intrigeri 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 år sedan
jessie-backports.binary b23835a45e Enable jessie-backports APT source. 9 år sedan
jessie-backports.chroot b23835a45e Enable jessie-backports APT source. 9 år sedan
sid.binary 39cdfcb5bb Enable Sid sources (again). 14 år sedan
sid.chroot 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 år sedan
tails.binary 30d67b7d83 Fix target of tails.binary symlink. 12 år sedan
tails.binary.gpg cbdc557852 Import APT repository public key. 13 år sedan
tails.chroot.gpg 9e46035059 Update the Tails APT repo signing key. 9 år sedan
testing.binary 0195d28b1f Install Linux from Debian testing. 11 år sedan
testing.chroot 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 år sedan
torproject-obfs4proxy.binary 92e0c9d9e1 Install obfs4proxy instead of obfsproxy. 10 år sedan
torproject-obfs4proxy.chroot 92e0c9d9e1 Install obfs4proxy instead of obfsproxy. 10 år sedan
torproject.binary b09e27d172 Re-add Tor project's APT repository. 14 år sedan
torproject.binary.gpg b09e27d172 Re-add Tor project's APT repository. 14 år sedan
torproject.chroot 42db0430de Install Tor from's stable repo. 9 år sedan
torproject.chroot.gpg e86c124bcc Refresh's APT key. 10 år sedan