123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110 |
- @tool
- extends ItemList
- const ITEMS_FOLDER = Path.ItemDataRsc
- var resources: Array[Resource] = []
- func _ready():
- if not PluginUtil.is_part_of_edited_scene(self):
- refresh()
- var inspector = EditorInterface.get_inspector()
- inspector.connect("property_edited", property_edited)
- inspector.get_edited_object()
- func property_edited(_property: String):
- # Only update the resource that changed
- var inspected_object = EditorInterface.get_inspector().get_edited_object()
- if inspected_object and inspected_object.resource_path.contains(ITEMS_FOLDER):
- for i in resources.size():
- var resource = resources[i]
- print(resource.resource_path, inspected_object.resource_path)
- if resource.resource_path == inspected_object.resource_path:
- resources[i] = ResourceLoader.load(resource.resource_path)
- showResources()
- return
- func refresh():
- load_resources()
- showResources()
- func filterResource(resource: Resource, rawQuery: String):
- var query = rawQuery.to_lower()
- var nameMatches = resource.name.to_lower().contains(query)
- var descriptionMatches = resource.description.to_lower().contains(query)
- print(resource.name, query, nameMatches, descriptionMatches)
- return nameMatches || descriptionMatches
- func showResources():
- var query = $"../HBoxContainer/LineEdit".text
- var filtered_resources: Array[Resource]
- if query.is_empty():
- filtered_resources = resources
- else:
- filtered_resources = resources.filter(func(r): return filterResource(r, query))
- clear()
- for resource in filtered_resources:
- var id = add_item(resource.name if resource.name else "[ Unconfigured Item ] " + resource.resource_path, resource.icon)
- set_item_tooltip(id, resource.description)
- set_item_metadata(id, resource.resource_path)
- func load_resources():
- var new_resources: Array[Resource] = []
- var dir = DirAccess.open(ITEMS_FOLDER)
- for file in dir.get_files():
- if file.ends_with(".tres"):
- new_resources.push_back(ResourceLoader.load(ITEMS_FOLDER + "/" + file))
- resources = new_resources
- func _on_item_clicked(index, at_position, mouse_button_index):
- var resource_path = get_item_metadata(index)
- EditorInterface.edit_resource(ResourceLoader.load(resource_path))
- func _on_line_edit_text_changed(new_text):
- showResources()
- #region create item
- func alert(message: String):
- $"../HBoxContainer2/AcceptDialog".dialog_text = message
- $"../HBoxContainer2/AcceptDialog".popup_centered()
- func _on_create_item_pressed():
- var textField: LineEdit = $"../HBoxContainer2/LineEdit"
- var text: String = textField.text
- if text.is_empty():
- alert("filename not set")
- return
- var filename: String
- if text.ends_with(".tres"):
- filename = text
- else:
- filename = text + ".tres"
- var item_type = $"../HBoxContainer2/ItemTypeSelector".get_value()
- var resource = item_type.new()
- var file_path = ITEMS_FOLDER + "/" + filename
- if FileAccess.file_exists(file_path):
- alert("Item exists already, choose a different filename")
- return
- var error = ResourceSaver.save(resource, file_path)
- if error != OK:
- printerr("error saving resource", file_path, error)
- alert("error saving resource, look in console for details")
- return
- EditorInterface.edit_resource(ResourceLoader.load(file_path))
- textField.text = ""
- refresh()
- $"../HBoxContainer/LineEdit".text = ""
- #endregion