Simple 3D library for openscad that makes it easy to generate the most common bar and tube profiles.

quirxi ee4353d253 Added link to thingiverse. 7 years ago
pics 36b0a93302 Initial commit. 7 years ago
BarsAndTubes.scad 36b0a93302 Initial commit. 7 years ago
BarsAndTubes.stl 36b0a93302 Initial commit. 7 years ago ee4353d253 Added link to thingiverse. 7 years ago


Simple 3D library for openscad that makes it easy to generate the most common bar and tube profiles.



Just include the file BarsAndTubes.scad in the beginning of your scad file like this:

include <BarsAndTubes.scad>;


Up to now there are following basic metal profiles available:

Hexagonal Bar: hexBar( barWidth,barLength );

Hexagonal Bar

Rectangular Bar: rectangularBar( barWidth,barHeight,barLength );

Rectangular Bar

Square Bar: squareBar( barWidth,barLength );

Square Bar

Round Bar: roundBar( barDiameter,barLength );

Round Bar

Rectangular Tube: rectangularTube( tubeWidth, tubeHeight, tubeLength, tubeWall );

Rectangular Tube

Square Tube: squareTube( tubeHeight, tubeLength, tubeWall );

Square Tube

Round Tube: roundTube( tubeDiameter, tubeLength, tubeWall );

Round Tube

Angle Iron: angleIron( angleWidth, angleHeight, angleLength, angleWall );

Angle Iron

U Profile: uProfile( uprofileWidth, uprofileHeight, uprofileLength, uprofileWall );

U Profile




Distributed under the MIT License.