
  189. on left: 60 61
  190. on right: 26
  191. atype (55)
  192. on left: 62 63 64
  193. on right: 60
  194. aset (56)
  195. on left: 65 66
  196. on right: 61
  197. sstatement <dp> (57)
  198. on left: 67 69
  199. on right: 28 53 57 59
  200. $@10 (58)
  201. on left: 68
  202. on right: 69
  203. shead (59)
  204. on left: 70 71
  205. on right: 67
  206. State 0
  207. 0 $accept: • startdot $end
  208. error shift, and go to state 1
  209. "utf8code" shift, and go to state 2
  210. $end reduce using rule 4 (startdot)
  211. "strict" reduce using rule 6 (utf)
  212. "graph" reduce using rule 6 (utf)
  213. "digraph" reduce using rule 6 (utf)
  214. startdot go to state 3
  215. utf go to state 4
  216. State 1
  217. 3 startdot: error •
  218. $default reduce using rule 3 (startdot)
  219. State 2
  220. 5 utf: "utf8code" •
  221. $default reduce using rule 5 (utf)
  222. State 3
  223. 0 $accept: startdot • $end
  224. $end shift, and go to state 5
  225. State 4
  226. 2 startdot: utf • thetype thename $@1 "{" statements "}"
  227. "strict" shift, and go to state 6
  228. "graph" shift, and go to state 7
  229. "digraph" shift, and go to state 8
  230. thetype go to state 9
  231. State 5
  232. 0 $accept: startdot $end •
  233. $default accept
  234. State 6
  235. 7 thetype: "strict" • "graph"
  236. 9 | "strict" • "digraph"
  237. "graph" shift, and go to state 10
  238. "digraph" shift, and go to state 11
  239. State 7
  240. 8 thetype: "graph" •
  241. $default reduce using rule 8 (thetype)
  242. State 8
  243. 10 thetype: "digraph" •
  244. $default reduce using rule 10 (thetype)
  245. State 9
  246. 2 startdot: utf thetype • thename $@1 "{" statements "}"
  247. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  248. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  249. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  250. $default reduce using rule 12 (thename)
  251. thename go to state 15
  252. ctext go to state 16
  253. text go to state 17
  254. State 10
  255. 7 thetype: "strict" "graph" •
  256. $default reduce using rule 7 (thetype)
  257. State 11
  258. 9 thetype: "strict" "digraph" •
  259. $default reduce using rule 9 (thetype)
  260. State 12
  261. 15 text: "text" •
  262. $default reduce using rule 15 (text)
  263. State 13
  264. 16 text: "number" •
  265. $default reduce using rule 16 (text)
  266. State 14
  267. 13 ctext: "string" •
  268. $default reduce using rule 13 (ctext)
  269. State 15
  270. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename • $@1 "{" statements "}"
  271. $default reduce using rule 1 ($@1)
  272. $@1 go to state 18
  273. State 16
  274. 14 ctext: ctext • "+" "string"
  275. 17 text: ctext •
  276. "+" shift, and go to state 19
  277. $default reduce using rule 17 (text)
  278. State 17
  279. 11 thename: text •
  280. $default reduce using rule 11 (thename)
  281. State 18
  282. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename $@1 • "{" statements "}"
  283. "{" shift, and go to state 20
  284. State 19
  285. 14 ctext: ctext "+" • "string"
  286. "string" shift, and go to state 21
  287. State 20
  288. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename $@1 "{" • statements "}"
  289. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  290. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  291. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  292. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  293. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  294. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  295. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  296. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  297. ctext go to state 16
  298. text go to state 27
  299. statements go to state 28
  300. statement go to state 29
  301. statement2 go to state 30
  302. nstatement go to state 31
  303. nidid go to state 32
  304. nid go to state 33
  305. estatement go to state 34
  306. astatement go to state 35
  307. atype go to state 36
  308. aset go to state 37
  309. sstatement go to state 38
  310. shead go to state 39
  311. State 21
  312. 14 ctext: ctext "+" "string" •
  313. $default reduce using rule 14 (ctext)
  314. State 22
  315. 69 sstatement: "{" • $@10 statements "}"
