#44 Show directmessage button on profile pages

otvorené 5 rokov pred užívateľom blub · 1 komentárov
blub okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Currently there seem to be no button to send an direct message to a user.

I ask, if you could add an DM button at the profile page. If you are not allowed to send an DM (locked profile), please disable it and show a explaination at the hover text.

Currently there seem to be no button to send an direct message to a user. I ask, if you could add an DM button at the profile page. If you are not allowed to send an DM (locked profile), please disable it and show a explaination at the hover text.
Niklas Poslovski okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Currently there isn't any check if an account is locked or allows you to send direct messages (I think that are two different points in Mastodons settings) but adding the button won't be a problem. It will just open an overlay compose form with the destination prefilled and direct set as privacy. Will be included in the next release.

Currently there isn't any check if an account is locked or allows you to send direct messages (I think that are two different points in Mastodons settings) but adding the button won't be a problem. It will just open an overlay compose form with the destination prefilled and direct set as privacy. Will be included in the next release.
nipos zatvorené 5 rokov pred
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