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Endes dd23e1af0c first version ported to git. 6 years ago
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LICENSE a90d7aa894 Initial commit 6 years ago dd23e1af0c first version ported to git. 6 years ago
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haxelib.json dd23e1af0c first version ported to git. 6 years ago
test.hxml dd23e1af0c first version ported to git. 6 years ago

Lua Plugins

Library for use LUA VM natively in haxe, because of this, only works on CPP, JAVA, JS(with node for load files), LUA, PHP, PYTHON and C# and every platform have is peculiarities.


Every instance its called a plugin and have.

Loading a plugin:

var pl = new Luaplugin("<The path of the lua script>", <An array of classes you want to pass to the script>, <the _ENV value, default is sandboxed>, {name: "<the name>", version: "<the version>", author: "<the author>", url: "<the homepage>"});

You need to call haxe classes with : instead of ., because it adds the self class as his first argument Read More.

Calling a function:"<The function name>", [<Array of args>], "<the type of the response>");

The type of the response can be null or must be float,int,array or bool.

Getting a global var:

pl.get_var("<The var name>", "<the type of the response>");

The type of the response can be null or must be float,int,array or bool.

Executing code from a string:


Executing code from a script file:

pl.load_file("<The path of the lua script>");



Implemented using the library linc_luajit. At this moment the library dont support bind functions to the LUA VM, so you only can add classes with fields thats arent functions to the plugin. The tests results shows that there is an error getting globals vars or setting in to function call.

Test results:

Testpls.hx:13: from get var :
Testpls.hx:14: null
Testpls.hx:15: attempt to call a nil value
Testpls.hx:16: 4.08548550151014e-313
Convert.hx:96: return value not supported

Testpls.hx:17: null
Testpls.hx:19: Execution time: 0.000403881072998047ms


This implementation uses the native library luaj.

Test results:

Testclass.hx:9: hi
Testpls.hx:13: from get var :
Testpls.hx:14: hi
Testpls.hx:15: 3
Testpls.hx:16: 3.14
Testpls.hx:17: true
Testpls.hx:19: Execution time: 0.17800021171569824ms


NOT TESTED This implementation uses the native library fengari-lua. Its like the implementation in CPP, so posibily has is same fails.

if you test, please let me know(Use nodejs for test).


This implementation is very strange, I dont know the method to create another LUA VM in LUA, so I used dofile and calling the functions and get vars directly, so posibily there isnt sandboxed(the plugin can modify data(vars, functions, ...) of the program).

Test results:

Testclass.hx:9: hi
Testpls.hx:13: from get var :
Testpls.hx:14: 3
Testpls.hx:15: 3.14
Testpls.hx:16: true
Testpls.hx:17: null
Testpls.hx:19: Execution time: 0.00018811225891113ms


NOT TESTED, because haxe dont transpile fot php 7.2, but my system uses it.


This implementation uses the native library lupa, so the runtime need to have it. In this platform you cant pass a String to a Lua function.

Test results:

from get var :
Execution time: 0.007448712000041269ms


NOT TESTED, because this error on building:

extern/Neo.Lua.dll @ neo.ironlua.Lua (Finalize):1: character 0 : Invalid override on field 'Finalize': class has no super class
extern/Neo.Lua.dll @ neo.ironlua.Lua:1: character 0 : Defined in this class
extern/Neo.Lua.dll @ neo.ironlua.LuaTable (<>9__200_0):1: character 0 : Type not found : T0

if you know he solution, please open a issue.


  • Fix C#
  • Fix CPP getting vars
  • Test all platforms
  • Add neko platform
  • Add hl platform
  • Make better README


by NetaLabTek