123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224 |
- /*
- * TOP2049 Open Source programming suite
- *
- * FPGA bottom half - common macros
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Buesch <m@bues.ch>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
- /** ADDR_OK_BIT - The "address OK" bit */
- `define ADDR_OK_BIT 4
- /** ADDR - Create a command address.
- * @BASE: The address base.
- */
- `define ADDR(BASE) ((BASE) | (8'h01 << `ADDR_OK_BIT))
- /** BOTTOMHALF_BEGIN - Begin bottom-half module
- * @NAME: The bitfile name
- * @ID_MAJOR: Major runtime ID (16 bit). Allocated in file 'RUNTIME_IDS'.
- * @ID_MINOR: Minor runtime ID (8 bit)
- */
- module NAME(__data, __ale, __write, __read, __osc, zif); \
- inout [7:0] __data; \
- input __ale; \
- input __write; \
- input __read; \
- input __osc; \
- inout [48:1] zif; \
- \
- parameter __id_major = ID_MAJOR; \
- parameter __id_minor = ID_MINOR; \
- \
- reg [7:0] __addr_latch; \
- reg [7:0] out_data; \
- wire [7:0] in_data; \
- assign in_data = __data; \
- \
- wire __ale_signal; \
- IBUFG __ale_ibufg(.I(__ale), .O(__ale_signal)); \
- \
- /* constant low/high signals */ \
- wire low, high; \
- assign low = 0; \
- assign high = 1; \
- \
- /* Delay counter, based on 24MHz __osc. */ \
- reg [15:0] __delay_count; \
- wire osc_signal; \
- IBUF __osc_ibuf(.I(__osc), .O(osc_signal)); \
- \
- /* Command state */ \
- reg [1:0] __cmd_running; \
- reg [7:0] __cmd; \
- reg [7:0] __cmd_state;
- /** BOTTOMHALF_END - End bottom-half module */
- `define BOTTOMHALF_END \
- always @(negedge __ale_signal) begin \
- __addr_latch <= __data; \
- end \
- \
- wire __data_oe; \
- assign __data_oe = !__read && __addr_latch[`ADDR_OK_BIT]; \
- \
- bufif0(__data[0], out_data[0], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[1], out_data[1], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[2], out_data[2], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[3], out_data[3], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[4], out_data[4], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[5], out_data[5], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[6], out_data[6], !__data_oe); \
- bufif0(__data[7], out_data[7], !__data_oe); \
- endmodule
- /** INITIAL_BEGIN - Begin initialization section. */
- `define INITIAL_BEGIN \
- initial begin \
- __addr_latch <= 0; \
- out_data <= 0; \
- __delay_count <= 0; \
- __cmd_running <= 0; \
- __cmd <= 0; \
- __cmd_state <= 0;
- /** INITIAL_END - End initialization section. */
- `define INITIAL_END \
- end /* initial */
- /** INITIAL_NONE - Defines a dummy initial section. */
- `define INITIAL_NONE \
- /** ASYNCPROC_BEGIN - Begin asynchronous OSC-based processing section. */
- always @(posedge osc_signal) begin \
- if (__delay_count == 0) begin \
- /* Payload code follows... */
- /** ASYNCPROC_END - End asynchronous section. */
- `define ASYNCPROC_END \
- end else begin \
- __delay_count <= __delay_count - 1; \
- end /* if */ \
- end /* always */
- /** ASYNCPROC_NONE - Defines a dummy asynchronous section. */
- `define ASYNCPROC_NONE \
- /** UDELAY - Microsecond delay.
- * @USEC: Number of microseconds to delay. Maximum is 2730.
- */
- `define UDELAY(USEC) __delay_count <= (24 * USEC) - 1;
- /** DATAWRITE_BEGIN - Begin "write" section.
- * The section body is the body of a "case" statement on the address.
- */
- always @(posedge __write) begin \
- case (__addr_latch)
- /** DATAWRITE_END - End "write" section. */
- `define DATAWRITE_END \
- default: begin end /* nothing */ \
- endcase \
- end /* always */
- /** DATAREAD_BEGIN - Begin "read" section.
- * The section body is the body of a "case" statement on the address.
- */
- `define DATAREAD_BEGIN \
- always @(negedge __read) begin \
- case (__addr_latch)
- /** DATAREAD_END - End "read" section. */
- `define DATAREAD_END \
- 8'hFD: out_data <= __id_major; \
- 8'hFE: out_data <= __id_major >> 8; \
- 8'hFF: out_data <= __id_minor; \
- default: out_data <= 0; \
- endcase \
- end /* always */
- /** ZIF_BUF0 - Declare a ZIF buffer with negative outen.
- * @PIN: The pin number.
- * @OUT: The output signal.
- * @NOUTEN: The output enable signal, active low.
- */
- `define ZIF_BUF0(PIN, OUT, NOUTEN) \
- bufif0(zif[PIN], OUT, NOUTEN);
- /** ZIF_BUF1 - Declare a ZIF buffer with positive outen.
- * @PIN: The pin number.
- * @OUT: The output signal.
- * @OUTEN: The output enable signal, active high.
- */
- `define ZIF_BUF1(PIN, OUT, OUTEN) \
- bufif1(zif[PIN], OUT, OUTEN);
- /** ZIF_UNUSED - Declare a ZIF pin as unused.
- * @PIN: The pin number.
- * The ZIF pin is tied low.
- */
- `define ZIF_UNUSED(PIN) \
- `ZIF_BUF0(PIN, low, low)
- /** CMD_RUN - Run a command.
- * @NR: The command number.
- */
- `define CMD_RUN(NR) \
- __cmd <= (NR); \
- __cmd_running[0] <= ~__cmd_running[1];
- /** CMD_RUNFLG_SYNC - Returns the synchronous run flag. */
- `define CMD_RUNFLG_SYNC __cmd_running[0]
- /** CMD_RUNFLG_ASYNC - Returns the asynchronous run flag. */
- `define CMD_RUNFLG_ASYNC __cmd_running[1]
- /** CMD_IS_RUNNING - Returns a boolean whether a command is running. */
- /** CMD_NR - Returns the current command number. */
- `define CMD_NR __cmd
- /** CMD_IS - Returns a boolean whether a certain command is running.
- * @NR: The command number to check.
- */
- `define CMD_IS(NR) (`CMD_IS_RUNNING && `CMD_NR == (NR))
- /** CMD_FINISH - Finishes a command. */
- `define CMD_FINISH \
- __cmd_running[1] <= __cmd_running[0]; \
- __cmd_state <= 0;
- /** CMD_STATE - Get command state. */
- `define CMD_STATE __cmd_state
- /** CMD_STATE_SET - Set command state.
- * @VALUE: New value.
- */
- `define CMD_STATE_SET(VALUE) \
- __cmd_state <= (VALUE);
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- */