Files to work with Zoneminder.
Your Name 4a2cfa89c8 EVEMTS should be EVENTS | 6 years ago | |
LICENSE | 7 years ago | | | 6 years ago | | | 6 years ago |
A bash script to have API disable/re-enable a camera, should a monitor become unresponsive and unable to restore it. Used in production with FI9805E cameras and Zoneminder 1.29 Devuan Jessie. It will disable/re-enable cameras, as if you had disabled and re-enabled them from the GUI (same functions). Whether it restarts them or not is based on the CURL API request (which returns numbers of events for a given time frame), and whether the results are missing a camera or not. When a camera is absent from the results, then it will disable / re-enable that camera. You specify the camera monitor IDs to search for. You will also get an email notification that a camera was restarted.
This means if you have a quiet modect/nodect camera, it's not as practical (you'd have to set the curl time range to a long/wide time range). But any camera that is expected to record an event every 10 minutes, will be disabled/ re-enabled by this within 15 minutes (with default settings).
It also doubles as email notifications for any 'downed' cameras, because if a camera is unresponsive even after being disabled/re-enabled, you will get multiple emails for the same camera. This can be handy, say if a PSU for a camera fails.
I've set a limit to 7 emails per day. This will keep your inbox from filling up, should cameras truly be down.
For more details: see Zoneminder Wiki: Dummies Guide And the forum post here
git clone
By default the script is set for 1.29 (which provides JSON with line breaks. If you have 1.30.4 switch the comments here.
# For 1.29
grep -Po ^[^:]* $EVENTSFILE | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 | cut -d \" -f 2 > $PARSEFILE
# For 1.30.4
#cat $EVENTSFILE | cut -d \{ -f3 | rev | cut -c 3- | rev | sed 's/,/\'$'\n/g'| cut -d \" -f2 > $PARSEFILE
Here's what I have for my cronjob. You don't need to blank the email counter if you are not sending notification emails.
This is put in /etc/crontab (if you use crontab -e, remove the username)
*/5 * * * * root /root/scripts/
0 1 * * * root echo " " > /root/emailcounter.dat