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- Texpaint works with three data types:
- Skin textures
- Model frames
- S/T mappings
- Skin textures can be either lbm or pcx files, and they will allways be
- saved out the same size as loaded in, even if it is larger than the
- active texture area.
- Model frames are alias .tri files. Adding support for 3ds would not
- be difficult, but it is likely that there would be coordinate problems
- unless the entire model was done completely in 3ds.
- S/T mappings allow a skin to be mapped onto any model frame. A mapping is
- generated from a base frame and a texture size. If a coords.txt file is
- not present, texpaint will generate a default mapping that is compatable
- with the output of the old texmake. New skin or remap to skin will
- generate a new coords.txt file.
- Usage
- -----
- A three button mouse is required.
- The left button paints with the current color in either the skin window
- or the camera window, or selects colors in the palette view. Ctrl-left
- click picks up the color clicked on in any view, making it current.
- Right button dragging slides the object or skin around. Ctrl-right drag
- to move in or out on the object.
- Middle button dragging rotates the object in the camera view. Ctrl-middle
- drag to change the roll angle.