1.5 KB

  1. # lib/
  2. # copyright (C) 2003 by Frank Mori Hess
  3. # email :
  4. #
  5. # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  8. # (at your option) any later version.
  9. SUBDIRS = . gpib_config
  10. lib_LTLIBRARIES =
  11. noinst_HEADERS = ibConf.h ib_internal.h
  12. headersdir = $(includedir)/gpib
  13. headers_HEADERS = ib.h
  14. BUILT_SOURCES = ibConfLex.c ibConfLex.h ibConfYacc.c ibConfYacc.h
  15. MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = ibConfLex.c ibConfLex.h ibConfYacc.c ibConfYacc.h
  16. EXTRA_DIST = ibConfLex.l ibConfYacc.y gpib_version_script
  17. libgpib_la_SOURCES = \
  18. ib.h ib_internal.h ibConf.h ibP.h parse.h \
  19. ibCac.c ibClr.c ibCmd.c ibEos.c ibEot.c \
  20. ibFind.c ibLines.c ibOnl.c ibPad.c ibRd.c ibRpp.c ibRsp.c ibRsv.c \
  21. ibSad.c ibSic.c ibSre.c ibTmo.c ibTrg.c ibWait.c ibWrt.c \
  22. ibGts.c ibBoard.c ibutil.c globals.c ibask.c ibppc.c \
  23. ibLoc.c ibDma.c ibdev.c ibbna.c async.c ibconfig.c ibFindLstn.c \
  24. ibEvent.c local_lockout.c self_test.c pass_control.c ibstop.c \
  25. ibConfLex.c ibConfLex.h ibConfYacc.c ibConfYacc.h
  26. libgpib_la_CFLAGS = $(LIBGPIB_CFLAGS) -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=\"/etc/gpib.conf\"
  27. libgpib_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @GPIB_SO_VERSION@ -Wl,--version-script=$(srcdir)/gpib_version_script -lpthread
  28. $(srcdir)/ibConfLex.c $(srcdir)/ibConfLex.h: $(srcdir)/ibConfLex.l
  29. $(LEX) $<
  30. $(srcdir)/ibConfYacc.c $(srcdir)/ibConfYacc.h: $(srcdir)/ibConfYacc.y
  31. $(YACC) -d -p gpib_yy -o $(srcdir)/ibConfYacc.c $<