openxr_api.h 30 KB

  1. /**************************************************************************/
  2. /* openxr_api.h */
  3. /**************************************************************************/
  4. /* This file is part of: */
  5. /* GODOT ENGINE */
  6. /* */
  7. /**************************************************************************/
  8. /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see */
  9. /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
  10. /* */
  11. /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
  12. /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
  13. /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
  14. /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
  15. /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
  16. /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
  17. /* the following conditions: */
  18. /* */
  19. /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
  20. /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
  21. /* */
  29. /**************************************************************************/
  30. #ifndef OPENXR_API_H
  31. #define OPENXR_API_H
  32. #include "action_map/openxr_action.h"
  33. #include "extensions/openxr_composition_layer_provider.h"
  34. #include "extensions/openxr_extension_wrapper.h"
  35. #include "util.h"
  36. #include "core/error/error_macros.h"
  37. #include "core/math/projection.h"
  38. #include "core/math/transform_3d.h"
  39. #include "core/math/vector2.h"
  40. #include "core/string/ustring.h"
  41. #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h"
  42. #include "core/templates/vector.h"
  43. #include "servers/rendering_server.h"
  44. #include "servers/xr/xr_pose.h"
  45. #include <openxr/openxr.h>
  46. // forward declarations, we don't want to include these fully
  47. class OpenXRInterface;
  48. class OpenXRAPI {
  49. public:
  50. class OpenXRSwapChainInfo {
  51. private:
  52. XrSwapchain swapchain = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  53. void *swapchain_graphics_data = nullptr;
  54. uint32_t image_index = 0;
  55. bool image_acquired = false;
  56. bool skip_acquire_swapchain = false;
  57. static Vector<OpenXRSwapChainInfo> free_queue;
  58. public:
  59. _FORCE_INLINE_ XrSwapchain get_swapchain() const { return swapchain; }
  60. _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_image_acquired() const { return image_acquired; }
  61. bool create(XrSwapchainCreateFlags p_create_flags, XrSwapchainUsageFlags p_usage_flags, int64_t p_swapchain_format, uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_sample_count, uint32_t p_array_size);
  62. void queue_free();
  63. static void free_queued();
  64. void free();
  65. bool acquire(bool &p_should_render);
  66. bool release();
  67. RID get_image();
  68. };
  69. private:
  70. // our singleton
  71. static OpenXRAPI *singleton;
  72. // Registered extension wrappers
  73. static Vector<OpenXRExtensionWrapper *> registered_extension_wrappers;
  74. // linked XR interface
  75. OpenXRInterface *xr_interface = nullptr;
  76. // layers
  77. LocalVector<XrApiLayerProperties> layer_properties;
  78. // extensions
  79. LocalVector<XrExtensionProperties> supported_extensions;
  80. Vector<CharString> enabled_extensions;
  81. // composition layer providers
  82. Vector<OpenXRCompositionLayerProvider *> composition_layer_providers;
  83. // projection views extensions
  84. Vector<OpenXRExtensionWrapper *> projection_views_extensions;
  85. // view configuration
  86. LocalVector<XrViewConfigurationType> supported_view_configuration_types;
  87. // reference spaces
  88. LocalVector<XrReferenceSpaceType> supported_reference_spaces;
  89. // swapchains (note these are platform dependent)
  90. PackedInt64Array supported_swapchain_formats;
  91. // system info
  92. String runtime_name;
  93. String runtime_version;
  94. // configuration
  95. XrFormFactor form_factor = XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY;
  96. XrViewConfigurationType view_configuration = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO;
  97. XrReferenceSpaceType requested_reference_space = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE;
  98. XrReferenceSpaceType reference_space = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_LOCAL;
  99. bool submit_depth_buffer = false; // if set to true we submit depth buffers to OpenXR if a suitable extension is enabled.
