An Easy and Modern Build System For C/C++ With Readable Syntax.

Yogurt 48fa6ebe8d WORK AKREADY 1 year ago
.vscode 4b6ebb9b9f forgot to add catel 1 year ago
cate 083d069a3a reduced readbility, improved windows build 1 year ago
examples b5a4759ebc better gitignores 1 year ago
externals 1c1d48459c it wants me to recommit? 1 year ago
include ebc0b79648 more readable except not 1 year ago
src 8cdc384479 fixed typo in readme and did something else in recursive 1 year ago
.catel 1c1d48459c it wants me to recommit? 1 year ago
.gitignore b5a4759ebc better gitignores 1 year ago
LICENSE.txt 1c1d48459c it wants me to recommit? 1 year ago 3ced472747 doesn't discriminate 1 year ago 01d4aa8197 fixed segfault 1 year ago
cate_carbon_example 8f6813e693 better example 1 year ago
cate_example.png 81e4832326 WORK AKREADY 1 year ago 1c1d48459c it wants me to recommit? 1 year ago
makefile a8c6daef74 small changes 1 year ago 48fa6ebe8d WORK AKREADY 1 year ago

Cate: A Build System for the sane.

Cate is a simple build system for C/C++ with C-like syntax.


Cate is a simple and fast build system for C/C++, its syntax is much simpler than the other build systems. While Cate is slower than Make, it's is much easier to set up and create projects and libraries with.

Cate does not have a Windows release as of yet because of our laziness

Unlike CMake and other build systems, Cate does not require Make and is not Turing complete. Cate is more like a wrapper state-machine for GCC/clang than an object oriented build system (unlike CMake), or a build system programming language (also unlike CMake).

Cate is not written in Rust and never will be; Cate has 0 memory leaks thanks to a practice known as "knowing how memory works".

Do note:

  • We know the source code isn't great, it was our first project.
  • Cate uses Catel, a messy file type that allows default files.
  • Cate uses robin_hood hashing, since it's 20% more efficient (on average)
  • Cate does not support \" characters in string literals, nor string splitting.

Installing Cate

If you're still here; that means you suffered enough CMake to reconsider your life choices, Thank you for choosing Cate!


Run the following commands:

sudo dpkg -i cate_2.2-0_amd64.deb
rm cate_2.2-0_amd64.deb

Other distributions

Run the following commands:

mkdir catering
cd catering
sudo ./
cd ..
rm -rf catering

Building from source

Make sure you have these installed:

  • A Unix-like operating system
  • A C++17 compiler (g++ or clang++)
  • GNU Flex 2.6.4 or greater (setup here)


Run ./, It'll ask you if you'd like to install at the end.

Using Cate

Run cate, Unlike Make; It'll automatically detect the thread count.

Use sudo cate install to install

Using Make

Run make -jN where N is your thread count, you don't want it to build single-threaded.

Use sudo make install to install

Using Cate

Cate's CLI is intuitive, but doesn't offer much. You can not set cflags with a command (unlike Autotools), but you get the minimum required to work with Cate.

Flags (Options)

  • -tN: Set thread count to N. Cate automatically detects thread count so this isn't required.
  • -l: Lists Catefiles in Catefiles directory (set by Catel).
  • -D: Disable all user-defined system() calls in script.
  • -f: Forcefully rebuild project, by deleting its object files
  • -v: Shows the installed Cate version.
  • -h: Shows help and Cate version.

Creating a Cate project

Create the following structure

  |_ build.cate


  |_ main.c

Or use the following commands

mkdir cate include src
touch cate/build.cate src/main.c

(We are working on a tool called "cater" which will do this and more automatically)

Creating Catefiles (Catering)

You've come this far! Good Job!

Cate breaks most known build system conventions by forcing you to use multiple files for different targets and having a file extension (unlike CMake, Make, Autotools, and many more). For a debug build; you'll have a debug.cate. For a cross-platform build; you'll have a platformname.cate.


Cate uses C-like syntax with the exception of it being a "state-machine" rather than a language. It does not support int literals (0123456789) as of yet (and hopefully forever).

Cate does not support =; syntax

There are only two class types, Project and Library.

Example project

Project project;
project.files = {"src/main.c"};
project.includes = {"include"};
project.libs = {/*add libraries here*/};
project.flags = "-O2";
project.out = "project";;

Libraries require a parameter called LibraryType which can be either static or dynamic

Example library (not in example project)

Library library(static)
library.files = {"src/main.c"};
library.includes = {"include"};
library.libs = {/*add libraries here*/};
library.flags = "-O2";
library.out = "out/liblibrary.a";;


Both classes have these properties, even if they don't make sense for the class

  • Array<String> files: Files of the project/library. No default.
  • Array<String> incs|includes|include_paths: Include paths of the project/library. No default.

  • String out: The output file name. Defaults to identifier.

  • String compiler: The compiler to use. Default is cc.

  • String obj_dir|object_dir|build_dir|build_directory: The folder it'd store object files in.

  • String flags: The cflags of the project/library, All object files are compiled with them. Default is empty.

  • String final_flags: The cflags ran at the end (linking step) of the project/library's compilation. Default is empty.

  • bool link: Whether to run the linking step or not. Default is true.

  • bool threading: Whether to add -pthread to build command. Default is false.

  • bool smol|smolize: Whether to attempt to reduce output-file's size with minimal to no performance loss. Default is false.

  • LibraryType type: Type of library, static or dynamic. Gets from library "constructor".

Class methods

  • void build(): Builds project/library.
  • void clean(): Deletes project/library's build directory.

General functions

  • Array<String> recursive(String path): Get all files in path ending with an extension. Example: project.files = recursive("src/*.c");
  • void system(String command): Run command. Would be skipped if user runs Cate with the -D flag.


A Catel file (.catel) is a dumb file made to point cate at the right directory, and use a default file.

Here's an example Catel file:

def smol.cate
dir cate


  • Yogurt (Main Maintainer)
  • Latte (Bug fixer)