intrigeri 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 lat temu
jessie-backports.binary b23835a45e Enable jessie-backports APT source. 9 lat temu
jessie-backports.chroot b23835a45e Enable jessie-backports APT source. 9 lat temu
sid.binary 39cdfcb5bb Enable Sid sources (again). 14 lat temu
sid.chroot 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 lat temu
tails.binary 30d67b7d83 Fix target of tails.binary symlink. 12 lat temu
tails.binary.gpg cbdc557852 Import APT repository public key. 13 lat temu
tails.chroot.gpg 9e46035059 Update the Tails APT repo signing key. 9 lat temu
testing.binary 0195d28b1f Install Linux from Debian testing. 11 lat temu
testing.chroot 2d6a1f192e Use APT codenames (e.g. "stretch") instead of suites, to be compatible with our tagged APT snapshots. 8 lat temu
torproject-obfs4proxy.binary 92e0c9d9e1 Install obfs4proxy instead of obfsproxy. 10 lat temu
torproject-obfs4proxy.chroot 92e0c9d9e1 Install obfs4proxy instead of obfsproxy. 10 lat temu
torproject.binary b09e27d172 Re-add Tor project's APT repository. 14 lat temu
torproject.binary.gpg b09e27d172 Re-add Tor project's APT repository. 14 lat temu
torproject.chroot 42db0430de Install Tor from's stable repo. 9 lat temu
torproject.chroot.gpg e86c124bcc Refresh's APT key. 10 lat temu