  100. // blend mode
  101. XrEnvironmentBlendMode environment_blend_mode = XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE;
  102. XrEnvironmentBlendMode requested_environment_blend_mode = XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE;
  103. Vector<XrEnvironmentBlendMode> supported_environment_blend_modes;
  104. bool emulate_environment_blend_mode_alpha_blend = false;
  105. // state
  106. XrInstance instance = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  107. XrSystemId system_id = 0;
  108. String system_name;
  109. uint32_t vendor_id = 0;
  110. XrSystemTrackingProperties tracking_properties;
  111. XrSession session = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  112. XrSessionState session_state = XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN;
  113. bool running = false;
  114. XrFrameState frame_state = { XR_TYPE_FRAME_STATE, nullptr, 0, 0, false };
  115. double render_target_size_multiplier = 1.0;
  116. Rect2i render_region;
  117. OpenXRGraphicsExtensionWrapper *graphics_extension = nullptr;
  118. XrSystemGraphicsProperties graphics_properties;
  119. LocalVector<XrViewConfigurationView> view_configuration_views;
  120. enum OpenXRSwapChainTypes {
  124. };
  125. int64_t color_swapchain_format = 0;
  126. int64_t depth_swapchain_format = 0;
  127. bool play_space_is_dirty = true;
  128. XrSpace play_space = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  129. XrSpace view_space = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  130. XRPose::TrackingConfidence head_pose_confidence = XRPose::XR_TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_NONE;
  131. RID velocity_texture;
  132. RID velocity_depth_texture;
  133. Size2i velocity_target_size;
  134. // When LOCAL_FLOOR isn't supported, we use an approach based on the example code in the
  135. // OpenXR spec in order to emulate it.
  136. // See:
  137. struct LocalFloorEmulation {
  138. bool enabled = false;
  139. XrSpace local_space = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  140. XrSpace stage_space = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  141. bool should_reset_floor_height = false;
  142. } local_floor_emulation;
  143. bool reset_emulated_floor_height();
  144. bool load_layer_properties();
  145. bool load_supported_extensions();
  146. bool is_extension_supported(const String &p_extension) const;
  147. bool is_extension_enabled(const String &p_extension) const;
  148. bool openxr_loader_init();
  149. bool resolve_instance_openxr_symbols();
  150. #ifdef ANDROID_ENABLED
  151. // On Android we keep tracker of our external OpenXR loader
  152. void *openxr_loader_library_handle = nullptr;
  153. #endif
  154. // function pointers
  155. #ifdef ANDROID_ENABLED
  156. // On non-Android platforms we use the OpenXR symbol linked into the engine binary.
  157. PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr xrGetInstanceProcAddr = nullptr;
  158. #endif
  159. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrAcquireSwapchainImage, (XrSwapchain), swapchain, (const XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo *), acquireInfo, (uint32_t *), index)
  160. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrApplyHapticFeedback, (XrSession), session, (const XrHapticActionInfo *), hapticActionInfo, (const XrHapticBaseHeader *), hapticFeedback)
  161. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrAttachSessionActionSets, (XrSession), session, (const XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo *), attachInfo)
  162. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrBeginFrame, (XrSession), session, (const XrFrameBeginInfo *), frameBeginInfo)
  163. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrBeginSession, (XrSession), session, (const XrSessionBeginInfo *), beginInfo)
  164. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateAction, (XrActionSet), actionSet, (const XrActionCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrAction *), action)
  165. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateActionSet, (XrInstance), instance, (const XrActionSetCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrActionSet *), actionSet)
  166. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateActionSpace, (XrSession), session, (const XrActionSpaceCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrSpace *), space)
  167. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrCreateInstance, (const XrInstanceCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrInstance *), instance)
  168. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateReferenceSpace, (XrSession), session, (const XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrSpace *), space)
  169. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateSession, (XrInstance), instance, (const XrSessionCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrSession *), session)
  170. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrCreateSwapchain, (XrSession), session, (const XrSwapchainCreateInfo *), createInfo, (XrSwapchain *), swapchain)
  171. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroyAction, (XrAction), action)
  172. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroyActionSet, (XrActionSet), actionSet)
  173. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroyInstance, (XrInstance), instance)
  174. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroySession, (XrSession), session)
  175. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroySpace, (XrSpace), space)
  176. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrDestroySwapchain, (XrSwapchain), swapchain)
  177. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrEndFrame, (XrSession), session, (const XrFrameEndInfo *), frameEndInfo)
  178. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC1(xrEndSession, (XrSession), session)
  179. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties, (uint32_t), propertyCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), propertyCountOutput, (XrApiLayerProperties *), properties)
