123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # -*- mode: ruby -*-
- # vi: set ft=ruby :
- #
- # Tails: The Amnesic Incognito Live System
- # Copyright © 2012 Tails developers <tails@boum.org>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- require 'open3'
- require 'rbconfig'
- require 'uri'
- require_relative 'vagrant/lib/tails_build_settings'
- # Path to the directory which holds our Vagrantfile
- VAGRANT_PATH = File.expand_path('../vagrant', __FILE__)
- # Branches that are considered 'stable' (used to select SquashFS compression)
- STABLE_BRANCH_NAMES = ['stable', 'testing']
- # Environment variables that will be exported to the build script
- # Let's save the http_proxy set before playing with it
- EXTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY = ENV['http_proxy']
- # In-VM proxy URL
- class VagrantCommandError < StandardError
- end
- # Runs the vagrant command, letting stdout/stderr through. Throws an
- # exception unless the vagrant command succeeds.
- def run_vagrant(*args)
- Process.wait Kernel.spawn('vagrant', *args, :chdir => './vagrant')
- if $?.exitstatus != 0
- raise(VagrantCommandError, "'vagrant #{args}' command failed: " +
- "#{$?.exitstatus}")
- end
- end
- # Runs the vagrant command, not letting stdout/stderr through, and
- # returns [stdout, stderr, Preocess:Status].
- def capture_vagrant(*args)
- stdout, stderr, proc_status =
- Open3.capture3('vagrant', *args, :chdir => './vagrant')
- if proc_status.exitstatus != 0
- raise(VagrantCommandError, "'vagrant #{args}' command failed: " +
- "#{proc_status.exitstatus}")
- end
- return stdout, stderr
- end
- def vagrant_ssh_config(key)
- # Cache results
- if $vagrant_ssh_config.nil?
- $vagrant_ssh_config = capture_vagrant('ssh-config').first.split("\n") \
- .map { |line| line.strip.split(/\s+/, 2) } .to_h
- # The path in the ssh-config output is quoted, which is not what
- # is expected outside of a shell, so let's get rid of the quotes.
- $vagrant_ssh_config['IdentityFile'].gsub!(/^"|"$/, '')
- end
- $vagrant_ssh_config[key]
- end
- def current_vm_cpus
- capture_vagrant('ssh', '-c', 'grep -c "^processor\s*:" /proc/cpuinfo').first.chomp.to_i
- end
- def vm_state
- out, _ = capture_vagrant('status')
- status_line = out.split("\n")[2]
- if status_line['not created']
- return :not_created
- elsif status_line['shutoff']
- return :poweroff
- elsif status_line['running']
- return :running
- else
- raise "could not determine VM state"
- end
- end
- def enough_free_host_memory_for_ram_build?
- return false unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/i
- begin
- usable_free_mem = `free`.split[16].to_i
- usable_free_mem > VM_MEMORY_FOR_RAM_BUILDS * 1024
- rescue
- false
- end
- end
- def free_vm_memory
- capture_vagrant('ssh', '-c', 'free').first.chomp.split[16].to_i
- end
- def enough_free_vm_memory_for_ram_build?
- free_vm_memory > BUILD_SPACE_REQUIREMENT * 1024
- end
- def enough_free_memory_for_ram_build?
- if vm_state == :running
- enough_free_vm_memory_for_ram_build?
- else
- enough_free_host_memory_for_ram_build?
- end
- end
- def is_release?
- detached_head = `git symbolic-ref HEAD` == ""
- `git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null`
- is_tag = $?.success?
- detached_head && is_tag
- end
- def system_cpus
- return nil unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/i
- begin
- File.read('/proc/cpuinfo').scan(/^processor\s+:/).count
- rescue
- nil
- end
- end
- task :parse_build_options do
- options = []
- # Default to in-memory builds if there is enough RAM available
- options << 'ram' if enough_free_memory_for_ram_build?
