123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105 |
- {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
- -- Something like Cocke-Younger-Kasami CFG parsing algorithm in Haskell
- -- * No Chomsky Normal Form required, but Epsilons are not allowed.
- -- * Not optimized.
- module Main where
- import Data.Either
- import Data.List
- import Data.Array.IArray as A
- import Control.Arrow (second)
- import Control.Monad.Except
- -- Partition a number n into exactly l parts of sizes \in \{1..f\}
- -- 1st arg: the number to be partitioned
- -- 2nd arg: = no. of elts in a partitioning
- -- 3rd arg: max size of a single element of a partitioning
- posPartitionsL :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a -> [[a]]
- posPartitionsL 0 _ _ = []
- posPartitionsL _ 0 _ = [[]]
- posPartitionsL n 1 f | f < n = []
- posPartitionsL n 1 _ = [[n]]
- posPartitionsL n l f =
- concat [ map (k:) (posPartitionsL (n-k) (l-1) f) | k <- [1..min n f] ]
- listcorrespondences :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
- listcorrespondences as bs = zipWith (Data.List.intersect) as bs
- -- Epsilon excluded.
- data CFG a =
- CFG { numnt :: Integer,
- rules :: [(Integer, Either [Integer] [a])] }
- deriving (Show)
- cykparse :: (Eq a) => CFG a -> [a] -> Except [Char] [Integer]
- cykparse cfg w = do
- c <- cyk cfg w
- return $ fst $ (A.!) c (length w, 1)
- -- A list of unique nonterminals and a detailed resolution of the ambiguity
- type CykStruct = Array (Int, Int) ([Integer], [(Integer, [(Int, Int)])])
- cyk :: Eq a => CFG a -> [a] -> Except [Char] CykStruct
- cyk _ [] = throwError "CYK called on empty string"
- cyk cfg (h:t) =
- let
- crules = [(x',i) | (i,x) <- rules cfg, isRight x, let x' = fromRight [] x]
- n = length (h:t)
- arr = A.array ((1,1), (n,n)) entries
- entries = [ ((1,i), (suitablents, map (\x -> (x,[])) suitablents))
- | i <- [1..n] | c <- (h:t)
- , let suitablents = [j | (x',j) <- crules, c`elem`x' ] ]
- in
- return $ cykparse' cfg arr n 2
- -- now part of library
- -- fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b
- -- fromRight _ (Right x) = x
- -- fromRight d (Left _) = d
- -- fromLeft :: a -> Either a b -> a
- -- fromLeft _ (Left x) = x
- -- fromLeft d (Right _) = d
- cykparse' :: CFG a -> CykStruct
- -> Int -> Int -> CykStruct
- cykparse' _ a n j | n < j = a
- cykparse' cfg a n j =
- let
- syntacticRules = [(x',i) | (i,x) <- rules cfg, isLeft x, let x' = fromLeft [] x]
- a' = a // [ ((j,i),
- (nub $ map fst contents, contents))
- | i <- [1..n-j+1]
- , let contents = [ (nt, origins)
- | (x',nt) <- syntacticRules
- , length x' <= j
- , partit <- posPartitionsL j (length x') (j-1)
- , let origins = map (second (+i)) (zip partit (scanl (+) 0 partit))
- , let ntsequence :: [[Integer]] = map (\(k,s') -> fst ((A.!) a (k,s'))) origins
- , let intersects :: [[Integer]] = (listcorrespondences (map return x') ntsequence)
- , any (const True) intersects && not (any null intersects) ]
- ]
- // [ ((j,i), ([],[])) | i <- [n-j+2..n] ]
- in
- cykparse' cfg a' n (j+1)
- -- Example: Dyck_2 grammar
- dyckab :: CFG Char
- dyckab = CFG 3 [(0, Left [0,0]), (0, Left [1,2]), (0, Left [1,0,2]), (1, Right "a"), (2, Right "b")]
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- putStrLn "~ Ready ~"
- sequence
- [
- do
- s <- getLine
- let g = dyckab
- let result = runExcept (cykparse g s)
- case result of
- Right x -> putStrLn (show x)
- Left y -> putStrLn ("Error: " ++ y)
- | _ <- [1..]]
- return ()