123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270 |
- []
- checkingpythonmodules = [Is PYTHON Fucking High?]
- checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Unmotherfuckering VCStudio...]
- desktopcreated = [ Guess what, dumbass. Now you can launch VCStudio normally.]
- checked = [Cool]
- cancel = [Fuck]
- failed = [Fucked]
- missingmoduleserror = [ motherfuckers. Type Fix to kill them.]
- missingmodulenotification = [Somethings is fucked with the modules. Terminal has the asnwers.]
- imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Hey, motherfucker. SUP?]
- PMConsoleExplanation = [
- Ah... Well. Dude. You got this fucking version. I mean Terminal based fucking
- version.
- Remember. That's ain't your sexy Gt-cunt. So don't expect being able to do
- everything through here.
- Type help to know what the fuck to do.]
- pm_console_help = [
- help - Idk why is this here. You just fucking typed it.
- set_language - Don't even dare changing Dumbass to something like English. I fucking dare you.
- projects_list - It's like when you forgot your kid's name because there so many o' them.
- set_folder - Put a place where childer gonna be fucking born.
- new_project - Fucking. I mean making babies. I mean creating a fucking child.
- project - In-out with the baby. But without the out. You just go in.
- scan - like what if you have babies and you don't know about them. Fucking happens.
- convert - It's like cutting a fucking person to peaces, gluing him back together. And hoping that he's still alive.
- exit - In-out without the in. Because if you don't get out in time. He got a baby. Deal with it.
- ]
- pm-do-new-project-error = [Where the fuck I do the project?
- Use set_folder to fucking tell me.]
- Current = [The current]
- Name = [We call it]
- Wait = [Waeh]
- project-manager = [Fucking - Chooser]
- createnewproject_tooltip = [Make a fucking project]
- scanforprojects_tooltip = [See if your shitty system
- has any fucking projects already.]
- convertoldproject_tooltip = [Make old thing, a new thing.]
- pm_internet_tooltip = [If you dumb, motherfucker, click here.]
- Update = [Download new motherfucker]
- Settings = [Change stuff]
- UI_testing_tooltip = [Make everything look shitty]
- pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [You know. I need a fucking folder
- to make a project. Like really. ]
- new_project_name = [Here is the name of you fucking project]
- duringscanningforprojects = [Don't touch!!! I'm fucking searching...]
- Developer = [Fatherfucker]
- help_movies_done_title = [Fucking Filmography of VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):]
- In_Production = [Still struggling to make.]
- help_tutorial_title = [Videos for dumbasses:]
- ClickToWatch = [Click to get smarter.]
- tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Video for a dumbass]
- tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Video for a dumbass]
- tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Video for a dumbass]
- Expand = [In]
- Compress = [Out]
- update_see_history = [Fucking history of the file]
- update_read_version_notes = [Fucking version page]
- update_available = [Could be yours, mate.]
- update_current = [But you have this shit.]
- update_previous = [Good you ditched those.]
- update_all = [Fucking Download all]
- files = [motherfuckers]
- update_install = [Download the motherfuckers]
- update_installing = [Installing the motherfuckers...]
- update_all_tooltip = [Instead of downloading only the current motherfuckers.
- Download all the motherfuckers. You can use it to fix fucked motherfuckers, for example.]
- change_language = [Don't you dare changing the language!!!]
- set_language = [Don't even fucking think of the ]
- Blur = [Pixalated shit]
- Auto_De-Blur = [When It's 10 FPS Fuck Blur!]
- help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman
- The motherfucker that made GNU. Which is not Unix. This motherfucker made VCStudio
- possible without even fucking knowing what the hell is VCStudio. That's fucking
- genious. A bit after the release of ET he made this crazy idea to make a system.
- A computer fucking, operating fucking system. But that doesn't fuck the users.
- You know free as in freedom. Phsychodelic shit.
- There was 4 laws he made. But these 4 are actually don't suck.
- 0 Freedom to run the program for any fucking reason at any fucking time.
- 1 Freedom to study and modify the source code. I know. Boring. So what?
- 2 Freedom to redestribute the software to help others. Legal piracy. What?
