#23 Add dark theme

nipos ha unito 1 commit da f2k1de/master a halcyon-suite/master 5 anni fa
f2k1de commented 5 anni fa

I've added a dark theme

I've added a dark theme
Niklas Poslovski commented 5 anni fa

Thank you very much for creating an dark theme. That was planned for a future version,now I can integrate it much earlier. I'll merge that now to prevent conflicting files after the 2.0.1 update but the dark theme will be usable from version 2.0.2 on.

Thank you very much for creating an dark theme. That was planned for a future version,now I can integrate it much earlier. I'll merge that now to prevent conflicting files after the 2.0.1 update but the dark theme will be usable from version 2.0.2 on.
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