#152 haswell s3 suspend/resume still broken on libre mrc

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط vimuser · 1 دیدگاه

proprietary mrc.bin is fine, those configs work perfectly now

however, the haswell configs with libre mrc still have have broken s3 suspend/resume

fix it

proprietary mrc.bin is fine, those configs work perfectly now however, the haswell configs with libre mrc still have have broken s3 suspend/resume fix it

Funny thing, after switching my X200 to the latest testing, I have had almost no issues, except whenever, I have a usb plugged into the computer before I boot it. If this happens, it boots quite slow and I do mean extremely slow and same for when I shut it down. The odd thing is, it didn't used to be this slow last I checked.

This being said, other than that, the testing release looks fine, for my X200.

Not being a brick is a good sign for that.

Didn't know if anyone else reported this.

Funny thing, after switching my X200 to the latest testing, I have had almost no issues, except whenever, I have a usb plugged into the computer before I boot it. If this happens, it boots quite slow and I do mean extremely slow and same for when I shut it down. The odd thing is, it didn't used to be this slow last I checked. This being said, other than that, the testing release looks fine, for my X200. Not being a brick is a good sign for that. Didn't know if anyone else reported this.
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