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  50. <h1>
  51. <small class="visible-xs">komutan v0.1.0</small>
  52. KomutanWeb
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  54. <section id="summary" class="details-list">
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  60. Summary
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  62. <div class="summary-functions summary">
  63. <h2>
  64. <a href="#functions">Functions</a>
  65. </h2>
  66. <div class="summary-row">
  67. <div class="summary-signature">
  68. <a href="#start/2">start(type, args)</a>
  69. </div>
  70. <div class="summary-synopsis"><p>Called when an application is started</p>
  71. </div>
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  81. Functions
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  89. <span class="signature">start(type, args)</span>
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  91. <section class="docstring">
  92. <p>Called when an application is started.</p>
  93. <p>This function is called when an application is started using
  94. <a href="https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Application.html#start/2"><code class="inline">Application.start/2</code></a> (and functions on top of that, such as
  95. <a href="https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Application.html#ensure_started/2"><code class="inline">Application.ensure_started/2</code></a>). This function should start the top-level
  96. process of the application (which should be the top supervisor of the
  97. application’s supervision tree if the application follows the OTP design
  98. principles around supervision).</p>
  99. <p><code class="inline">start_type</code> defines how the application is started:</p>
  100. <ul>
  101. <li><code class="inline">:normal</code> - used if the startup is a normal startup or if the application
  102. is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover
  103. from another node and the application specification key <code class="inline">:start_phases</code>
  104. is <code class="inline">:undefined</code>.
  105. </li>
  106. <li><code class="inline">{:takeover, node}</code> - used if the application is distributed and is
  107. started on the current node because of a failover on the node <code class="inline">node</code>.
  108. </li>
  109. <li><code class="inline">{:failover, node}</code> - used if the application is distributed and is
  110. started on the current node because of a failover on node <code class="inline">node</code>, and the
  111. application specification key <code class="inline">:start_phases</code> is not <code class="inline">:undefined</code>.
  112. </li>
  113. </ul>
  114. <p><code class="inline">start_args</code> are the arguments passed to the application in the <code class="inline">:mod</code>
  115. specification key (e.g., <code class="inline">mod: {MyApp, [:my_args]}</code>).</p>
  116. <p>This function should either return <code class="inline">{:ok, pid}</code> or <code class="inline">{:ok, pid, state}</code> if
  117. startup is successful. <code class="inline">pid</code> should be the PID of the top supervisor. <code class="inline">state</code>
  118. can be an arbitrary term, and if omitted will default to <code class="inline">[]</code>; if the
  119. application is later stopped, <code class="inline">state</code> is passed to the <code class="inline">stop/1</code> callback (see
  120. the documentation for the <code class="inline">c:stop/1</code> callback for more information).</p>
  121. <p><code class="inline">use Application</code> provides no default implementation for the <a href="#start/2"><code class="inline">start/2</code></a>
  122. callback.</p>
  123. <p>Callback implementation for <a href="https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Application.html#c:start/2"><code class="inline">Application.start/2</code></a>.</p>
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  131. <a href="https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc" title="ExDoc" rel="help" target="_blank">ExDoc</a> (v0.18.3),
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  133. <span class="line">
  134. designed by
  135. <a href="https://twitter.com/dignifiedquire" target="_blank" title="@dignifiedquire">Friedel Ziegelmayer</a>.
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