Personal install scripts I've created for myself ( obsolete )

Christian K f959c2257b declare obsolete in il y a 9 ans
desktop 97cf55afa1 update laptop and desktop install scripts il y a 10 ans
laptop 97cf55afa1 update laptop and desktop install scripts il y a 10 ans
server fa227a8e33 add zsh to all 2nd part scripts il y a 10 ans 146628a138 fix simlink for timezone il y a 10 ans f959c2257b declare obsolete in il y a 9 ans

Various Arch install scripts I've made for my own purpose, fork as you wish! ( obsolete, use only for reference )

#To use them:

Boot into the Arch image ( preferably newer than 6 months ) with either a CD or Flash drive. connect to network ( skip if using wired ): wifi-menu

Install Git: pacman -Sy git

clone: git clone

change over to the newly cloned repo: cd arch-o-matic

execute the initial script: sh

and have fun.