123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171 |
- (in-package :flora-search-aurora.util)
- (defun search-all (subseq sequence &key (start 0))
- "Given a SUBSEQ to search for within a SEQUENCE, return every instance of
- (let ((matches '()))
- (loop while (setf start (search subseq sequence :start2 start))
- do (progn (pushnew start matches)
- (incf start)))
- (reverse matches)))
- (defun closest-below (num number-list)
- "Given a NUMBER-LIST, return a descending list of member numbers below NUM."
- (sort
- (remove-if-not (lambda (a) (and (numberp a) (<= a num))) number-list)
- #'>))
- (defun fit-lines (string width &key (alignment :center))
- "Fit each line of a STING into a specific WIDTH, with ALIGNMENT to a specific
- side (either :CENTER, :LEFT, or :RIGHT)."
- (str:unlines
- (mapcar (lambda (line)
- (str:fit width line :pad-side alignment))
- (str:lines string))))
- (defun linewrap-string (string width)
- "Break a STRING into several lines, each one no larger than WIDTH. Uses
- newlines and hypens (to break long words) as necessary."
- (let* ((string (str:replace-all (string #\newline) " " string))
- (spaces (append '(0) (search-all " " string)))
- (index width))
- (loop while (< index (length string))
- do (let ((closest-space (car (closest-below index spaces)))
- (old-index (- index width)))
- (if (or (<= closest-space old-index)
- (> closest-space index))
- (return
- (linewrap-string
- (str:insert "- " (- index 1) string)
- width))
- (progn
- (setf (elt string closest-space) #\newline)
- (setf index (+ closest-space width)))))
- finally (return string))))
- (defun every-other-element (list)
- "Collect every-other-element of a list. E.g., (1 2 3 4) → (1 3)."
- (when list
- (cons (car list)
- (every-other-element (cddr list)))))
- (defun plist= (a b &key (test #'eql))
- "Return whether or not two property lists are equal, by comparing values of each pair.
- Uses the keys of plist a."
- (let ((keys (every-other-element a)))
- (loop for key in keys
- do (when (not (apply test (list (getf a key)
- (getf b key))))
- (return nil))
- finally (return 't))))
- (defmacro incf-0 (place &optional (Δ 1))
- "INCF the given PLACE, if it’s a number. If not a number, then set it to zero."
- `(if (numberp ,place)
- (incf ,place ,Δ)
- (setf ,place 0)))
- (defun at-least (minimum num)
- "This function returns at least every hope and dream you've ever had, and at
- maximum returns your more pitiful of moments."
- (if (< num minimum)
- minimum
- num))
- (defun at-most (maximum num)
- "This function returns at most every hope and dream you've ever had, and at
- minimum returns your more pitiful of moments."
- (if (> num maximum)
- maximum
- num))
- (defmacro remove-from-alistf (key alist &key (test 'eql))
- "Remove the given item from an associative list destructively."
- `(alexandria:removef
- ,alist ,key
- :test (lambda (key item) (,test key (car item)))))
- (defun string->symbol (string)
- "Given a STRING with an optionally defined package (e.g., “package:symbol”),
- return it as an appopriate symbol."
- (let* ((split (str:split ":" (string-upcase string)))
- (package (when (eq (length split) 2)
- (car split)))
- (symbol (or (cadr split) (car split))))
- (if package
- (intern symbol package)
- (intern symbol))))
- (defun langcode->keysym (str)
- "Given a language’s code (es/cz/it/etc.), return a corresponding key symbol,
- if the language is among the supported. Otherwise, nil."
- (when (stringp str)
- (let ((lang (string-downcase (subseq str 0 2))))
- (cond
- ((string-equal lang "eo") :eo)
- ((string-equal lang "en") :en)))))
- (defun system-language ()
- "Return the system language, if among the supported; otherwise, EN-glish."
- (or (langcode->keysym (uiop:getenv "LANG"))
- :en))
- (defun getf-lang (plist &key language (fallback-lang :en))
- "With a PLIST containing keys of language-codes, return the property either fitting the
- preferred LANGUAGE, or the backup FALLBACK-LANG (if LANGUAGE’s is NIL)."
- (or (getf plist (or language (ignore-errors *language*) (system-language)))
- (getf plist fallback-lang)))
- (defparameter *language* (…:system-language))