123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484 |
- /*
- Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
- Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Erwin Coumans http://bulletphysics.org
- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
- In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
- subject to the following restrictions:
- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- */
- #ifndef BT_IDEBUG_DRAW__H
- #define BT_IDEBUG_DRAW__H
- #include "btVector3.h"
- #include "btTransform.h"
- ///The btIDebugDraw interface class allows hooking up a debug renderer to visually debug simulations.
- ///Typical use case: create a debug drawer object, and assign it to a btCollisionWorld or btDynamicsWorld using setDebugDrawer and call debugDrawWorld.
- ///A class that implements the btIDebugDraw interface has to implement the drawLine method at a minimum.
- ///For color arguments the X,Y,Z components refer to Red, Green and Blue each in the range [0..1]
- class btIDebugDraw
- {
- public:
- ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(struct) DefaultColors
- {
- btVector3 m_activeObject;
- btVector3 m_deactivatedObject;
- btVector3 m_wantsDeactivationObject;
- btVector3 m_disabledDeactivationObject;
- btVector3 m_disabledSimulationObject;
- btVector3 m_aabb;
- btVector3 m_contactPoint;
- DefaultColors()
- : m_activeObject(1,1,1),
- m_deactivatedObject(0,1,0),
- m_wantsDeactivationObject(0,1,1),
- m_disabledDeactivationObject(1,0,0),
- m_disabledSimulationObject(1,1,0),
- m_aabb(1,0,0),
- m_contactPoint(1,1,0)
- {
- }
- };
- enum DebugDrawModes
- {
- DBG_NoDebug=0,
- DBG_DrawWireframe = 1,
- DBG_DrawAabb=2,
- DBG_DrawFeaturesText=4,
- DBG_DrawContactPoints=8,
- DBG_NoDeactivation=16,
- DBG_NoHelpText = 32,
- DBG_DrawText=64,
- DBG_ProfileTimings = 128,
- DBG_EnableSatComparison = 256,
- DBG_DisableBulletLCP = 512,
- DBG_EnableCCD = 1024,
- DBG_DrawConstraints = (1 << 11),
- DBG_DrawConstraintLimits = (1 << 12),
- DBG_FastWireframe = (1<<13),
- DBG_DrawNormals = (1<<14),
- DBG_DrawFrames = (1<<15),
- };
- virtual ~btIDebugDraw() {};
- virtual DefaultColors getDefaultColors() const { DefaultColors colors; return colors; }
- ///the default implementation for setDefaultColors has no effect. A derived class can implement it and store the colors.
- virtual void setDefaultColors(const DefaultColors& /*colors*/) {}
- virtual void drawLine(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to,const btVector3& color)=0;
- virtual void drawLine(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to, const btVector3& fromColor, const btVector3& toColor)
- {
- (void) toColor;
- drawLine (from, to, fromColor);
- }
- virtual void drawSphere(btScalar radius, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
- {
- btVector3 center = transform.getOrigin();
- btVector3 up = transform.getBasis().getColumn(1);
- btVector3 axis = transform.getBasis().getColumn(0);
- btScalar minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar minPs = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxPs = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar stepDegrees = 30.f;
- drawSpherePatch(center, up, axis, radius,minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, color, stepDegrees ,false);
- drawSpherePatch(center, up, -axis, radius,minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, color, stepDegrees,false );
- }
- virtual void drawSphere (const btVector3& p, btScalar radius, const btVector3& color)
- {
- btTransform tr;
- tr.setIdentity();
- tr.setOrigin(p);
- drawSphere(radius,tr,color);
- }
- virtual void drawTriangle(const btVector3& v0,const btVector3& v1,const btVector3& v2,const btVector3& /*n0*/,const btVector3& /*n1*/,const btVector3& /*n2*/,const btVector3& color, btScalar alpha)
- {
- drawTriangle(v0,v1,v2,color,alpha);
- }
- virtual void drawTriangle(const btVector3& v0,const btVector3& v1,const btVector3& v2,const btVector3& color, btScalar /*alpha*/)
- {
- drawLine(v0,v1,color);
- drawLine(v1,v2,color);
- drawLine(v2,v0,color);
- }
- virtual void drawContactPoint(const btVector3& PointOnB,const btVector3& normalOnB,btScalar distance,int lifeTime,const btVector3& color)=0;
- virtual void reportErrorWarning(const char* warningString) = 0;
- virtual void draw3dText(const btVector3& location,const char* textString) = 0;
- virtual void setDebugMode(int debugMode) =0;
- virtual int getDebugMode() const = 0;
- virtual void drawAabb(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to,const btVector3& color)
- {
- btVector3 halfExtents = (to-from)* 0.5f;
- btVector3 center = (to+from) *0.5f;
- int i,j;
- btVector3 edgecoord(1.f,1.f,1.f),pa,pb;
- for (i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- for (j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- pa = btVector3(edgecoord[0]*halfExtents[0], edgecoord[1]*halfExtents[1],
