font.txt 745 B

  1. A Tiled tileset generated from Fira Code Regular⁽¹⁾ printable ASCII characters.
  2. This is (ofc) not used in the game, but is very handy for visualizing the map in Tiled!
  3. Generated thanks to the beautiful program ttf2png⁽²⁾, like so:
  4. $ ttf2png -r 32,126 -s 15 -l 15 -e -t -o font.png FiraCode-Regular.ttf
  5. Note `-l 15`, which sets the row-length to 15. This is very important!
  6. Flora's engine parses the tiles' character values by calculating the tile's
  7. [15(row - 1) + column].
  8. Could we avoid this, and automatically figure out the row-length? Yeaaa.
  9. Could I be bothered? Nooo.
  10. [1]
  11. Fira Code © 2014 Fira Coda Authors, SIL OFL 1.1
  12. [2]
  13. TTF2PNG © 2021 tdb, GNU GPLv1