  316. $default reduce using rule 68 ($@10)
  317. $@10 go to state 40
  318. State 23
  319. 62 atype: "graph" •
  320. $default reduce using rule 62 (atype)
  321. State 24
  322. 70 shead: "subgraph" • text
  323. 71 | "subgraph" •
  324. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  325. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  326. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  327. $default reduce using rule 71 (shead)
  328. ctext go to state 16
  329. text go to state 41
  330. State 25
  331. 63 atype: "node" •
  332. $default reduce using rule 63 (atype)
  333. State 26
  334. 64 atype: "edge" •
  335. $default reduce using rule 64 (atype)
  336. State 27
  337. 31 nidid: text •
  338. 32 | text • ":" text
  339. 33 | text • ":" text ":" text
  340. 34 nid: text •
  341. 35 | text • ":" text
  342. 36 | text • ":" text ":" text
  343. 65 aset: text • "=" text
  344. 66 | text • "=" htext
  345. ":" shift, and go to state 42
  346. "=" shift, and go to state 43
  347. "-> or --" reduce using rule 34 (nid)
  348. $default reduce using rule 31 (nidid)
  349. State 28
  350. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename $@1 "{" statements • "}"
  351. 19 statements: statements • statement
  352. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  353. "}" shift, and go to state 44
  354. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  355. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  356. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  357. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  358. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  359. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  360. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  361. ctext go to state 16
  362. text go to state 27
  363. statement go to state 45
  364. statement2 go to state 30
  365. nstatement go to state 31
  366. nidid go to state 32
  367. nid go to state 33
  368. estatement go to state 34
  369. astatement go to state 35
  370. atype go to state 36
  371. aset go to state 37
  372. sstatement go to state 38
  373. shead go to state 39
  374. State 29
  375. 20 statements: statement •
  376. $default reduce using rule 20 (statements)
  377. State 30
  378. 21 statement: statement2 •
  379. 22 | statement2 • ";"
  380. 23 | statement2 • ","
  381. "," shift, and go to state 46
  382. ";" shift, and go to state 47
  383. $default reduce using rule 21 (statement)
  384. State 31
  385. 24 statement2: nstatement •
  386. $default reduce using rule 24 (statement2)
  387. State 32
  388. 30 nstatement: nidid • $@3 oattrib
  389. $default reduce using rule 29 ($@3)
  390. $@3 go to state 48
  391. State 33
  392. 50 estatement: nid • $@4 erhs $@5 oattrib
  393. $default reduce using rule 48 ($@4)
  394. $@4 go to state 49
  395. State 34
  396. 25 statement2: estatement •
  397. $default reduce using rule 25 (statement2)
  398. State 35
  399. 26 statement2: astatement •
  400. $default reduce using rule 26 (statement2)
  401. State 36
  402. 60 astatement: atype • tattr
  403. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  404. tattr go to state 51
  405. State 37
  406. 61 astatement: aset •
  407. $default reduce using rule 61 (astatement)
  408. State 38
  409. 28 statement2: sstatement • $@2 oattrib
  410. 53 estatement: sstatement • $@6 erhs $@7 oattrib
  411. "-> or --" reduce using rule 51 ($@6)
  412. $default reduce using rule 27 ($@2)
  413. $@2 go to state 52
  414. $@6 go to state 53
  415. State 39
  416. 67 sstatement: shead • "{" statements "}"
  417. "{" shift, and go to state 54
  418. State 40
  419. 69 sstatement: "{" $@10 • statements "}"
  420. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  421. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  422. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  423. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  424. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  425. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  426. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  427. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  428. ctext go to state 16
  429. text go to state 27
  430. statements go to state 55
  431. statement go to state 29
  432. statement2 go to state 30
