Dumbass.data 12 KB

  1. []
  2. checkingpythonmodules = [Is PYTHON Fucking High?]
  3. checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Unmotherfuckering VCStudio...]
  4. desktopcreated = [ Guess what, dumbass. Now you can launch VCStudio normally.]
  5. checked = [Cool]
  6. cancel = [Fuck]
  7. failed = [Fucked]
  8. missingmoduleserror = [ motherfuckers. Type Fix to kill them.]
  9. missingmodulenotification = [Somethings is fucked with the modules. Terminal has the asnwers.]
  10. imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Hey, motherfucker. SUP?]
  11. PMConsoleExplanation = [
  12. Ah... Well. Dude. You got this fucking version. I mean Terminal based fucking
  13. version.
  14. Remember. That's ain't your sexy Gt-cunt. So don't expect being able to do
  15. everything through here.
  16. Type help to know what the fuck to do.]
  17. pm_console_help = [
  18. help - Idk why is this here. You just fucking typed it.
  19. set_language - Don't even dare changing Dumbass to something like English. I fucking dare you.
  20. projects_list - It's like when you forgot your kid's name because there so many o' them.
  21. set_folder - Put a place where childer gonna be fucking born.
  22. new_project - Fucking. I mean making babies. I mean creating a fucking child.
  23. project - In-out with the baby. But without the out. You just go in.
  24. scan - like what if you have babies and you don't know about them. Fucking happens.
  25. convert - It's like cutting a fucking person to peaces, gluing him back together. And hoping that he's still alive.
  26. exit - In-out without the in. Because if you don't get out in time. He got a baby. Deal with it.
  27. ]
  28. pm-do-new-project-error = [Where the fuck I do the project?
  29. Use set_folder to fucking tell me.]
  30. Current = [The current]
  31. Name = [We call it]
  32. Wait = [Waeh]
  33. project-manager = [Fucking - Chooser]
  34. createnewproject_tooltip = [Make a fucking project]
  35. scanforprojects_tooltip = [See if your shitty system
  36. has any fucking projects already.]
  37. convertoldproject_tooltip = [Make old thing, a new thing.]
  38. pm_internet_tooltip = [If you dumb, motherfucker, click here.]
  39. Update = [Download new motherfucker]
  40. Settings = [Change stuff]
  41. UI_testing_tooltip = [Make everything look shitty]
  42. pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [You know. I need a fucking folder
  43. to make a project. Like really. ]
  44. new_project_name = [Here is the name of you fucking project]
  45. duringscanningforprojects = [Don't touch!!! I'm fucking searching...]
  46. Developer = [Fatherfucker]
  47. help_movies_done_title = [Fucking Filmography of VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
  48. In_Production = [Still struggling to make.]
  49. help_tutorial_title = [Videos for dumbasses:]
  50. ClickToWatch = [Click to get smarter.]
  51. tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Video for a dumbass]
  52. tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Video for a dumbass]
  53. tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Video for a dumbass]
  54. Expand = [In]
  55. Compress = [Out]
  56. update_see_history = [Fucking history of the file]
  57. update_read_version_notes = [Fucking version page]
  58. update_available = [Could be yours, mate.]
  59. update_current = [But you have this shit.]
  60. update_previous = [Good you ditched those.]
  61. update_all = [Fucking Download all]
  62. files = [motherfuckers]
  63. update_install = [Download the motherfuckers]
  64. update_installing = [Installing the motherfuckers...]
  65. update_all_tooltip = [Instead of downloading only the current motherfuckers.
  66. Download all the motherfuckers. You can use it to fix fucked motherfuckers, for example.]
  67. change_language = [Don't you dare changing the language!!!]
  68. set_language = [Don't even fucking think of the ]
  69. Blur = [Pixalated shit]
  70. Auto_De-Blur = [When It's 10 FPS Fuck Blur!]
  71. help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman
  72. The motherfucker that made GNU. Which is not Unix. This motherfucker made VCStudio
  73. possible without even fucking knowing what the hell is VCStudio. That's fucking
  74. genious. A bit after the release of ET he made this crazy idea to make a system.
  75. A computer fucking, operating fucking system. But that doesn't fuck the users.
  76. You know free as in freedom. Phsychodelic shit.
  77. There was 4 laws he made. But these 4 are actually don't suck.
  78. 0 Freedom to run the program for any fucking reason at any fucking time.
  79. 1 Freedom to study and modify the source code. I know. Boring. So what?
  80. 2 Freedom to redestribute the software to help others. Legal piracy. What?