  180. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC6(xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes, (XrInstance), instance, (XrSystemId), systemId, (XrViewConfigurationType), viewConfigurationType, (uint32_t), environmentBlendModeCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), environmentBlendModeCountOutput, (XrEnvironmentBlendMode *), environmentBlendModes)
  181. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC4(xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties, (const char *), layerName, (uint32_t), propertyCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), propertyCountOutput, (XrExtensionProperties *), properties)
  182. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC4(xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces, (XrSession), session, (uint32_t), spaceCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), spaceCountOutput, (XrReferenceSpaceType *), spaces)
  183. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC4(xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats, (XrSession), session, (uint32_t), formatCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), formatCountOutput, (int64_t *), formats)
  184. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC5(xrEnumerateViewConfigurations, (XrInstance), instance, (XrSystemId), systemId, (uint32_t), viewConfigurationTypeCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), viewConfigurationTypeCountOutput, (XrViewConfigurationType *), viewConfigurationTypes)
  185. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC6(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews, (XrInstance), instance, (XrSystemId), systemId, (XrViewConfigurationType), viewConfigurationType, (uint32_t), viewCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), viewCountOutput, (XrViewConfigurationView *), views)
  186. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetActionStateBoolean, (XrSession), session, (const XrActionStateGetInfo *), getInfo, (XrActionStateBoolean *), state)
  187. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetActionStateFloat, (XrSession), session, (const XrActionStateGetInfo *), getInfo, (XrActionStateFloat *), state)
  188. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetActionStateVector2f, (XrSession), session, (const XrActionStateGetInfo *), getInfo, (XrActionStateVector2f *), state)
  189. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile, (XrSession), session, (XrPath), topLevelUserPath, (XrInteractionProfileState *), interactionProfile)
  190. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrGetInstanceProperties, (XrInstance), instance, (XrInstanceProperties *), instanceProperties)
  191. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect, (XrSession), session, (XrReferenceSpaceType), referenceSpaceType, (XrExtent2Df *), bounds)
  192. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetSystem, (XrInstance), instance, (const XrSystemGetInfo *), getInfo, (XrSystemId *), systemId)
  193. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrGetSystemProperties, (XrInstance), instance, (XrSystemId), systemId, (XrSystemProperties *), properties)
  194. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC4(xrLocateSpace, (XrSpace), space, (XrSpace), baseSpace, (XrTime), time, (XrSpaceLocation *), location)
  195. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC6(xrLocateViews, (XrSession), session, (const XrViewLocateInfo *), viewLocateInfo, (XrViewState *), viewState, (uint32_t), viewCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), viewCountOutput, (XrView *), views)
  196. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC5(xrPathToString, (XrInstance), instance, (XrPath), path, (uint32_t), bufferCapacityInput, (uint32_t *), bufferCountOutput, (char *), buffer)
  197. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrPollEvent, (XrInstance), instance, (XrEventDataBuffer *), eventData)
  198. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrReleaseSwapchainImage, (XrSwapchain), swapchain, (const XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo *), releaseInfo)
  199. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrResultToString, (XrInstance), instance, (XrResult), value, (char *), buffer)
  200. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrStringToPath, (XrInstance), instance, (const char *), pathString, (XrPath *), path)
  201. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings, (XrInstance), instance, (const XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding *), suggestedBindings)
  202. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrSyncActions, (XrSession), session, (const XrActionsSyncInfo *), syncInfo)
  203. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC3(xrWaitFrame, (XrSession), session, (const XrFrameWaitInfo *), frameWaitInfo, (XrFrameState *), frameState)
  204. EXT_PROTO_XRRESULT_FUNC2(xrWaitSwapchainImage, (XrSwapchain), swapchain, (const XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo *), waitInfo)
  205. // instance
  206. bool create_instance();
  207. bool get_system_info();
  208. bool load_supported_view_configuration_types();
  209. bool load_supported_environmental_blend_modes();
  210. bool is_view_configuration_supported(XrViewConfigurationType p_configuration_type) const;
  211. bool load_supported_view_configuration_views(XrViewConfigurationType p_configuration_type);
  212. void destroy_instance();
  213. // session
  214. bool create_session();
  215. bool load_supported_reference_spaces();
  216. bool is_reference_space_supported(XrReferenceSpaceType p_reference_space);
  217. bool setup_play_space();
  218. bool setup_view_space();
  219. bool load_supported_swapchain_formats();
  220. bool is_swapchain_format_supported(int64_t p_swapchain_format);
  221. bool obtain_swapchain_formats();
  222. bool create_main_swapchains(Size2i p_size);
  223. void free_main_swapchains();
  224. void destroy_session();
  225. // action map
  226. struct Tracker { // Trackers represent tracked physical objects such as controllers, pucks, etc.