- 3 Freedom to redestribute modified copies of the software. Mods and shit!!!
- GNU in GNU / Linux stands for his GNU project. Press it to read more...
- ]
- help_torvalds = [Linus Torvalds
- So here is GNU. Being made. Fucking genious and shit. But they need one more
- program. The main thing, you know. The manager. The bloody cunt. Where you stick
- all the dicks into. The kernel.
- And there comes fucking another genious motherfucker and says. HERE YA GO!!!
- He just suddenly just kind of just came and just made Linux. So what that he
- called it with his own fucking name? The motherfucker fucking deserves it. Dig
- it. He made the most motherfucking used program ever. It's in every site, and
- every fucking phone which is not Iphone or Nokia. Like it's a lot of phones.
- Linux in GNU / Linux comes from this fucking peace of software.
- ]
- help_roosendaal = [Ton Roosendaal
- The motherfucker who did Blender. And also the motherfucker who decided to make
- it free. You know kind a GNU type software. I don't like fucking law and shit,
- but there is this concept called License. And there is one motherfucking license
- written by fucking Richard Stallman. You know. The 4 rules and shit.
- Ton Roosendaal just kind a one day woke up and decided that a peace of very
- cool software just suddenly should be on a GNU license. Like what? I mean I know
- that he lives in Amsterdam. I know that weed is legal there. And I saw some of
- their short films and I know that they are high most of the time. But this is
- so cool. Just fucking ... Here. Take it. It's yours. Love it. Also dig it...
- VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist.
- ]
- help_indirect_credits = [Special motherfuckers who's dicks should be sucked:]
- help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Texts for Dumbasses)]
- Start = [Birth]
- End = [Death]
- analytics_tooltip = [Number, Graphs, the boring shit.]
- new_scene_tooltip = [Write more fucking scenes.]
- link_asset_tooltip = [Make things appear here. (For lazy people)]
- link_file_tooltip = [Make various bullshit files appear here.]
- event_tooltip = [Surround the motherfuckers.
- (Similar to Blender's Frame)]
- marker_tooltip = [Like GPS but dumber.]
- render_lists_tooltip = [Current Pornography.]
- vse_tooltip = [Cut and Glue back.
- (Blendfiles for editing the Hibdy)]
- multiuser_tooltip = [Many-motherfucker-mode
- Used when there are many motherfuckers.]
- chr = [Motherfuckers]
- veh = [Ma-Cars]
- loc = [Graveyards]
- obj = [Other Hibdy]
- mus = [Rock'n Roll]
- blend_files_folder = [Mixer Files]
- reference_folder = [Scribbles]
- tex_folder = [Vinnyls]
- renders_folder = [Pornography]
- DeleteQuestion = [What The Fuck? Why Delete?]
- OperationIrrevesable = [You won't get them back!]
- Scenes = [Stories]
- LinksToFiles = [Links To Files]
- LinksToAssets = [Links To Asses]
- Markers = [Pineses]
- project_folder = [FPF (Fucking Project's Folder)]
- outside_folder = [From outside the fucking project]
- project_name = [Project's Nick]
- project_director = [Project's Nicolas Winding Refn]
- project_status = [Project's What The Fuck]
- project_banner = [The Fucking Background Image]
- project_startdate = [Birth Date]
- project_deadline = [Death Date]
- username = [You The Fuck Are YOU?]
- create_new_asset = [Create New Motherfucker:]
- copy_file_as = [Copy a god damn File As:]
- create_new_blend_file = [Create a New Fucking Blend File:]
- add_new_task = [New Stuff To Do]
- add_new_subtask = [More Stuff To Do]
- user_schedules = [Douchebag:]
- add_phrase_tooltip = [Become Quentin Fucking Tarantino.
- Example:
- Samuel L Jackson
- Motherfucking, Motherfucker
- motherfucks motherfuckers.
- Motherfucker?
- It will give you a good margin like in
- a fucking script. And as you export. you
- will be happy.]
- add_shot_tooltip = [Mark part of this boring ass text
- as a GUN-SHOT!!!.]
- add_asset_tooltip = [Mark a Motherfucker.]