- edgecoord[2]*halfExtents[2]);
- pa+=center;
- int othercoord = j%3;
- edgecoord[othercoord]*=-1.f;
- pb = btVector3(edgecoord[0]*halfExtents[0], edgecoord[1]*halfExtents[1],
- edgecoord[2]*halfExtents[2]);
- pb+=center;
- drawLine(pa,pb,color);
- }
- edgecoord = btVector3(-1.f,-1.f,-1.f);
- if (i<3)
- edgecoord[i]*=-1.f;
- }
- }
- virtual void drawTransform(const btTransform& transform, btScalar orthoLen)
- {
- btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
- drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(orthoLen, 0, 0), btVector3(btScalar(1.), btScalar(0.3), btScalar(0.3)));
- drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0, orthoLen, 0), btVector3(btScalar(0.3), btScalar(1.), btScalar(0.3)));
- drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0, 0, orthoLen), btVector3(btScalar(0.3), btScalar(0.3), btScalar(1.)));
- }
- virtual void drawArc(const btVector3& center, const btVector3& normal, const btVector3& axis, btScalar radiusA, btScalar radiusB, btScalar minAngle, btScalar maxAngle,
- const btVector3& color, bool drawSect, btScalar stepDegrees = btScalar(10.f))
- {
- const btVector3& vx = axis;
- btVector3 vy = normal.cross(axis);
- btScalar step = stepDegrees * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;
- int nSteps = (int)btFabs((maxAngle - minAngle) / step);
- if(!nSteps) nSteps = 1;
- btVector3 prev = center + radiusA * vx * btCos(minAngle) + radiusB * vy * btSin(minAngle);
- if(drawSect)
- {
- drawLine(center, prev, color);
- }
- for(int i = 1; i <= nSteps; i++)
- {
- btScalar angle = minAngle + (maxAngle - minAngle) * btScalar(i) / btScalar(nSteps);
- btVector3 next = center + radiusA * vx * btCos(angle) + radiusB * vy * btSin(angle);
- drawLine(prev, next, color);
- prev = next;
- }
- if(drawSect)
- {
- drawLine(center, prev, color);
- }
- }
- virtual void drawSpherePatch(const btVector3& center, const btVector3& up, const btVector3& axis, btScalar radius,
- btScalar minTh, btScalar maxTh, btScalar minPs, btScalar maxPs, const btVector3& color, btScalar stepDegrees = btScalar(10.f),bool drawCenter = true)
- {
- btVector3 vA[74];
- btVector3 vB[74];
- btVector3 *pvA = vA, *pvB = vB, *pT;
- btVector3 npole = center + up * radius;
- btVector3 spole = center - up * radius;
- btVector3 arcStart;
- btScalar step = stepDegrees * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;
- const btVector3& kv = up;
- const btVector3& iv = axis;
- btVector3 jv = kv.cross(iv);
- bool drawN = false;
- bool drawS = false;
- if(minTh <= -SIMD_HALF_PI)
- {
- minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
- drawN = true;
- }
- if(maxTh >= SIMD_HALF_PI)
- {
- maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
- drawS = true;
- }
- if(minTh > maxTh)
- {
- minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
- maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
- drawN = drawS = true;
- }
- int n_hor = (int)((maxTh - minTh) / step) + 1;
- if(n_hor < 2) n_hor = 2;
- btScalar step_h = (maxTh - minTh) / btScalar(n_hor - 1);
- bool isClosed = false;
- if(minPs > maxPs)
- {
- minPs = -SIMD_PI + step;
- maxPs = SIMD_PI;
- isClosed = true;
- }
- else if((maxPs - minPs) >= SIMD_PI * btScalar(2.f))
- {
- isClosed = true;
- }
- else
- {
- isClosed = false;
- }
- int n_vert = (int)((maxPs - minPs) / step) + 1;
- if(n_vert < 2) n_vert = 2;
- btScalar step_v = (maxPs - minPs) / btScalar(n_vert - 1);
- for(int i = 0; i < n_hor; i++)
- {
- btScalar th = minTh + btScalar(i) * step_h;
- btScalar sth = radius * btSin(th);
- btScalar cth = radius * btCos(th);
- for(int j = 0; j < n_vert; j++)
- {
- btScalar psi = minPs + btScalar(j) * step_v;
- btScalar sps = btSin(psi);
- btScalar cps = btCos(psi);
- pvB[j] = center + cth * cps * iv + cth * sps * jv + sth * kv;
- if(i)
- {
- drawLine(pvA[j], pvB[j], color);
- }
- else if(drawS)
- {
- drawLine(spole, pvB[j], color);
- }
- if(j)
- {
- drawLine(pvB[j-1], pvB[j], color);
- }
- else
- {
- arcStart = pvB[j];
- }
- if((i == (n_hor - 1)) && drawN)
- {
- drawLine(npole, pvB[j], color);
- }
- if (drawCenter)
- {
- if(isClosed)
- {
- if(j == (n_vert-1))
- {
- drawLine(arcStart, pvB[j], color);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(((!i) || (i == (n_hor-1))) && ((!j) || (j == (n_vert-1))))
- {
- drawLine(center, pvB[j], color);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pT = pvA; pvA = pvB; pvB = pT;
- }
- }
- virtual void drawBox(const btVector3& bbMin, const btVector3& bbMax, const btVector3& color)
- {
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- }
- virtual void drawBox(const btVector3& bbMin, const btVector3& bbMax, const btTransform& trans, const btVector3& color)
- {
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
- }
- virtual void drawCapsule(btScalar radius, btScalar halfHeight, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
- {
- int stepDegrees = 30;
- btVector3 capStart(0.f,0.f,0.f);
- capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;
- btVector3 capEnd(0.f,0.f,0.f);
- capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;
- // Draw the ends
- {
- btTransform childTransform = transform;
- childTransform.getOrigin() = transform * capStart;
- {
- btVector3 center = childTransform.getOrigin();
- btVector3 up = childTransform.getBasis().getColumn((upAxis+1)%3);
- btVector3 axis = -childTransform.getBasis().getColumn(upAxis);
- btScalar minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar minPs = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxPs = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- drawSpherePatch(center, up, axis, radius,minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, color, btScalar(stepDegrees) ,false);
- }
- }
- {
- btTransform childTransform = transform;
- childTransform.getOrigin() = transform * capEnd;
- {
- btVector3 center = childTransform.getOrigin();
- btVector3 up = childTransform.getBasis().getColumn((upAxis+1)%3);
- btVector3 axis = childTransform.getBasis().getColumn(upAxis);
- btScalar minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar minPs = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
- btScalar maxPs = SIMD_HALF_PI;
- drawSpherePatch(center, up, axis, radius,minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, color, btScalar(stepDegrees) ,false);
- }
- }
- // Draw some additional lines
- btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
- for (int i=0;i<360;i+=stepDegrees)
- {
- capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = btSin(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = btCos(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
- }
- }
- virtual void drawCylinder(btScalar radius, btScalar halfHeight, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
- {
- btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
- btVector3 offsetHeight(0,0,0);
- offsetHeight[upAxis] = halfHeight;
- int stepDegrees=30;
- btVector3 capStart(0.f,0.f,0.f);
- capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;
- btVector3 capEnd(0.f,0.f,0.f);
- capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;
- for (int i=0;i<360;i+=stepDegrees)
- {
- capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = btSin(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = btCos(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
- }
- // Drawing top and bottom caps of the cylinder
- btVector3 yaxis(0,0,0);
- yaxis[upAxis] = btScalar(1.0);
- btVector3 xaxis(0,0,0);
- xaxis[(upAxis+1)%3] = btScalar(1.0);
- drawArc(start-transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,btScalar(10.0));
- drawArc(start+transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,btScalar(10.0));
- }
- virtual void drawCone(btScalar radius, btScalar height, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
- {
- int stepDegrees = 30;
- btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
- btVector3 offsetHeight(0,0,0);
- btScalar halfHeight = height * btScalar(0.5);
- offsetHeight[upAxis] = halfHeight;
- btVector3 offsetRadius(0,0,0);
- offsetRadius[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
- btVector3 offset2Radius(0,0,0);
- offset2Radius[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
- btVector3 capEnd(0.f,0.f,0.f);
- capEnd[upAxis] = -halfHeight;
- for (int i=0;i<360;i+=stepDegrees)
- {
- capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = btSin(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = btCos(btScalar(i)*SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG)*radius;
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
- }
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offsetRadius),color);
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offset2Radius),color);
- drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offset2Radius),color);
- // Drawing the base of the cone
- btVector3 yaxis(0,0,0);
- yaxis[upAxis] = btScalar(1.0);
- btVector3 xaxis(0,0,0);
- xaxis[(upAxis+1)%3] = btScalar(1.0);
- drawArc(start-transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,10.0);
- }
- virtual void drawPlane(const btVector3& planeNormal, btScalar planeConst, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
- {
- btVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
- btVector3 vec0,vec1;
- btPlaneSpace1(planeNormal,vec0,vec1);
- btScalar vecLen = 100.f;
- btVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0*vecLen;
- btVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0*vecLen;
- btVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1*vecLen;
- btVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1*vecLen;
- drawLine(transform*pt0,transform*pt1,color);
- drawLine(transform*pt2,transform*pt3,color);
- }
- virtual void clearLines()
- {
- }
- virtual void flushLines()
- {
- }
- };
- #endif //BT_IDEBUG_DRAW__H