6 コミット 5008c0caa2 ... 1e16dce06f

作者 SHA1 メッセージ 日付
  Peter Lane 1e16dce06f removed any remaining redundant links 10 ヶ月 前
  Peter Lane 528d52f6b6 removed older gems 1.1 descriptions 10 ヶ月 前
  Peter Lane a251b4362f removed redundant images 10 ヶ月 前
  Peter Lane 0ed7920b72 simplified software documentation 10 ヶ月 前
  Peter Lane d27bc120b9 updated documentation for new functions 11 ヶ月 前
  Peter Lane 87d7bc727f updated links 11 ヶ月 前

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 (require :asdf) 
 (require :baruch) 
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-(baruch:document-package :gems "pages/notes/gems-api.adoc" 
+(baruch:document-package :gems "pages/software/gems-api.adoc" 
                          :ignore-defaults t :toc t :numbered t)
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+(baruch:document-package :gems/tk "pages/software/gems-tk-api.adoc" 
                          :ignore-defaults t :toc t :numbered t)







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 = Home Page
-The project aims to create a method for developing scientific theories automatically. 
-This will help address two problems facing scientific development: the ever-growing number 
-of experimental results, and the presence of cognitive limitations and biases.
+The project aims to create a method for developing scientific theories
+automatically.  This will help address two problems facing scientific
+development: the ever-growing number of experimental results, and the presence
+of cognitive limitations and biases.
 The project is based at the 
 https://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss/research/genetically-evolving-models-in-science[London School of Economics].
-Upcoming events:
-* There will be a GEMS link:/workshop[workshop] at AI-2023, Cambridge, England on 12^th^ December 2023.
 == Project Lead
 Prof. Fernand Gobet, London School of Economics, 
@@ -41,17 +38,17 @@ Dr. Peter Lane, University of Hertfordshire
 * email: mailto:p.c.lane@herts.ac.uk[]
 * website: +++<a id="cy-effective-orcid-url" class="underline" href="https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8554-2217" target="orcid.widget" rel="me noopener noreferrer" style="vertical-align: top"> <img src="https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png" style="width: 1em; margin-inline-start: 0.5em" alt="ORCID iD icon"/> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8554-2217</a>+++
-Dr. Angelo Pirrone, now at University of Liverpool 
+Dr. Angelo Pirrone, (formerly London School of Economics) University of Liverpool 
+* email mailto:a.pirrone@liverpool.ac.uk[]
 * publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UZzVps4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao[google scholar]
-Mr. Hugo Stevensen, London School of Economics
-* email: mailto:H.Stevensen@lse.ac.uk[]
 == Funding
-This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. ERC-ADG-835002).
+This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
+under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
+(Grant agreement No.
 image:/images/erc-logo.jpg[width="150" alt="EU flag and ERC logo"]

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 == Refereed Conference Papers
-. A. Pirrone, P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N.Javed and F. Gobet, 'Heuristic search of heuristics', to appear in M.Bramer and M.Petridis (Eds.) _Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXXIII. SGAI 2023_, 2023. (Springer London) 
+. A. Pirrone, P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N.Javed and F. Gobet, 'Heuristic search of heuristics', to appear in M.Bramer and F.Stahl (Eds.) _Artificial Intelligence XL. SGAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14381_, 2023. (Springer, Cham.) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47994-6_36
 . L.K. Bartlett, A. Pirrone, N. Javed, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Genetic programming for developing simple cognitive models, In M. Goldwater, F.K. Anggoro, B.K. Hayes, & D.C. Ong (Eds.), _Proceedings of the 45^th^ Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society_, pp. 2833-2839, 2023. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/08x8m02w[download]
 . N. Javed, A. Pirrone, L.K. Bartlett, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Trust in cognitive models: Understandability and computational realism, in B.Muller (Ed.), _Proceedings of the AISB Convention_, pp. 43-50, 2023. https://aisb.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/aisb2023.pdf[pdf]
@@ -56,3 +56,8 @@
 . Pirrone, A., Gobet, F. (2020). Revisiting the evidence for magnitude sensitivity in the attentional drift-diffusion model. Poster presented at the _50th annual conference of the Society for Computation in Psychology (SCiP)_ - affiliate meeting of the Psychonomic Society's 61st Annual Meeting.
+== Workshop/Tutorial
+. There was a GEMS link:/workshop[workshop] at AI-2023, Cambridge, England on 12^th^ December 2023.

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