- add_image_script_tooltip = [Selfie :D]
- add_shot_live_checklist = [No fucking CGI Shot]
- add_shot_anim_checklist = [Catoonish budah Shot]
- add_shot_vfx_checklist = [Visual Fucking Effects Shot]
- add_scene_checklist = [Create Fucking Scene Checklist]
- link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Link motherfuckers into ]
- render_shot_blend_tooltip = [I gonna fucking Render ]
- link_mode_link = [Put them there and don't touch.]
- link_mode_overrides = [Put them there and touch too much]
- link_mode_proxy = [Put them there and vintage touch]
- link_add_from_scene = [Remember the are motherfuckers in the script?]
- link_asset_not_configured = [Motherfucker is fucked, bro. Please un-fuck the motherfucker.
- Without un-fucking, the motherfucker will not fuck.]
- asset_configuration_step_1 = [Step 1: Make the motherfucker.]
- asset_configuration_step_2 = [Step 2: Copy Blend file to /ast/. Dig it?]
- asset_configuration_step_3 = [Step 3: Choose Collection and Rig. Yeah.]
- render_avarage_time = [Pines Math:]
- render_remaining_time = [Wait for it:]
- clean_render_folder = [Delete all the fuckers in the folder before starting render.
- Else it will continue from the last fucker that exists in the folder.]
- readme = [Fuckme]
- license = [Richard Stallman]
- documentation_installation = [Fucking Birth]
- documentation_project_manager = [Fucking Choser]
- documentation_story_editor = [Nodes and Stuff]
- documentation_script_writer = [Tarantino Mode]
- documentation_analytics = [Boring Maths]
- documentation_assets = [Motherfuckers]
- documentation_link_assets = [Linking Motherfuckers]
- documentation_render = [Render]
- documentation_multiuser = [Many-Motherfuckers Mode]
- documentation_type_scene = [Shit for reading]
- documentation_type_update = [Shit about update]
- documentation_type_video = [Movie shit]
- multiuser_server_start = [Start the Many-Motherfuckers Mode Server on this computer.]
- multiuser_server_stop = [Kill the Many-Motherfuckers Mode Server.
- Warning! Potential data fuck could acur.]
- change_theme = [How do you want your fucking screen to look?]
- set_theme = [Maybe fucking: ]
- export_tooltip = [Export story to fucking ODT.
- (LibreOffice format. Readable by most other peaces of shit.)]
- sc_help = [
- help - returns this help
- asset - choose and asset
- assets - list existsing assets
- scene - read a scene
- scenes - lists available scenes
- scenes_main_chain - list only scenes from the main chain
- shot - choose a shot
- shots - list shots of a given scene
- file - open a file from a given asset or shot
- files - list all files from a given asset or shot
- multiuser_start - starts multiuser server for this project
- multiuser_stop - stops multiuser
- multiuser_users - list of users connected to multiuser
- multiuser_message - message users on multiuser
- vse - starts a vse file
- vses - lists all vse files
- render - render a given file from a shot
- render_server - become a render server for users on multiuser
- render_not_server - stop being a render server for users
- eval - fucking security hazzard
- exit - exit
- ]
- press_to_continue = [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE]
- contact_us_now = [Video Call the Fatherfucker]
- contact_us_tip = [
- Open a Jitsi Conference where J.Y.Amihud, the fatherfucker of VCStudio is
- constantly fucking on improving the fucker or fucks with other fuckers.
- Jitsi does not require you to fuck a login. Just type "motherfucker", allow
- access to your fucking mic and start fucking with me. Fuck freely in either
- Dumbass, Russian or Hebrew. "Fuck" and other words like this one are allowed.
- Come fuck with me.
- If I don't fuck with you or there is no-one fucking. I'm either away
- from the computer or tired of fucking.
- ]
- report_bug_now = [Report Fucks]
- report_bug_tip = [
- Open the NotABug git repository issues page where you can post your fuck.
- Please use words. And make sure that we can re-fuck your fuck. Use screen
- shots or files that have problems if needed.
- Type freely using Dumbass, Russian or Hebrew.
- ]
- auto_download_images = [Just Gimme Futtos]
- PixelBlur = [Not Gay Pixels]