123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # PROFIBUS DP - Configuration file parser
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Michael Buesch <m@bues.ch>
- #
- # Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
- # or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
- from pyprofibus.compat import *
- from pyprofibus.gsd.interp import GsdInterp
- from pyprofibus.gsd.parser import GsdError
- from pyprofibus.util import *
- import re
- import sys
- from io import StringIO
- if isPy2Compat:
- from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as _ConfigParser
- from ConfigParser import Error as _ConfigParserError
- else:
- from configparser import ConfigParser as _ConfigParser
- from configparser import Error as _ConfigParserError
- __all__ = [
- "PbConfError",
- "PbConf",
- ]
- def loadGsd(name, debug=0):
- exceptions = []
- # Try name as a direct file name.
- try:
- return GsdInterp.fromFile(name, debug=(debug > 0))
- except GsdError as e:
- exceptions.append(str(e))
- # Try to interpret the name as a module name.
- try:
- if "/" not in name:
- mod = name.replace(".gsd", "_gsd")
- return GsdInterp.fromPy(mod, debug=(debug > 0))
- except GsdError as e:
- exceptions.append(str(e))
- # Try to interpret the name as a module name with leading fs path components stripped.
- try:
- slashIdx = name.rfind("/")
- if slashIdx >= 0:
- mod = name[slashIdx + 1 : ].replace(".gsd", "_gsd")
- return GsdInterp.fromPy(mod, debug=(debug > 0))
- except GsdError as e:
- exceptions.append(str(e))
- raise GsdError("\n".join(exceptions))
- class PbConfError(ProfibusError):
- pass
- class PbConf(object):
- """Pyprofibus configuration file parser.
- """
- class _SlaveConf(object):
- """Slave configuration.
- """
- index = None
- name = None
- addr = None
- gsd = None
- syncMode = None
- freezeMode = None
- groupMask = None
- watchdogMs = None
- inputSize = None
- outputSize = None
- diagPeriod = None
- def makeDpSlaveDesc(self):
- """Create a DpSlaveDesc instance based on the configuration.
- """
- from pyprofibus.dp_master import DpSlaveDesc
- slaveDesc = DpSlaveDesc(self)
- # Create Chk_Cfg telegram
- slaveDesc.setCfgDataElements(self.gsd.getCfgDataElements())
- # Set User_Prm_Data
- slaveDesc.setUserPrmData(self.gsd.getUserPrmData())
- # Set various standard parameters
- slaveDesc.setSyncMode(self.syncMode)
- slaveDesc.setFreezeMode(self.freezeMode)
- slaveDesc.setGroupMask(self.groupMask)
- slaveDesc.setWatchdog(self.watchdogMs)
- return slaveDesc
- # [PROFIBUS] section
- debug = None
- # [PHY] section
- phyType = None
- phyDev = None
- phyBaud = None
- phyRtsCts = None
- phyDsrDtr = None
- phySpiBus = None
- phySpiCS = None
- phySpiSpeedHz = None
- # [DP] section
- dpMasterClass = None
- dpMasterAddr = None
- # [SLAVE_xxx] sections
- slaveConfs = None
- @classmethod
- def fromFile(cls, filename):
- if isPy2Compat:
- with open(filename, "r") as fd:
- return cls(fd, filename)
- else:
- with open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fd:
- return cls(fd, filename)
- __reSlave = re.compile(r'^SLAVE_(\d+)$')
- __reMod = re.compile(r'^module_(\d+)$')
- def __init__(self, fd, filename=None):
- def get(section, option, fallback = None):
- if p.has_option(section, option):
- return p.get(section, option)
- if fallback is None:
- raise ValueError("Option [%s] '%s' does not exist." % (
- section, option))
- return fallback
- def getboolean(section, option, fallback = None):
- if p.has_option(section, option):
- return p.getboolean(section, option)
- if fallback is None:
- raise ValueError("Option [%s] '%s' does not exist." % (
- section, option))
- return fallback
- def getint(section, option, fallback = None):
- if p.has_option(section, option):
- return p.getint(section, option)
- if fallback is None:
- raise ValueError("Option [%s] '%s' does not exist." % (
- section, option))
- return fallback
- try:
- p = _ConfigParser()
- if hasattr(p, "read_file"):
- p.read_file(fd, filename)
- else:
- p.readfp(fd, filename)
- self.debug = getint("PROFIBUS", "debug",
- fallback=0)
- # [PHY]
- self.phyType = get("PHY", "type",
- fallback="serial")
- self.phyDev = get("PHY", "dev",
- fallback="/dev/ttyS0")
- self.phyBaud = getint("PHY", "baud",
