6 Incheckningar 5008c0caa2 ... 1e16dce06f

Upphovsman SHA1 Meddelande Datum
  Peter Lane 1e16dce06f removed any remaining redundant links 10 månader sedan
  Peter Lane 528d52f6b6 removed older gems 1.1 descriptions 10 månader sedan
  Peter Lane a251b4362f removed redundant images 10 månader sedan
  Peter Lane 0ed7920b72 simplified software documentation 10 månader sedan
  Peter Lane d27bc120b9 updated documentation for new functions 11 månader sedan
  Peter Lane 87d7bc727f updated links 11 månader sedan

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 = Home Page
-The project aims to create a method for developing scientific theories automatically. 
-This will help address two problems facing scientific development: the ever-growing number 
-of experimental results, and the presence of cognitive limitations and biases.
+The project aims to create a method for developing scientific theories
+automatically.  This will help address two problems facing scientific
+development: the ever-growing number of experimental results, and the presence
+of cognitive limitations and biases.
 The project is based at the 
 https://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss/research/genetically-evolving-models-in-science[London School of Economics].
-Upcoming events:
-* There will be a GEMS link:/workshop[workshop] at AI-2023, Cambridge, England on 12^th^ December 2023.
 == Project Lead
 Prof. Fernand Gobet, London School of Economics, 
@@ -41,17 +38,17 @@ Dr. Peter Lane, University of Hertfordshire
 * email: mailto:p.c.lane@herts.ac.uk[]
 * website: +++<a id="cy-effective-orcid-url" class="underline" href="https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8554-2217" target="orcid.widget" rel="me noopener noreferrer" style="vertical-align: top"> <img src="https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png" style="width: 1em; margin-inline-start: 0.5em" alt="ORCID iD icon"/> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8554-2217</a>+++
-Dr. Angelo Pirrone, now at University of Liverpool 
+Dr. Angelo Pirrone, (formerly London School of Economics) University of Liverpool 
+* email mailto:a.pirrone@liverpool.ac.uk[]
 * publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UZzVps4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao[google scholar]
-Mr. Hugo Stevensen, London School of Economics
-* email: mailto:H.Stevensen@lse.ac.uk[]
 == Funding
-This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. ERC-ADG-835002).
+This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
+under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
+(Grant agreement No.
 image:/images/erc-logo.jpg[width="150" alt="EU flag and ERC logo"]

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 == Refereed Conference Papers
-. A. Pirrone, P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N.Javed and F. Gobet, 'Heuristic search of heuristics', to appear in M.Bramer and M.Petridis (Eds.) _Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXXIII. SGAI 2023_, 2023. (Springer London) 
+. A. Pirrone, P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N.Javed and F. Gobet, 'Heuristic search of heuristics', to appear in M.Bramer and F.Stahl (Eds.) _Artificial Intelligence XL. SGAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14381_, 2023. (Springer, Cham.) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47994-6_36
 . L.K. Bartlett, A. Pirrone, N. Javed, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Genetic programming for developing simple cognitive models, In M. Goldwater, F.K. Anggoro, B.K. Hayes, & D.C. Ong (Eds.), _Proceedings of the 45^th^ Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society_, pp. 2833-2839, 2023. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/08x8m02w[download]
 . N. Javed, A. Pirrone, L.K. Bartlett, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Trust in cognitive models: Understandability and computational realism, in B.Muller (Ed.), _Proceedings of the AISB Convention_, pp. 43-50, 2023. https://aisb.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/aisb2023.pdf[pdf]
@@ -56,3 +56,8 @@
 . Pirrone, A., Gobet, F. (2020). Revisiting the evidence for magnitude sensitivity in the attentional drift-diffusion model. Poster presented at the _50th annual conference of the Society for Computation in Psychology (SCiP)_ - affiliate meeting of the Psychonomic Society's 61st Annual Meeting.
+== Workshop/Tutorial
+. There was a GEMS link:/workshop[workshop] at AI-2023, Cambridge, England on 12^th^ December 2023.

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