  227. String name; // Name for this tracker (i.e. "/user/hand/left")
  228. XrPath toplevel_path; // OpenXR XrPath for this tracker
  229. RID active_profile_rid; // RID of the active profile for this tracker
  230. };
  231. RID_Owner<Tracker, true> tracker_owner;
  232. RID get_tracker_rid(XrPath p_path);
  233. struct ActionSet { // Action sets define a set of actions that can be enabled together
  234. String name; // Name for this action set (i.e. "godot_action_set")
  235. bool is_attached; // If true our action set has been attached to the session and can no longer be modified
  236. XrActionSet handle; // OpenXR handle for this action set
  237. };
  238. RID_Owner<ActionSet, true> action_set_owner;
  239. struct ActionTracker { // Links and action to a tracker
  240. RID tracker_rid; // RID of the tracker
  241. XrSpace space; // Optional space for pose actions
  242. bool was_location_valid; // If true the last position we obtained was valid
  243. };
  244. struct Action { // Actions define the inputs and outputs in OpenXR
  245. RID action_set_rid; // RID of the action set this action belongs to
  246. String name; // Name for this action (i.e. "aim_pose")
  247. XrActionType action_type; // Type of action (bool, float, etc.)
  248. Vector<ActionTracker> trackers; // The trackers this action can be used with
  249. XrAction handle; // OpenXR handle for this action
  250. };
  251. RID_Owner<Action, true> action_owner;
  252. RID get_action_rid(XrAction p_action);
  253. struct InteractionProfile { // Interaction profiles define suggested bindings between the physical inputs on controller types and our actions
  254. String name; // Name of the interaction profile (i.e. "/interaction_profiles/valve/index_controller")
  255. XrPath path; // OpenXR path for this profile
  256. Vector<XrActionSuggestedBinding> bindings; // OpenXR action bindings
  257. Vector<PackedByteArray> modifiers; // Array of modifiers we'll add into XrBindingModificationsKHR
  258. };
  259. RID_Owner<InteractionProfile, true> interaction_profile_owner;
  260. RID get_interaction_profile_rid(XrPath p_path);
  261. XrPath get_interaction_profile_path(RID p_interaction_profile);
  262. struct OrderedCompositionLayer {
  263. const XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader *composition_layer;
  264. int sort_order;
  265. _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const OrderedCompositionLayer &a, const OrderedCompositionLayer &b) const {
  266. return a.sort_order < b.sort_order || (a.sort_order == b.sort_order && uint64_t(a.composition_layer) < uint64_t(b.composition_layer));
  267. }
  268. };
  269. // state changes
  270. bool poll_events();
  271. bool on_state_idle();
  272. bool on_state_ready();
  273. bool on_state_synchronized();
  274. bool on_state_visible();
  275. bool on_state_focused();
  276. bool on_state_stopping();
  277. bool on_state_loss_pending();
  278. bool on_state_exiting();
  279. // convenience
  280. void copy_string_to_char_buffer(const String p_string, char *p_buffer, int p_buffer_len);
  281. // Render state, Only accessible in rendering thread
  282. struct RenderState {
  283. bool running = false;
  284. bool should_render = false;
  285. bool has_xr_viewport = false;
  286. XrTime predicted_display_time = 0;
  287. XrSpace play_space = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  288. double render_target_size_multiplier = 1.0;
  289. uint64_t frame = 0;
  290. Rect2i render_region;
  291. LocalVector<XrView> views;
  292. LocalVector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView> projection_views;
  293. LocalVector<XrCompositionLayerDepthInfoKHR> depth_views; // Only used by Composition Layer Depth Extension if available
  294. bool submit_depth_buffer = false; // if set to true we submit depth buffers to OpenXR if a suitable extension is enabled.