  81. 3 Freedom to redestribute modified copies of the software. Mods and shit!!!
  82. GNU in GNU / Linux stands for his GNU project. Press it to read more...
  83. ]
  84. help_torvalds = [Linus Torvalds
  85. So here is GNU. Being made. Fucking genious and shit. But they need one more
  86. program. The main thing, you know. The manager. The bloody cunt. Where you stick
  87. all the dicks into. The kernel.
  88. And there comes fucking another genious motherfucker and says. HERE YA GO!!!
  89. He just suddenly just kind of just came and just made Linux. So what that he
  90. called it with his own fucking name? The motherfucker fucking deserves it. Dig
  91. it. He made the most motherfucking used program ever. It's in every site, and
  92. every fucking phone which is not Iphone or Nokia. Like it's a lot of phones.
  93. Linux in GNU / Linux comes from this fucking peace of software.
  94. ]
  95. help_roosendaal = [Ton Roosendaal
  96. The motherfucker who did Blender. And also the motherfucker who decided to make
  97. it free. You know kind a GNU type software. I don't like fucking law and shit,
  98. but there is this concept called License. And there is one motherfucking license
  99. written by fucking Richard Stallman. You know. The 4 rules and shit.
  100. Ton Roosendaal just kind a one day woke up and decided that a peace of very
  101. cool software just suddenly should be on a GNU license. Like what? I mean I know
  102. that he lives in Amsterdam. I know that weed is legal there. And I saw some of
  103. their short films and I know that they are high most of the time. But this is
  104. so cool. Just fucking ... Here. Take it. It's yours. Love it. Also dig it...
  105. VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist.
  106. ]
  107. help_indirect_credits = [Special motherfuckers who's dicks should be sucked:]
  108. help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Texts for Dumbasses)]
  109. Start = [Birth]
  110. End = [Death]
  111. analytics_tooltip = [Number, Graphs, the boring shit.]
  112. new_scene_tooltip = [Write more fucking scenes.]
  113. link_asset_tooltip = [Make things appear here. (For lazy people)]
  114. link_file_tooltip = [Make various bullshit files appear here.]
  115. event_tooltip = [Surround the motherfuckers.
  116. (Similar to Blender's Frame)]
  117. marker_tooltip = [Like GPS but dumber.]
  118. render_lists_tooltip = [Current Pornography.]
  119. vse_tooltip = [Cut and Glue back.
  120. (Blendfiles for editing the Hibdy)]
  121. multiuser_tooltip = [Many-motherfucker-mode
  122. Used when there are many motherfuckers.]
  123. chr = [Motherfuckers]
  124. veh = [Ma-Cars]
  125. loc = [Graveyards]
  126. obj = [Other Hibdy]
  127. mus = [Rock'n Roll]
  128. blend_files_folder = [Mixer Files]
  129. reference_folder = [Scribbles]
  130. tex_folder = [Vinnyls]
  131. renders_folder = [Pornography]
  132. DeleteQuestion = [What The Fuck? Why Delete?]
  133. OperationIrrevesable = [You won't get them back!]
  134. Scenes = [Stories]
  135. LinksToFiles = [Links To Files]
  136. LinksToAssets = [Links To Asses]
  137. Markers = [Pineses]
  138. project_folder = [FPF (Fucking Project's Folder)]
  139. outside_folder = [From outside the fucking project]
  140. project_name = [Project's Nick]
  141. project_director = [Project's Nicolas Winding Refn]
  142. project_status = [Project's What The Fuck]
  143. project_banner = [The Fucking Background Image]
  144. project_startdate = [Birth Date]
  145. project_deadline = [Death Date]
  146. username = [You The Fuck Are YOU?]
  147. create_new_asset = [Create New Motherfucker:]
  148. copy_file_as = [Copy a god damn File As:]
  149. create_new_blend_file = [Create a New Fucking Blend File:]
  150. add_new_task = [New Stuff To Do]
  151. add_new_subtask = [More Stuff To Do]
  152. user_schedules = [Douchebag:]
  153. add_phrase_tooltip = [Become Quentin Fucking Tarantino.
  154. Example:
  155. Samuel L Jackson
  156. Motherfucking, Motherfucker
  157. motherfucks motherfuckers.
  158. Motherfucker?
  159. It will give you a good margin like in
  160. a fucking script. And as you export. you
  161. will be happy.]
  162. add_shot_tooltip = [Mark part of this boring ass text
  163. as a GUN-SHOT!!!.]
  164. add_asset_tooltip = [Mark a Motherfucker.]