  433. nstatement go to state 31
  434. nidid go to state 32
  435. nid go to state 33
  436. estatement go to state 34
  437. astatement go to state 35
  438. atype go to state 36
  439. aset go to state 37
  440. sstatement go to state 38
  441. shead go to state 39
  442. State 41
  443. 70 shead: "subgraph" text •
  444. $default reduce using rule 70 (shead)
  445. State 42
  446. 32 nidid: text ":" • text
  447. 33 | text ":" • text ":" text
  448. 35 nid: text ":" • text
  449. 36 | text ":" • text ":" text
  450. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  451. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  452. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  453. ctext go to state 16
  454. text go to state 56
  455. State 43
  456. 65 aset: text "=" • text
  457. 66 | text "=" • htext
  458. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  459. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  460. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  461. "<html-string>" shift, and go to state 57
  462. ctext go to state 16
  463. text go to state 58
  464. htext go to state 59
  465. State 44
  466. 2 startdot: utf thetype thename $@1 "{" statements "}" •
  467. $default reduce using rule 2 (startdot)
  468. State 45
  469. 19 statements: statements statement •
  470. $default reduce using rule 19 (statements)
  471. State 46
  472. 23 statement: statement2 "," •
  473. $default reduce using rule 23 (statement)
  474. State 47
  475. 22 statement: statement2 ";" •
  476. $default reduce using rule 22 (statement)
  477. State 48
  478. 30 nstatement: nidid $@3 • oattrib
  479. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  480. $default reduce using rule 47 (oattrib)
  481. tattr go to state 60
  482. oattrib go to state 61
  483. State 49
  484. 50 estatement: nid $@4 • erhs $@5 oattrib
  485. "-> or --" shift, and go to state 62
  486. erhs go to state 63
  487. State 50
  488. 45 tattr: "[" • iattr "]"
  489. "text" shift, and go to state 64
  490. $default reduce using rule 44 (iattr)
  491. sattr go to state 65
  492. sattr2 go to state 66
  493. iattr go to state 67
  494. State 51
  495. 60 astatement: atype tattr •
  496. $default reduce using rule 60 (astatement)
  497. State 52
  498. 28 statement2: sstatement $@2 • oattrib
  499. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  500. $default reduce using rule 47 (oattrib)
  501. tattr go to state 60
  502. oattrib go to state 68
  503. State 53
  504. 53 estatement: sstatement $@6 • erhs $@7 oattrib
  505. "-> or --" shift, and go to state 62
  506. erhs go to state 69
  507. State 54
  508. 67 sstatement: shead "{" • statements "}"
  509. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  510. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  511. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  512. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  513. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  514. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  515. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  516. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  517. ctext go to state 16
  518. text go to state 27
  519. statements go to state 70
  520. statement go to state 29
  521. statement2 go to state 30
  522. nstatement go to state 31
  523. nidid go to state 32
  524. nid go to state 33
  525. estatement go to state 34
  526. astatement go to state 35
  527. atype go to state 36
  528. aset go to state 37
  529. sstatement go to state 38
  530. shead go to state 39
  531. State 55
  532. 19 statements: statements • statement
  533. 69 sstatement: "{" $@10 statements • "}"
  534. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  535. "}" shift, and go to state 71
  536. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  537. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  538. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  539. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  540. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  541. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  542. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  543. ctext go to state 16
  544. text go to state 27
  545. statement go to state 45