  295. bool view_pose_valid = false;
  296. double z_near = 0.0;
  297. double z_far = 0.0;
  298. XrCompositionLayerProjection projection_layer = {
  300. nullptr, // next
  301. 0, // layerFlags
  302. XR_NULL_HANDLE, // space
  303. 0, // viewCount
  304. nullptr // views
  305. };
  306. Size2i main_swapchain_size;
  307. OpenXRSwapChainInfo main_swapchains[OPENXR_SWAPCHAIN_MAX];
  308. } render_state;
  309. static void _allocate_view_buffers(uint32_t p_view_count, bool p_submit_depth_buffer);
  310. static void _set_render_session_running(bool p_is_running);
  311. static void _set_render_display_info(XrTime p_predicted_display_time, bool p_should_render);
  312. static void _set_render_play_space(uint64_t p_play_space);
  313. static void _set_render_state_multiplier(double p_render_target_size_multiplier);
  314. static void _set_render_state_render_region(const Rect2i &p_render_region);
  315. _FORCE_INLINE_ void allocate_view_buffers(uint32_t p_view_count, bool p_submit_depth_buffer) {
  316. // If we're rendering on a separate thread, we may still be processing the last frame, don't communicate this till we're ready...
  317. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  318. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  319. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_allocate_view_buffers).bind(p_view_count, p_submit_depth_buffer));
  320. }
  321. _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_render_session_running(bool p_is_running) {
  322. // If we're rendering on a separate thread, we may still be processing the last frame, don't communicate this till we're ready...
  323. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  324. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  325. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_set_render_session_running).bind(p_is_running));
  326. }
  327. _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_render_display_info(XrTime p_predicted_display_time, bool p_should_render) {
  328. // If we're rendering on a separate thread, we may still be processing the last frame, don't communicate this till we're ready...
  329. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  330. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  331. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_set_render_display_info).bind(p_predicted_display_time, p_should_render));
  332. }
  333. _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_render_play_space(XrSpace p_play_space) {
  334. // If we're rendering on a separate thread, we may still be processing the last frame, don't communicate this till we're ready...
  335. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  336. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  337. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_set_render_play_space).bind(uint64_t(p_play_space)));
  338. }
  339. _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_render_state_multiplier(double p_render_target_size_multiplier) {
  340. // If we're rendering on a separate thread, we may still be processing the last frame, don't communicate this till we're ready...
  341. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  342. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  343. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_set_render_state_multiplier).bind(p_render_target_size_multiplier));
  344. }
  345. _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_render_state_render_region(const Rect2i &p_render_region) {
  346. RenderingServer *rendering_server = RenderingServer::get_singleton();
  347. ERR_FAIL_NULL(rendering_server);
  348. rendering_server->call_on_render_thread(callable_mp_static(&OpenXRAPI::_set_render_state_render_region).bind(p_render_region));
  349. }
  350. public:
  351. XrInstance get_instance() const { return instance; }
  352. XrSystemId get_system_id() const { return system_id; }
  353. XrSession get_session() const { return session; }
  354. OpenXRGraphicsExtensionWrapper *get_graphics_extension() const { return graphics_extension; }
  355. String get_runtime_name() const { return runtime_name; }
  356. String get_runtime_version() const { return runtime_version; }
  357. // helper method to convert an XrPosef to a Transform3D
  358. Transform3D transform_from_pose(const XrPosef &p_pose);
  359. // helper method to get a valid Transform3D from an openxr space location
  360. XRPose::TrackingConfidence transform_from_location(const XrSpaceLocation &p_location, Transform3D &r_transform);
  361. XRPose::TrackingConfidence transform_from_location(const XrHandJointLocationEXT &p_location, Transform3D &r_transform);
  362. void parse_velocities(const XrSpaceVelocity &p_velocity, Vector3 &r_linear_velocity, Vector3 &r_angular_velocity);
  363. bool xr_result(XrResult result, const char *format, Array args = Array()) const;
  364. XrPath get_xr_path(const String &p_path);
