kim created new branch master at kim/NoGafam
5 years ago
kim created repository kim/NoGafam
5 years ago
kim commented on issue diogo/gnu-social#56
[INSTALLER] A new and more modern visualThe images are broken but, I'm with you, the behavior of the bootstrap 4 switches it's a bit confused, maybe this one with pure css will be better:
5 years ago
kim pushed to master at kim/gnu-social
5 years ago
kim forked a repository to kim/gnu-social
5 years ago
kim commented on issue diogo/gnu-social#40
Installer new visual using Bootstrap 4Sorry I'm not familiar with largest repositories with other participants and a lot of branches... I will learn ;)
5 years ago
kim merged pull request kim/YandexTranslate#1
Use user's language by default instead of spanish
5 years ago
kim closed pull request kim/YandexTranslate#1
Use user's language by default instead of spanish5 years ago
kim created new branch master at kim/YandexTranslate
5 years ago
kim created repository kim/YandexTranslate
5 years ago