Version 21.112 ( Blender Dumbass Theme and further Multiuser Improvments )
Jeison Yehuda Amihud (Blender Dumbass) mengedit halaman ini 4 tahun lalu

Blender Dumbass Theme

Blender Dumbass is my tutorial channel. Where I post various parody style Blender Tutorials. From 2018 to 2019 there was a period of a channel when everything was in red. The entire channel style was theme red. Up to the mouse cursor.

So I made a theme about that time.

You can select the theme in the settings.

Multiuser Improvements

This update change a couple of thing in the multiuser.

  • Schedule Username Menu. Now you can select the name of anybody in the multiuser network to send them the scheduled task when editing the task.
  • Main Checklist Synchronization. I completely forgot about the /set/project.progress file when writing the multiuser. So any other checklist was syncing but not this one. I fixed it in this release.
  • Checked Schedules Was Wanky. Something was not synchronized well. When I editing the checklists. The analytics would not update.