- fallback=9600)
- self.phyRtsCts = getboolean("PHY", "rtscts",
- fallback=False)
- self.phyDsrDtr = getboolean("PHY", "dsrdtr",
- fallback=False)
- self.phySpiBus = getint("PHY", "spiBus",
- fallback=0)
- self.phySpiCS = getint("PHY", "spiCS",
- fallback=0)
- self.phySpiSpeedHz = getint("PHY", "spiSpeedHz",
- fallback=1000000)
- # [DP]
- self.dpMasterClass = getint("DP", "master_class",
- fallback=1)
- if self.dpMasterClass not in {1, 2}:
- raise ValueError("Invalid master_class")
- self.dpMasterAddr = getint("DP", "master_addr",
- fallback=0x02)
- if self.dpMasterAddr < 0 or self.dpMasterAddr > 127:
- raise ValueError("Invalid master_addr")
- self.slaveConfs = []
- for section in p.sections():
- m = self.__reSlave.match(section)
- if not m:
- continue
- index = int(m.group(1))
- s = self._SlaveConf()
- s.index = index
- s.name = get(section, "name", section)
- s.addr = getint(section, "addr")
- s.gsd = loadGsd(get(section, "gsd"), self.debug)
- s.syncMode = getboolean(section, "sync_mode",
- fallback=False)
- s.freezeMode = getboolean(section, "freeze_mode",
- fallback=False)
- s.groupMask = getboolean(section, "group_mask",
- fallback=1)
- if s.groupMask < 0 or s.groupMask > 0xFF:
- raise ValueError("Invalid group_mask")
- s.watchdogMs = getint(section, "watchdog_ms",
- fallback=5000)
- if s.watchdogMs < 0 or s.watchdogMs > 255 * 255:
- raise ValueError("Invalid watchdog_ms")
- s.inputSize = getint(section, "input_size")
- if s.inputSize < 0 or s.inputSize > 246:
- raise ValueError("Invalid input_size")
- s.outputSize = getint(section, "output_size")
- if s.outputSize < 0 or s.outputSize > 246:
- raise ValueError("Invalid output_size")
- s.diagPeriod = getint(section, "diag_period", 0)
- if s.diagPeriod < 0 or s.diagPeriod > 0x3FFFFFFF:
- raise ValueError("Invalid diag_period")
- mods = [ o for o in p.options(section)
- if self.__reMod.match(o) ]
- mods.sort(key = lambda o: int(self.__reMod.match(o).group(1)))
- if s.gsd.isModular():
- for option in mods:
- s.gsd.setConfiguredModule(get(section, option))
- elif mods:
- print("Warning: Some modules are specified in the config file, "
- "but the station is 'Compact': Modular_Station=0.",
- file=sys.stderr)
- self.slaveConfs.append(s)
- except (IOError, UnicodeError) as e:
- raise PbConfError("Failed to read '%s': %s" %\
- (filename, str(e)))
- except (_ConfigParserError, ValueError) as e:
- raise PbConfError("Profibus config file parse "
- "error:\n%s" % str(e))
- except GsdError as e:
- raise PbConfError("Failed to parse GSD file:\n%s" % str(e))
- def makePhy(self):
- """Create a CP-PHY instance based on the configuration.
- """
- phyType = self.phyType.lower().strip()
- if phyType == "serial":
- import pyprofibus.phy_serial
- phyClass = pyprofibus.phy_serial.CpPhySerial
- extraKwArgs = {}
- elif phyType in {"dummyslave", "dummy_slave", "dummy-slave"}:
- import pyprofibus.phy_dummy
- phyClass = pyprofibus.phy_dummy.CpPhyDummySlave
- extraKwArgs = {
- "echoDX" : all(slaveConf.outputSize > 0
- for slaveConf in self.slaveConfs),
- "echoDXSize" : max(slaveConf.outputSize
- for slaveConf in self.slaveConfs),
- }
- elif phyType == "fpga":
- import pyprofibus.phy_fpga
- phyClass = pyprofibus.phy_fpga.CpPhyFPGA
- extraKwArgs = {}
- else:
- raise PbConfError("Invalid phyType parameter value: "
- "%s" % self.phyType)
- phy = phyClass(debug=(self.debug >= 2),
- port=self.phyDev,
- spiBus=self.phySpiBus,
- spiCS=self.phySpiCS,
- spiSpeedHz=self.phySpiSpeedHz,
- **extraKwArgs)
- phy.setConfig(baudrate=self.phyBaud,
- rtscts=self.phyRtsCts,
- dsrdtr=self.phyDsrDtr)
- return phy
- def makeDPM(self, phy=None):
- """Create a DpMaster and a CP-PHY instance based on the configuration.
- Returns the DpMaster instance.
- """
- if phy is None:
- # Create a PHY (layer 1) interface object.
- phy = self.makePhy()
- # Create a DP class 1 or 2 master.
- from pyprofibus.dp_master import DPM1, DPM2
- if self.dpMasterClass == 1:
- DpMasterClass = DPM1
- elif self.dpMasterClass == 2:
- DpMasterClass = DPM2
- else:
- raise PbConfError("Invalid dpMasterClass parameter value: "
- "%d" % self.dpMasterClass)
- master = DpMasterClass(phy=phy,
- masterAddr=self.dpMasterAddr,
- debug=(self.debug >= 1))
- return master