  365. bool is_top_level_path_supported(const String &p_toplevel_path);
  366. bool is_interaction_profile_supported(const String &p_ip_path);
  367. bool interaction_profile_supports_io_path(const String &p_ip_path, const String &p_io_path);
  368. static bool openxr_is_enabled(bool p_check_run_in_editor = true);
  369. _FORCE_INLINE_ static OpenXRAPI *get_singleton() { return singleton; }
  370. XrResult try_get_instance_proc_addr(const char *p_name, PFN_xrVoidFunction *p_addr);
  371. XrResult get_instance_proc_addr(const char *p_name, PFN_xrVoidFunction *p_addr);
  372. String get_error_string(XrResult result) const;
  373. String get_swapchain_format_name(int64_t p_swapchain_format) const;
  374. void set_object_name(XrObjectType p_object_type, uint64_t p_object_handle, const String &p_object_name);
  375. void begin_debug_label_region(const String &p_label_name);
  376. void end_debug_label_region();
  377. void insert_debug_label(const String &p_label_name);
  378. OpenXRInterface *get_xr_interface() const { return xr_interface; }
  379. void set_xr_interface(OpenXRInterface *p_xr_interface);
  380. static void register_extension_wrapper(OpenXRExtensionWrapper *p_extension_wrapper);
  381. static void unregister_extension_wrapper(OpenXRExtensionWrapper *p_extension_wrapper);
  382. static const Vector<OpenXRExtensionWrapper *> &get_registered_extension_wrappers();
  383. static void register_extension_metadata();
  384. static void cleanup_extension_wrappers();
  385. static PackedStringArray get_all_requested_extensions();
  386. void set_form_factor(XrFormFactor p_form_factor);
  387. XrFormFactor get_form_factor() const { return form_factor; }
  388. uint32_t get_view_count();
  389. void set_view_configuration(XrViewConfigurationType p_view_configuration);
  390. XrViewConfigurationType get_view_configuration() const { return view_configuration; }
  391. bool set_requested_reference_space(XrReferenceSpaceType p_requested_reference_space);
  392. XrReferenceSpaceType get_requested_reference_space() const { return requested_reference_space; }
  393. XrReferenceSpaceType get_reference_space() const { return reference_space; }
  394. void set_submit_depth_buffer(bool p_submit_depth_buffer);
  395. bool get_submit_depth_buffer() const { return submit_depth_buffer; }
  396. bool is_initialized();
  397. bool is_running();
  398. bool initialize(const String &p_rendering_driver);
  399. bool initialize_session();
  400. void finish();
  401. _FORCE_INLINE_ XrSpace get_play_space() const { return play_space; }
  402. _FORCE_INLINE_ XrTime get_predicted_display_time() { return frame_state.predictedDisplayTime; }
  403. _FORCE_INLINE_ XrTime get_next_frame_time() { return frame_state.predictedDisplayTime + frame_state.predictedDisplayPeriod; }
  404. _FORCE_INLINE_ bool can_render() {
  405. return instance != XR_NULL_HANDLE && session != XR_NULL_HANDLE && running && frame_state.shouldRender;
  406. }
  407. XrHandTrackerEXT get_hand_tracker(int p_hand_index);
  408. Size2 get_recommended_target_size();
  409. XRPose::TrackingConfidence get_head_center(Transform3D &r_transform, Vector3 &r_linear_velocity, Vector3 &r_angular_velocity);
  410. bool get_view_transform(uint32_t p_view, Transform3D &r_transform);
  411. bool get_view_projection(uint32_t p_view, double p_z_near, double p_z_far, Projection &p_camera_matrix);
  412. Vector2 get_eye_focus(uint32_t p_view, float p_aspect);
  413. bool process();
  414. void pre_render();
  415. bool pre_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target);
  416. XrSwapchain get_color_swapchain();
  417. RID get_color_texture();
  418. RID get_depth_texture();
  419. void set_velocity_texture(RID p_render_target);
  420. RID get_velocity_texture();
  421. void set_velocity_depth_texture(RID p_render_target);
  422. RID get_velocity_depth_texture();
  423. void set_velocity_target_size(const Size2i &p_target_size);
  424. Size2i get_velocity_target_size();
  425. const XrCompositionLayerProjection *get_projection_layer() const;
  426. void post_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target);
  427. void end_frame();
  428. // Display refresh rate
  429. float get_display_refresh_rate() const;
  430. void set_display_refresh_rate(float p_refresh_rate);
  431. Array get_available_display_refresh_rates() const;
  432. // Render Target size multiplier
  433. double get_render_target_size_multiplier() const;
  434. void set_render_target_size_multiplier(double multiplier);
  435. Rect2i get_render_region() const;
  436. void set_render_region(const Rect2i &p_render_region);
  437. // Foveation settings
  438. bool is_foveation_supported() const;
  439. int get_foveation_level() const;
  440. void set_foveation_level(int p_foveation_level);
  441. bool get_foveation_dynamic() const;
  442. void set_foveation_dynamic(bool p_foveation_dynamic);
  443. // Play space.
