1. Instructions to create bmf files:
  2. 1. Use an ubuntu machine
  3. 2. Install ttf2bdf and bdftopcf
  4. sudo apt-get install freetype1-tools
  5. 3. Install gbdfed
  6. sudo apt-get install gbdfed
  7. 4. Convert the ttf files to bdf first
  8. ttf2bdf LiberationSans-Bold.ttf -p 14 -o title.bdf
  9. ttf2bdf LiberationSans-Bold.ttf -p 12 -o subtitle.bdf
  10. ttf2bdf LiberationSerif-Italic.ttf -p 11 -o texti.bdf
  11. ttf2bdf LiberationSerif-BoldItalic.ttf -p 11 -o textbi.bdf
  12. ttf2bdf LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf -p 11 -o text.bdf
  13. ttf2bdf LiberationSerif-Bold.ttf -p 11 -o textb.bdf
  14. 5. Run gbdfed to fix the problem bitmaps
  15. gbdfed
  16. Select bdf file to edit:
  17. Double click the character to edit. Switch page as necessary.
  18. Update and Close after editing is done. Save the bdf file
  19. after all done. Your browser may not support display of this
  20. image. Specifically for this letter “m”, we need to use the
  21. left arrow to move it to one column left and add another
  22. dotted column at the right.
  23. Note: We use 25AA, 2022 and 25E6 for unordered list bullets.
  24. Need to check if they are ok.
  25. 6. Convert the fixed bdf files to pcf
  26. bdftopcf title.bdf -o title.pcf
  27. bdftopcf subtitle.bdf -o subtitle.pcf
  28. bdftopcf texti.bdf -o texti.pcf
  29. bdftopcf textbi.bdf -o textbi.pcf
  30. bdftopcf text.bdf -o text.pcf
  31. bdftopcf textb.bdf -o textb.pcf
  32. 7. Convert the pcf files to bmf
  33. Ensure host-tools have been built
  34. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f title.pcf -o title.bmf
  35. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f subtitle.pcf -o subtitle.bmf
  36. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f texti.pcf -o texti.bmf
  37. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f textbi.pcf -o textbi.bmf
  38. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f text.pcf -o text.bmf
  39. host-tools/pcf2bmf/pcf2bmf -f textb.pcf -o textb.bmf