colors.gv 947 B

  1. /* some different ways to set colors in a dot graph
  2. * The colors can be in different ways like colornames or html style colors
  3. * A htmlstyle color is #rrggbb as red in #ff0000
  4. */
  5. digraph "colors"
  6. {
  7. /* this sets the background color of the whole drawing */
  8. graph [bgcolor=azure];
  9. /* this sets the textcolor of all nodes in the graph */
  10. node [fontcolor="#0000ff"];
  11. /* this sets the node background color */
  12. "aa" [style=filled fillcolor="#00ff00"];
  13. /* this sets the node background color and border color */
  14. "ab" [style=filled fillcolor="#00ff00" color="#ff0000"];
  15. /* this sets the fontcolor of the node */
  16. "ac" [fontcolor="#ff0000"];
  17. /* this sets the bordercolor to green */
  18. /* to set bordercolor, both fillcolor and color must be used */
  19. "ad" [fillcolor=white color=green];
  20. /* this sets the edgeline color */
  21. "aa"->"ab" [color="#ff0000"];
  22. /* this is default edgeline color black */
  23. "aa"->"ac";
  24. "aa"->"ad";
  25. }