install.sub.diff 2.4 KB

  1. 57c57
  2. < # OpenBSD install/upgrade script common subroutines and initialization code
  3. ---
  4. > # LibertyBSD install/upgrade script common subroutines and initialization code
  5. 75c75
  6. < # various informations from the ftplist.cgi output.
  7. ---
  8. > # various informations from the mirror list output.
  9. 268c268
  10. < dmesg | sed -n 'H;/^OpenBSD/h;${g;p;}'
  11. ---
  12. > dmesg | sed -n 'H;/^LibertyBSD/h;${g;p;}'
  13. 1597c1597
  14. < PUB_KEY=/mnt/etc/signify/openbsd-$((VERSION + 1))
  15. ---
  16. > PUB_KEY=/mnt/etc/signify/libertybsd-$((VERSION + 1))
  17. 1746c1746
  18. < echo "(Unable to get list from, but that is OK)"
  19. ---
  20. > echo "(Unable to get list from, but that is OK)"
  21. 1827c1827
  22. < _d=pub/OpenBSD/$HTTP_SETDIR
  23. ---
  24. > _d=pub/LibertyBSD/$HTTP_SETDIR
  25. 2467c2467,2468
  26. < add_hostent
  27. ---
  28. > add_hostent
  29. > add_hostent
  30. 2473c2474
  31. < "$HTTP_PROTO://" \
  32. ---
  33. > "$HTTP_PROTO://" \
  34. 2758c2759
  35. < echo "${INSTALL_URL:-}" \
  36. ---
  37. > echo "${INSTALL_URL:-}" \
  38. 2822c2823
  39. < # If a proxy was needed to fetch the sets, use it for fw_update and syspatch
  40. ---
  41. > # If a proxy was needed to fetch the sets, use it for syspatch
  42. 2826,2828d2826
  43. < # Ensure that fw_update is run on reboot.
  44. < echo "/usr/sbin/fw_update -v" >>/mnt/etc/rc.firsttime
  45. <
  46. 2863c2861
  47. < CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD $MODE has been successfully completed!
  48. ---
  49. > CONGRATULATIONS! Your LibertyBSD $MODE has been successfully completed!
  50. 3065,3066d3062
  51. < # If we managed to talk to the cgi server before, tell it what
  52. < # location we used... so it can perform magic next time.
  53. 3073c3069
  54. < "$HTTP_PROTO://$_i" \
  55. ---
  56. > "$HTTP_PROTO://" \
  57. 3103,3104c3099,3100
  58. < # Remove the entry for
  59. < sed -i '/^129\.128\.5\.191 /d' /tmp/i/hosts
  60. ---
  61. > # Remove the entry for *
  62. > sed -i '/^47\.186\.116\.162 /d' /tmp/i/hosts
  63. 3363c3359
  64. < PUB_KEY=/etc/signify/openbsd-${VERSION}
  65. ---
  66. > PUB_KEY=/etc/signify/libertybsd-${VERSION}
  67. 3378c3374
  68. < set -- $(scan_dmesg "/^OpenBSD $VNAME\([^ ]*\).*$/s//\1/p")
  69. ---
  70. > set -- $(scan_dmesg "/^LibertyBSD $VNAME\([^ ]*\).*$/s//\1/p")