#62 Added install script for void

vimuser sapludināja 1 revīzijas no shmalebx9/master uz libreboot/master 3 gadi atpakaļ

Quickly put together the deps script for void. The script itself works fine, but I currently can't build memtest. I know it's an issue with memtest specifically because I used to be able to make builds fine on void before memtest was added to more boards. The script is fine to merge in its current state though.

Quickly put together the deps script for void. The script itself works fine, but I currently can't build memtest. I know it's an issue with memtest specifically because I used to be able to make builds fine on void before memtest was added to more boards. The script is fine to merge in its current state though.
Leah Rowe komentēja 3 gadi atpakaļ


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