123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- # gml graph language lexer+parser to use with packcc parser generator
- %prefix "gml"
- %source{
- #include <stdio.h>
- static const char *dbg_str[] = { "Evaluating rule", "Matched rule", "Abandoning rule" };
- #define PCC_DEBUG(event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length) \
- fprintf(stdout, "%*s%s %s @%d [%.*s]\n", (int)(level * 2), "", dbg_str[event], rule, (int)pos, (int)length, buffer); fflush(stdout)
- /* NOTE: To guarantee the output order, stderr, which can lead a race condition with stdout, is not used. */
- }
- # start of input
- file <- _ head _ 'graph' _ list _ !.
- head <- (pair)*
- list <- '[' _ some_items* _ ']' _
- some_items <- id list2 / pair
- list2 <- '[' _ some_items* _ ']' _
- pair <- (id string) / (id id) / (id fpnum) / (id digit)
- digit <- ( ('-' / '+')? [0-9]+ _ ) { printf("NUMBER=%s\n",$0); }
- fpnum <- ( ('-' / '+')? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+ (['e''E'] ('-' / '+')? [0-9]+ )? _ ) { printf("FPNUMBER=%s\n",$0); }
- id <- < [a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z_0-9]* > _ { printf("ID=%s\n",$0); }
- string <- '"' < char* > '"' _ { printf("STRING=%s\n",$0); }
- char <-
- '\\' "\""
- / '\\' '\\'
- / '\\' 'b'
- / '\\' 'f'
- / '\\' 'n'
- / '\\' 'r'
- / '\\' 't'
- / (!"\"" .)
- _ <- (space / comment)*
- space <- (' ' / '\t' / endofline)
- comment <- '#' (!endofline .)*
- endofline <- ( '\r\n' / '\n' / '\r' / '\n\r' ) { }
- %%
- int main() {
- gml_context_t *ctx = gml_create(NULL);
- while (gml_parse(ctx, NULL)){;}
- gml_destroy(ctx);
- return 0;
- }