cross_windows.cate 652 B

  1. //wincate, cross build from a better os
  2. Project cate
  3. cate.compiler = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++" //fight me
  4. cate.files = {recursive("src/*.cpp")}
  5. //the flags are only to make it easier to manage. you really don't want a 3mb cate do you?
  6. cate.build_directory = "cate/build"
  7. cate.flags = "-fpermissive -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffast-math -fno-signed-zeros -ffinite-math-only -std=c++17 -lstdc++fs -Wall -Ofast -static"
  8. cate.libs = {"externals/windows_libfl.a"} //use the static library because i hate windows dlls
  9. cate.incs = {"include"}
  10. cate.threading = true
  11. cate.smolize = true //save a few hundred kilobytes
  12. cate.out = "out/cate.exe"