L3Q is an abbreviation for: Light, Light, Lightweight Queue. L3Q is a system to run processes/programs in parallell or in sequence on multiple nodes. L3Q is a python implementation of light, light, lightway queue.
最終更新 4 日 前
Prints usage of resources for a single user. If no user is specified the current user usage will be printed.
最終更新 8 ヶ月 前
pwg-web is short for PassWordGenerator web. It is a tiny webapp to generate random passwords
最終更新 1 年間 前
RsQueue is a light, light, lightweight queuing system to run processes/programs in parallel or in sequence on multiple nodes.
最終更新 1 年間 前
Notes with priority. PrioNote is built with Librem5 in mind but will work well in any Gtk4 environment.
最終更新 1 年間 前