  546. statement2 go to state 30
  547. nstatement go to state 31
  548. nidid go to state 32
  549. nid go to state 33
  550. estatement go to state 34
  551. astatement go to state 35
  552. atype go to state 36
  553. aset go to state 37
  554. sstatement go to state 38
  555. shead go to state 39
  556. State 56
  557. 32 nidid: text ":" text •
  558. 33 | text ":" text • ":" text
  559. 35 nid: text ":" text •
  560. 36 | text ":" text • ":" text
  561. ":" shift, and go to state 72
  562. "-> or --" reduce using rule 35 (nid)
  563. $default reduce using rule 32 (nidid)
  564. State 57
  565. 18 htext: "<html-string>" •
  566. $default reduce using rule 18 (htext)
  567. State 58
  568. 65 aset: text "=" text •
  569. $default reduce using rule 65 (aset)
  570. State 59
  571. 66 aset: text "=" htext •
  572. $default reduce using rule 66 (aset)
  573. State 60
  574. 46 oattrib: tattr • oattrib
  575. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  576. $default reduce using rule 47 (oattrib)
  577. tattr go to state 60
  578. oattrib go to state 73
  579. State 61
  580. 30 nstatement: nidid $@3 oattrib •
  581. $default reduce using rule 30 (nstatement)
  582. State 62
  583. 54 erhs: "-> or --" • nid
  584. 56 | "-> or --" • nid $@8 erhs
  585. 57 | "-> or --" • sstatement
  586. 59 | "-> or --" • sstatement $@9 erhs
  587. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  588. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  589. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  590. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  591. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  592. ctext go to state 16
  593. text go to state 74
  594. nid go to state 75
  595. sstatement go to state 76
  596. shead go to state 39
  597. State 63
  598. 50 estatement: nid $@4 erhs • $@5 oattrib
  599. $default reduce using rule 49 ($@5)
  600. $@5 go to state 77
  601. State 64
  602. 37 sattr: "text" • "=" text
  603. 38 | "text" • "=" htext
  604. 40 sattr2: "text" •
  605. "=" shift, and go to state 78
  606. $default reduce using rule 40 (sattr2)
  607. State 65
  608. 39 sattr2: sattr •
  609. $default reduce using rule 39 (sattr2)
  610. State 66
  611. 41 iattr: sattr2 • iattr
  612. 42 | sattr2 • "," iattr
  613. 43 | sattr2 • ";" iattr
  614. "," shift, and go to state 79
  615. ";" shift, and go to state 80
  616. "text" shift, and go to state 64
  617. $default reduce using rule 44 (iattr)
  618. sattr go to state 65
  619. sattr2 go to state 66
  620. iattr go to state 81
  621. State 67
  622. 45 tattr: "[" iattr • "]"
  623. "]" shift, and go to state 82
  624. State 68
  625. 28 statement2: sstatement $@2 oattrib •
  626. $default reduce using rule 28 (statement2)
  627. State 69
  628. 53 estatement: sstatement $@6 erhs • $@7 oattrib
  629. $default reduce using rule 52 ($@7)
  630. $@7 go to state 83
  631. State 70
  632. 19 statements: statements • statement
  633. 67 sstatement: shead "{" statements • "}"
  634. "{" shift, and go to state 22
  635. "}" shift, and go to state 84
  636. "graph" shift, and go to state 23
  637. "subgraph" shift, and go to state 24
  638. "node" shift, and go to state 25
  639. "edge" shift, and go to state 26
  640. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  641. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  642. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  643. ctext go to state 16
  644. text go to state 27
  645. statement go to state 45
  646. statement2 go to state 30
  647. nstatement go to state 31
  648. nidid go to state 32
  649. nid go to state 33
  650. estatement go to state 34
  651. astatement go to state 35
  652. atype go to state 36
  653. aset go to state 37
  654. sstatement go to state 38
  655. shead go to state 39
  656. State 71
  657. 69 sstatement: "{" $@10 statements "}" •
  658. $default reduce using rule 69 (sstatement)
  659. State 72
  660. 33 nidid: text ":" text ":" • text
  661. 36 nid: text ":" text ":" • text
  662. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  663. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  664. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  665. ctext go to state 16
  666. text go to state 85
  667. State 73
  668. 46 oattrib: tattr oattrib •