  444. Size2 get_play_space_bounds() const;
  445. // swapchains
  446. PackedInt64Array get_supported_swapchain_formats();
  447. int64_t get_color_swapchain_format() const { return color_swapchain_format; }
  448. int64_t get_depth_swapchain_format() const { return depth_swapchain_format; }
  449. double get_render_state_z_near() const { return render_state.z_near; }
  450. double get_render_state_z_far() const { return render_state.z_far; }
  451. // action map
  452. String get_default_action_map_resource_name();
  453. RID tracker_create(const String p_name);
  454. String tracker_get_name(RID p_tracker);
  455. void tracker_check_profile(RID p_tracker, XrSession p_session = XR_NULL_HANDLE);
  456. void tracker_free(RID p_tracker);
  457. RID action_set_create(const String p_name, const String p_localized_name, const int p_priority);
  458. String action_set_get_name(RID p_action_set);
  459. XrActionSet action_set_get_handle(RID p_action_set);
  460. bool attach_action_sets(const Vector<RID> &p_action_sets);
  461. void action_set_free(RID p_action_set);
  462. RID action_create(RID p_action_set, const String p_name, const String p_localized_name, OpenXRAction::ActionType p_action_type, const Vector<RID> &p_trackers);
  463. String action_get_name(RID p_action);
  464. XrAction action_get_handle(RID p_action);
  465. void action_free(RID p_action);
  466. RID interaction_profile_create(const String p_name);
  467. String interaction_profile_get_name(RID p_interaction_profile);
  468. void interaction_profile_clear_bindings(RID p_interaction_profile);
  469. int interaction_profile_add_binding(RID p_interaction_profile, RID p_action, const String p_path);
  470. bool interaction_profile_add_modifier(RID p_interaction_profile, const PackedByteArray &p_modifier);
  471. bool interaction_profile_suggest_bindings(RID p_interaction_profile);
  472. void interaction_profile_free(RID p_interaction_profile);
  473. RID find_tracker(const String &p_name);
  474. RID find_action_set(const String p_name);
  475. RID find_action(const String &p_name, const RID &p_action_set = RID());
  476. bool sync_action_sets(const Vector<RID> p_active_sets);
  477. bool get_action_bool(RID p_action, RID p_tracker);
  478. float get_action_float(RID p_action, RID p_tracker);
  479. Vector2 get_action_vector2(RID p_action, RID p_tracker);
  480. XRPose::TrackingConfidence get_action_pose(RID p_action, RID p_tracker, Transform3D &r_transform, Vector3 &r_linear_velocity, Vector3 &r_angular_velocity);
  481. bool trigger_haptic_pulse(RID p_action, RID p_tracker, float p_frequency, float p_amplitude, XrDuration p_duration_ns);
  482. void register_composition_layer_provider(OpenXRCompositionLayerProvider *provider);
  483. void unregister_composition_layer_provider(OpenXRCompositionLayerProvider *provider);
  484. void register_projection_views_extension(OpenXRExtensionWrapper *p_extension);
  485. void unregister_projection_views_extension(OpenXRExtensionWrapper *p_extension);
  486. const Vector<XrEnvironmentBlendMode> get_supported_environment_blend_modes();
  487. bool is_environment_blend_mode_supported(XrEnvironmentBlendMode p_blend_mode) const;
  488. bool set_environment_blend_mode(XrEnvironmentBlendMode p_blend_mode);
  489. XrEnvironmentBlendMode get_environment_blend_mode() const { return requested_environment_blend_mode; }
  490. enum OpenXRAlphaBlendModeSupport {
  494. };
  495. void set_emulate_environment_blend_mode_alpha_blend(bool p_enabled);
  496. OpenXRAlphaBlendModeSupport is_environment_blend_mode_alpha_blend_supported();
  497. OpenXRAPI();
  498. ~OpenXRAPI();
  499. };
  500. #endif // OPENXR_API_H