game.plg 3.0 KB

  1. --------------------Configuration: game - Win32 Release Alpha--------------------
  2. Begining build with project "G:\quake2\code\game\game.dsp", at root.
  3. Active configuration is Win32 (ALPHA) Dynamic-Link Library (based on Win32 (ALPHA) Dynamic-Link Library)
  4. Project's tools are:
  5. "OLE Type Library Maker" with flags "/nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32 "
  6. "C/C++ Compiler for Alpha" with flags "/nologo /QA21164 /MT /Gt0 /W3 /GX /Zi /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "C_ONLY" /Fp".\ReleaseAXP/game.pch" /YX /Fo".\ReleaseAXP/" /Fd".\ReleaseAXP/" /FD /c "
  7. "Win32 Resource Compiler" with flags "/l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" "
  8. "Browser Database Maker" with flags "/nologo /o"..\ReleaseAXP/game.bsc" "
  9. "COFF Linker for Alpha" with flags "kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib /nologo /base:"0x20000000" /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.pdb" /debug /machine:ALPHA /def:".\game.def" /out:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.dll" /implib:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.lib" "
  10. "Custom Build" with flags ""
  11. "<Component 0xa>" with flags ""
  12. Creating temp file "C:\TEMP\RSPA6.tmp" with contents </nologo /QA21164 /MT /Gt0 /W3 /GX /Zi /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "C_ONLY" /Fp".\ReleaseAXP/game.pch" /YX /Fo".\ReleaseAXP/" /Fd".\ReleaseAXP/" /c
  13. "G:\quake2\code\game\p_weapon.c"
  14. >
  15. Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\TEMP\RSPA6.tmp"
  16. Creating temp file "C:\TEMP\RSPA7.tmp" with contents <kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib /nologo /base:"0x20000000" /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.pdb" /debug /machine:ALPHA /def:".\game.def" /out:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.dll" /implib:"..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.lib"
  17. .\ReleaseAXP\g_ai.obj
  18. .\ReleaseAXP\g_chase.obj
  19. .\ReleaseAXP\g_cmds.obj
  20. .\ReleaseAXP\g_combat.obj
  21. .\ReleaseAXP\g_func.obj
  22. .\ReleaseAXP\g_items.obj
  23. .\ReleaseAXP\g_main.obj
  24. .\ReleaseAXP\g_misc.obj
  25. .\ReleaseAXP\g_monster.obj
  26. .\ReleaseAXP\g_phys.obj
  27. .\ReleaseAXP\g_save.obj
  28. .\ReleaseAXP\g_spawn.obj
  29. .\ReleaseAXP\g_svcmds.obj
  30. .\ReleaseAXP\g_target.obj
  31. .\ReleaseAXP\g_trigger.obj
  32. .\ReleaseAXP\g_turret.obj
  33. .\ReleaseAXP\g_utils.obj
  34. .\ReleaseAXP\g_weapon.obj
  35. .\ReleaseAXP\m_actor.obj
  36. .\ReleaseAXP\m_berserk.obj
  37. .\ReleaseAXP\m_boss2.obj
  38. .\ReleaseAXP\m_boss3.obj
  39. .\ReleaseAXP\m_boss31.obj
  40. .\ReleaseAXP\m_boss32.obj
  41. .\ReleaseAXP\m_brain.obj
  42. .\ReleaseAXP\m_chick.obj
  43. .\ReleaseAXP\m_flash.obj
  44. .\ReleaseAXP\m_flipper.obj
  45. .\ReleaseAXP\m_float.obj
  46. .\ReleaseAXP\m_flyer.obj
  47. .\ReleaseAXP\m_gladiator.obj
  48. .\ReleaseAXP\m_gunner.obj
  49. .\ReleaseAXP\m_hover.obj
  50. .\ReleaseAXP\m_infantry.obj
  51. .\ReleaseAXP\m_insane.obj
  52. .\ReleaseAXP\m_medic.obj
  53. .\ReleaseAXP\m_move.obj
  54. .\ReleaseAXP\m_mutant.obj
  55. .\ReleaseAXP\m_parasite.obj
  56. .\ReleaseAXP\m_soldier.obj
  57. .\ReleaseAXP\m_supertank.obj
  58. .\ReleaseAXP\m_tank.obj
  59. .\ReleaseAXP\p_client.obj
  60. .\ReleaseAXP\p_hud.obj
  61. .\ReleaseAXP\p_trail.obj
  62. .\ReleaseAXP\p_view.obj
  63. .\ReleaseAXP\p_weapon.obj
  64. .\ReleaseAXP\q_shared.obj>
  65. Creating command line "link.exe @C:\TEMP\RSPA7.tmp"
  66. Compiling...
  67. p_weapon.c
  68. Linking...
  69. Creating library ..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.lib and object ..\ReleaseAXP/gameaxp.exp
  70. gameaxp.dll - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)