Xresources 947 B

  1. ! XTerm configurations by the vman.
  2. ! These are mostly indicated to turn xterm into a full-fledged
  3. ! terminal emulator (like gnome-terminal or konsole) only with the
  4. ! added benefit that it wont consume as much RAM. Awesome.
  5. ! Also highly recommended for those who like multiplexing apps.
  6. *visualBell: false
  7. XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
  8. XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
  9. ! - Colors: thanks, archlinux!
  10. XTerm*foreground: #DBD6DB
  11. XTerm*background: #0A0909
  12. !black
  13. *color0: rgb:00/00/00
  14. *color8: rgb:26/27/29
  15. !red
  16. *color1: rgb:80/32/32
  17. *color9: rgb:9e/18/28
  18. !green
  19. *color2: rgb:5b/76/2f
  20. *color10: rgb:89/b8/3f
  21. !brown/yellow
  22. *color3: rgb:aa/99/43
  23. *coror11: rgb:c4/a0/00
  24. !blue
  25. *color4: rgb:32/4c/80
  26. *color12: rgb:20/4a/87
  27. !magenta
  28. *color5: rgb:ce/5c/00
  29. *color13: rgb:f5/79/00
  30. !cyan
  31. *color6: rgb:51/7d/8a
  32. *color14: rgb:46/a4/ff
  33. !white
  34. *color7: rgb:aa/aa/99
  35. *color15: rgb:bb/bb/aa