
karlos commented on issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#20

Add a view for private messages

In https://halcyon.anoxinon.de/ labeled as V2.1, I don't see a letter symbol or a messages timeline

6 years ago

karlos reopened issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#34

PMs not in the main- but an extra timeline

6 years ago

karlos closed issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#34

PMs not in the main- but an extra timeline

6 years ago

karlos commented on issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#34

PMs not in the main- but an extra timeline

Ok, an Issue may be tested but not released. And its state is "done". Sorry, I did not check the "done". There sould be an extra state.

6 years ago

karlos opened issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#34

PMs not in the main- but an extra timeline

6 years ago

karlos commented on issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#31

Using Symols while toot editing crashes and looses the text

Oh yes, sorry. It's

6 years ago

karlos commented on issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#31

Using Symols while toot editing crashes and looses the text

That mystic character F04A abowe is a smily.

6 years ago

karlos opened issue halcyon-suite/halcyon#30

Startseite Föderiert Benachrichtigungen #OpenSteetMap

6 years ago