12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758 |
- ; Engine configuration file.
- ; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly,
- ; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious.
- ;
- ; Format:
- ; [section] ; section goes between []
- ; param=value ; assign values to parameters
- config_version=5
- [application]
- config/name="Multiple Resolutions and Aspect Ratios"
- config/description="This project demonstrates how to set up a project to handle screens of
- multiple resolutions and aspect ratios.
- The GUI can be made to fit the window or constrained to a specific
- aspect ratio from a list of common aspect ratios. On ultrawide aspect ratios,
- this can be used to prevent HUD elements from being too spread apart,
- which can harm the gameplay experience.
- For non-essential HUD elements, specific controls can be made to
- ignore this aspect ratio constraint when it makes sense
- (e.g. a list of players on the side of the screen).
- Additionally, a GUI margin setting is provided to better handle TVs
- with an overscan area to prevent GUI elements from being cut off.
- This can also improve the gameplay experience on large monitors
- by bringing HUD elements closer to the center of the screen."
- config/tags=PackedStringArray("accessibility", "best_practices", "demo", "gui", "official")
- run/main_scene="res://main.tscn"
- config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2")
- run/low_processor_mode=true
- config/icon="res://icon.webp"
- [debug]
- gdscript/warnings/untyped_declaration=1
- [display]
- window/size/viewport_width=648
- window/size/window_width_override=1152
- window/size/window_height_override=648
- window/stretch/mode="canvas_items"
- window/stretch/aspect="expand"
- window/handheld/orientation="sensor"
- [gui]
- theme/default_font_multichannel_signed_distance_field=true
- [rendering]
- renderer/rendering_method="gl_compatibility"
- renderer/rendering_method.mobile="gl_compatibility"
- environment/defaults/default_clear_color=Color(0.133333, 0.133333, 0.2, 1)