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Tips, tricks, gists and notes about working on the command-line on Linux

This repo is like my notebook where I write snippets of code, commands and other nuggets of knowledge about working with Linux on the command-line only.

In my conception, the command-line is the fastest and most efficient way to do Systems Administration in GNU/Linux, and often the only way to do many things, especially when you are working with remote machines. That's why, as part of my always ongoing study of how Linux works and how to do things with it, I decided to store my notes and things I learned here, where hopefully other people will find it usable as well.

So, for starters, here's one trick: you serve this repository locally as a "read-only Wiki" like this:

git clone
mkdir cliwiki

for page in cli-working-tips
    markdown "$page" > cliwiki/${page}.html

cd cliwiki
python3 -m http.serve 8080

Now you can access this locally on your browser at http://localhost:8080.