  669. $default reduce using rule 46 (oattrib)
  670. State 74
  671. 34 nid: text •
  672. 35 | text • ":" text
  673. 36 | text • ":" text ":" text
  674. ":" shift, and go to state 86
  675. $default reduce using rule 34 (nid)
  676. State 75
  677. 54 erhs: "-> or --" nid •
  678. 56 | "-> or --" nid • $@8 erhs
  679. "-> or --" reduce using rule 55 ($@8)
  680. $default reduce using rule 54 (erhs)
  681. $@8 go to state 87
  682. State 76
  683. 57 erhs: "-> or --" sstatement •
  684. 59 | "-> or --" sstatement • $@9 erhs
  685. "-> or --" reduce using rule 58 ($@9)
  686. $default reduce using rule 57 (erhs)
  687. $@9 go to state 88
  688. State 77
  689. 50 estatement: nid $@4 erhs $@5 • oattrib
  690. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  691. $default reduce using rule 47 (oattrib)
  692. tattr go to state 60
  693. oattrib go to state 89
  694. State 78
  695. 37 sattr: "text" "=" • text
  696. 38 | "text" "=" • htext
  697. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  698. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  699. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  700. "<html-string>" shift, and go to state 57
  701. ctext go to state 16
  702. text go to state 90
  703. htext go to state 91
  704. State 79
  705. 42 iattr: sattr2 "," • iattr
  706. "text" shift, and go to state 64
  707. $default reduce using rule 44 (iattr)
  708. sattr go to state 65
  709. sattr2 go to state 66
  710. iattr go to state 92
  711. State 80
  712. 43 iattr: sattr2 ";" • iattr
  713. "text" shift, and go to state 64
  714. $default reduce using rule 44 (iattr)
  715. sattr go to state 65
  716. sattr2 go to state 66
  717. iattr go to state 93
  718. State 81
  719. 41 iattr: sattr2 iattr •
  720. $default reduce using rule 41 (iattr)
  721. State 82
  722. 45 tattr: "[" iattr "]" •
  723. $default reduce using rule 45 (tattr)
  724. State 83
  725. 53 estatement: sstatement $@6 erhs $@7 • oattrib
  726. "[" shift, and go to state 50
  727. $default reduce using rule 47 (oattrib)
  728. tattr go to state 60
  729. oattrib go to state 94
  730. State 84
  731. 67 sstatement: shead "{" statements "}" •
  732. $default reduce using rule 67 (sstatement)
  733. State 85
  734. 33 nidid: text ":" text ":" text •
  735. 36 nid: text ":" text ":" text •
  736. "-> or --" reduce using rule 36 (nid)
  737. $default reduce using rule 33 (nidid)
  738. State 86
  739. 35 nid: text ":" • text
  740. 36 | text ":" • text ":" text
  741. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  742. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  743. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  744. ctext go to state 16
  745. text go to state 95
  746. State 87
  747. 56 erhs: "-> or --" nid $@8 • erhs
  748. "-> or --" shift, and go to state 62
  749. erhs go to state 96
  750. State 88
  751. 59 erhs: "-> or --" sstatement $@9 • erhs
  752. "-> or --" shift, and go to state 62
  753. erhs go to state 97
  754. State 89
  755. 50 estatement: nid $@4 erhs $@5 oattrib •
  756. $default reduce using rule 50 (estatement)
  757. State 90
  758. 37 sattr: "text" "=" text •
  759. $default reduce using rule 37 (sattr)
  760. State 91
  761. 38 sattr: "text" "=" htext •
  762. $default reduce using rule 38 (sattr)
  763. State 92
  764. 42 iattr: sattr2 "," iattr •
  765. $default reduce using rule 42 (iattr)
  766. State 93
  767. 43 iattr: sattr2 ";" iattr •
  768. $default reduce using rule 43 (iattr)
  769. State 94
  770. 53 estatement: sstatement $@6 erhs $@7 oattrib •
  771. $default reduce using rule 53 (estatement)
  772. State 95
  773. 35 nid: text ":" text •
  774. 36 | text ":" text • ":" text
  775. ":" shift, and go to state 98
  776. $default reduce using rule 35 (nid)
  777. State 96
  778. 56 erhs: "-> or --" nid $@8 erhs •
  779. $default reduce using rule 56 (erhs)
  780. State 97
  781. 59 erhs: "-> or --" sstatement $@9 erhs •
  782. $default reduce using rule 59 (erhs)
  783. State 98
  784. 36 nid: text ":" text ":" • text
  785. "text" shift, and go to state 12
  786. "number" shift, and go to state 13
  787. "string" shift, and go to state 14
  788. ctext go to state 16
  789. text go to state 99
  790. State 99
  791. 36 nid: text ":" text ":" text •
  792. $default reduce using rule 36 (nid)