- # Default to build using the in-VM proxy
- options << 'vmproxy'
- # Default to fast compression on development branches
- options << 'gzipcomp' unless is_release?
- # Default to the number of system CPUs when we can figure it out
- cpus = system_cpus
- options << "cpus=#{cpus}" if cpus
- # Make sure release builds are clean
- options << 'cleanall' if is_release?
- options.uniq.each do |opt|
- case opt
- # Memory build settings
- when 'ram'
- when 'noram'
- # Bootstrap cache settings
- # HTTP proxy settings
- when 'extproxy'
- abort "No HTTP proxy set, but one is required by TAILS_BUILD_OPTIONS. Aborting." unless EXTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY
- ENV['http_proxy'] = EXTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY
- when 'vmproxy'
- ENV['http_proxy'] = INTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY
- when 'noproxy'
- ENV['http_proxy'] = nil
- # SquashFS compression settings
- when 'gzipcomp'
- ENV['MKSQUASHFS_OPTIONS'] = '-comp gzip'
- when 'defaultcomp'
- # Clean-up settings
- when 'cleanall'
- # Virtual CPUs settings
- when /cpus=(\d+)/
- # Git settings
- when 'ignorechanges'
- when 'noprovision'
- else
- raise "Unknown Tails build option '#{opt}'"
- end
- end
- end
- task :ensure_clean_repository do
- git_status = `git status --porcelain`
- unless git_status.empty?
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- You have uncommitted changes in the Git repository. They will
- be ignored for the upcoming build:
- #{git_status}
- else
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- You have uncommitted changes in the Git repository. Due to limitations
- of the build system, you need to commit them before building Tails:
- #{git_status}
- If you don't care about those changes and want to build Tails nonetheless,
- please add `ignorechanges` to the TAILS_BUILD_OPTIONS environment
- variable.
- abort 'Uncommitted changes. Aborting.'
- end
- end
- end
- def list_artifacts
- user = vagrant_ssh_config('User')
- stdout = capture_vagrant('ssh', '-c', "find '/home/#{user}/' -maxdepth 1 " +
- "-name 'tails-*.iso*'").first
- stdout.split("\n")
- rescue VagrantCommandError
- return Array.new
- end
- def remove_artifacts
- list_artifacts.each do |artifact|
- run_vagrant('ssh', '-c', "sudo rm -f '#{artifact}'")
- end
- end
- desc "Make sure the vagrant user's home directory has no undesired artifacts"
- task :ensure_clean_home_directory => ['vm:up'] do
- remove_artifacts
- end
- task :validate_http_proxy do
- if ENV['http_proxy']
- proxy_host = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy']).host
- if proxy_host.nil?
- ENV['http_proxy'] = nil
- $stderr.puts "Ignoring invalid HTTP proxy."
- return
- end
- if ['localhost', '[::1]'].include?(proxy_host) || proxy_host.start_with?('127.0.0.')
- abort 'Using an HTTP proxy listening on the loopback is doomed to fail. Aborting.'
- end
- $stderr.puts "Using HTTP proxy: #{ENV['http_proxy']}"
- else
- $stderr.puts "No HTTP proxy set."
- end
- end
- desc 'Build Tails'
- task :build => ['parse_build_options', 'ensure_clean_repository', 'ensure_clean_home_directory', 'validate_http_proxy', 'vm:up'] do
- if ENV['TAILS_RAM_BUILD'] && not(enough_free_memory_for_ram_build?)
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- The virtual machine is not currently set with enough memory to
- perform an in-memory build. Either remove the `ram` option from
- the TAILS_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable, or shut the
- virtual machine down using `rake vm:halt` before trying again.
- abort 'Not enough memory for the virtual machine to run an in-memory build. Aborting.'