  165. add_image_script_tooltip = [Selfie :D]
  166. add_shot_live_checklist = [No fucking CGI Shot]
  167. add_shot_anim_checklist = [Catoonish budah Shot]
  168. add_shot_vfx_checklist = [Visual Fucking Effects Shot]
  169. add_scene_checklist = [Create Fucking Scene Checklist]
  170. link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Link motherfuckers into ]
  171. render_shot_blend_tooltip = [I gonna fucking Render ]
  172. link_mode_link = [Put them there and don't touch.]
  173. link_mode_overrides = [Put them there and touch too much]
  174. link_mode_proxy = [Put them there and vintage touch]
  175. link_add_from_scene = [Remember the are motherfuckers in the script?]
  176. link_asset_not_configured = [Motherfucker is fucked, bro. Please un-fuck the motherfucker.
  177. Without un-fucking, the motherfucker will not fuck.]
  178. asset_configuration_step_1 = [Step 1: Make the motherfucker.]
  179. asset_configuration_step_2 = [Step 2: Copy Blend file to /ast/. Dig it?]
  180. asset_configuration_step_3 = [Step 3: Choose Collection and Rig. Yeah.]
  181. render_avarage_time = [Pines Math:]
  182. render_remaining_time = [Wait for it:]
  183. clean_render_folder = [Delete all the fuckers in the folder before starting render.
  184. Else it will continue from the last fucker that exists in the folder.]
  185. readme = [Fuckme]
  186. license = [Richard Stallman]
  187. documentation_installation = [Fucking Birth]
  188. documentation_project_manager = [Fucking Choser]
  189. documentation_story_editor = [Nodes and Stuff]
  190. documentation_script_writer = [Tarantino Mode]
  191. documentation_analytics = [Boring Maths]
  192. documentation_assets = [Motherfuckers]
  193. documentation_link_assets = [Linking Motherfuckers]
  194. documentation_render = [Render]
  195. documentation_multiuser = [Many-Motherfuckers Mode]
  196. documentation_type_scene = [Shit for reading]
  197. documentation_type_update = [Shit about update]
  198. documentation_type_video = [Movie shit]
  199. multiuser_server_start = [Start the Many-Motherfuckers Mode Server on this computer.]
  200. multiuser_server_stop = [Kill the Many-Motherfuckers Mode Server.
  201. Warning! Potential data fuck could acur.]
  202. change_theme = [How do you want your fucking screen to look?]
  203. set_theme = [Maybe fucking: ]
  204. export_tooltip = [Export story to fucking ODT.
  205. (LibreOffice format. Readable by most other peaces of shit.)]
  206. sc_help = [
  207. help - returns this help
  208. asset - choose and asset
  209. assets - list existsing assets
  210. scene - read a scene
  211. scenes - lists available scenes
  212. scenes_main_chain - list only scenes from the main chain
  213. shot - choose a shot
  214. shots - list shots of a given scene
  215. file - open a file from a given asset or shot
  216. files - list all files from a given asset or shot
  217. multiuser_start - starts multiuser server for this project
  218. multiuser_stop - stops multiuser
  219. multiuser_users - list of users connected to multiuser
  220. multiuser_message - message users on multiuser
  221. vse - starts a vse file
  222. vses - lists all vse files
  223. render - render a given file from a shot
  224. render_server - become a render server for users on multiuser
  225. render_not_server - stop being a render server for users
  226. eval - fucking security hazzard
  227. exit - exit
  228. ]
  229. press_to_continue = [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE]
  230. contact_us_now = [Video Call the Fatherfucker]
  231. contact_us_tip = [
  232. Open a Jitsi Conference where J.Y.Amihud, the fatherfucker of VCStudio is
  233. constantly fucking on improving the fucker or fucks with other fuckers.
  234. Jitsi does not require you to fuck a login. Just type "motherfucker", allow
  235. access to your fucking mic and start fucking with me. Fuck freely in either
  236. Dumbass, Russian or Hebrew. "Fuck" and other words like this one are allowed.
  237. Come fuck with me.
  238. If I don't fuck with you or there is no-one fucking. I'm either away
  239. from the computer or tired of fucking.
  240. ]
  241. report_bug_now = [Report Fucks]
  242. report_bug_tip = [
  243. Open the NotABug git repository issues page where you can post your fuck.
  244. Please use words. And make sure that we can re-fuck your fuck. Use screen
  245. shots or files that have problems if needed.
  246. Type freely using Dumbass, Russian or Hebrew.
  247. ]
  248. auto_download_images = [Just Gimme Futtos]
  249. PixelBlur = [Not Gay Pixels]