- end
- if ENV['TAILS_BUILD_CPUS'] && current_vm_cpus != ENV['TAILS_BUILD_CPUS'].to_i
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- The virtual machine is currently running with #{current_vm_cpus}
- virtual CPU(s). In order to change that number, you need to
- stop the VM first, using `rake vm:halt`. Otherwise, please
- adjust the `cpus` options accordingly.
- abort 'The virtual machine needs to be reloaded to change the number of CPUs. Aborting.'
- end
- # Let's make sure that, unless you know what you are doing and
- # explicitly disable this, we always provision in order to ensure
- # a valid, up-to-date build system.
- run_vagrant('provision') unless ENV['TAILS_NO_AUTO_PROVISION']
- exported_env = EXPORTED_VARIABLES.select { |k| ENV[k] }.
- collect { |k| "#{k}='#{ENV[k]}'" }.join(' ')
- run_vagrant('ssh', '-c', "#{exported_env} build-tails")
- artifacts = list_artifacts
- raise 'No build artifacts was found!' if artifacts.empty?
- user = vagrant_ssh_config('User')
- hostname = vagrant_ssh_config('HostName')
- key_file = vagrant_ssh_config('IdentityFile')
- $stderr.puts "Retrieving artifacts from Vagrant build box."
- artifacts.each do |artifact|
- run_vagrant('ssh', '-c', "sudo chown #{user} '#{artifact}'")
- Process.wait(
- Kernel.spawn(
- 'scp',
- '-i', key_file,
- # We need this since the user will not necessarily have a
- # known_hosts entry. It is safe since an attacker must
- # compromise libvirt's network config or the user running the
- # command to modify the #{hostname} below.
- '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
- "#{user}@#{hostname}:#{artifact}", '.'
- )
- )
- raise "Failed to fetch artifact '#{artifact}'" unless $?.success?
- end
- remove_artifacts
- end
- namespace :vm do
- desc 'Start the build virtual machine'
- task :up => ['parse_build_options', 'validate_http_proxy'] do
- case vm_state
- when :not_created
- # Do not use non-existant in-VM proxy to download the basebox
- if ENV['http_proxy'] == INTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY
- ENV['http_proxy'] = nil
- restore_internal_proxy = true
- end
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- This is the first time that the Tails builder virtual machine is
- started. The virtual machine template is about 300 MB to download,
- so the process might take some time.
- Please remember to shut the virtual machine down once your work on
- Tails is done:
- $ rake vm:halt
- when :poweroff
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- Starting Tails builder virtual machine. This might take a short while.
- Please remember to shut it down once your work on Tails is done:
- $ rake vm:halt
- end
- run_vagrant('up')
- ENV['http_proxy'] = INTERNAL_HTTP_PROXY if restore_internal_proxy
- end
- desc 'SSH into the builder VM'
- task :ssh do
- run_vagrant('ssh')
- end
- desc 'Stop the build virtual machine'
- task :halt do
- run_vagrant('halt')
- end
- desc 'Re-run virtual machine setup'
- task :provision => ['parse_build_options', 'validate_http_proxy'] do
- run_vagrant('provision')
- end
- desc 'Destroy build virtual machine (clean up all files)'
- task :destroy do
- run_vagrant('destroy', '--force')
- end
- end
- namespace :basebox do
- desc 'Generate a new base box'
- task :create do
- box_dir = VAGRANT_PATH + '/definitions/tails-builder'
- Dir.chdir(box_dir) do
- `./generate-tails-builder-box.sh`
- raise 'Base box generation failed!' unless $?.success?
- end
- box = Dir.glob("#{box_dir}/*.box").sort_by {|f| File.mtime(f) } .last
- $stderr.puts <<-END_OF_MESSAGE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- You have successfully generated a new Vagrant base box:
- #{box}
- To install the new base box, please run:
- $ vagrant box add #{box}
- To actually make Tails build using this base box, the `config.vm.box` key
- in `vagrant/Vagrantfile` has to be updated. Please check the documentation
- for details.
- end
- end