@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ def graph(data=[]):
# Concept art:
# 2021-11-15 --------------------------------------> 2021-12-30
+ #0 2 4 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 .... 100 104
# #
# #
@@ -63,16 +64,16 @@ def graph(data=[]):
if not data:
center("No Data!", "bdrd")
- return
+ return {0:[]}
if len(data) == 1:
center("Only one entry! Cannot draw graph!", "bdrd")
- return
+ return {0:data}
w, h = tsize()
- height = h - 5
+ height = h - 7
width = w - 16
times = []
values = []
@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ def graph(data=[]):
center(startdate+" "+("-"*(width-(len(startdate)+len(enddate))-6))+"> "+enddate)
+ # Times minus the amount of the first entry
ctimes = []
for i in times:
@@ -106,11 +109,15 @@ def graph(data=[]):
ap = []
+ ret_data = {}
for i in range(width):
count = 0
for n, d in enumerate(p):
if d == i:
count = count + values[n]
+ if d not in ret_data:
+ ret_data[d] = []
+ ret_data[d].append(data[n])
choice = " ░▒▓█"
@@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ def graph(data=[]):
va = max(ap) * ((i+1)/(height-1))
- s = clr["bdma"]+" "+wdth(va, 5)+" "
+ s = clr["bdma"]+" "+clr["tbwh"]+wdth(va, 5)+" "
for b in ap:
@@ -130,14 +137,242 @@ def graph(data=[]):
c = max(min(round((x - i)*4), 4), 0)
y = choice[c]
- s = s + clr["bdbu"]+clr["tdcy"]+y
+ s = s + clr["bdbu"]+clr["tbwh"]+y
print(" "+s+clr["bdma"]+" "+clr["norm"])
center(" ")
+ # Here I want to print a sideways ruler
+ ruler_sideways(width-1, 6)
+ center(" ")
+ return ret_data
+def graph_loop(items):
+ to_make = True
+ while True:
+ # parts of the graph's data indexed to the column on the graph
+ parts = graph(items)
+ # commands
+ c = input(typing_dots("Type 'help' for graph commands.", to_make))
+ to_make = False
+ if not c:
+ break
+ # Showing minimum data ( similar to raw, but with a lot less stuff )
+ elif c == "numbers":
+ data_print = {"categories": ["Time", "Amount"],
+ "size":[2,1],
+ "data":[]}
+ for i in parts:
+ for b in parts[i]:
+ try:
+ amount = b["amount"]
+ except:
+ amount = "[NO AMOUNT]"
+ try:
+ import time
+ timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(b["timestamp"]) )
+ except:
+ timestamp = "[NO TIME DATA]"
+ data_print["data"].append([timestamp, amount])
+ print()
+ table(data_print, False)
+ center("")
+ input()
+ print()
+ # Zooming in the Graph
+ elif c.startswith("zoom"):
+ try:
+ if " " in c:
+ n = c[c.find(" ")+1:]
+ else:
+ n = input(typing_dots("Number if a range?"))
+ # if it's a range
+ if " " in n:
+ nr = n.split()
+ nrange = []
+ for i in nr:
+ nrange.append(int(i))
+ zoom_data = []
+ for i in range(nrange[0], nrange[-1]+1):
+ if i in parts:
+ for d in parts[i]:
+ zoom_data.append(d)
+ graph_loop(zoom_data)
+ else:
+ try:
+ graph_loop(parts[int(n)])
+ except:
+ graph_loop([])
+ except Exception as e:
+ center("Error: "+str(e), "bdrd")
+ # Printing the Raw data into the terminal
+ elif c == "raw":
+ size = [1,4]
+ for i in range(len(parts[0][0].keys())-2):
+ size.append(2)
+ categories = list(parts[0][0].keys())
+ data_print = {"categories": categories,
+ "size":size,
+ "data":[]}
+ for i in parts:
+ for b in parts[i]:
+ if list(b.keys()) != categories:
+ print()
+ table(data_print, False)
+ center("")
+ categories = list(b.keys())
+ size = [1,4]
+ for i in range(len(b.keys())-2):
+ size.append(2)
+ data_print = {"categories": categories,
+ "size":size,
+ "data":[]}
+ ap = list(b.values())
+ if len(ap) < len(size):
+ for dif in range(len(size) - len(ap)):
+ ap.append(None)
+ data_print["data"].append(ap)
+ print()
+ table(data_print, False)
+ center("")
+ input()
+ print()
+ # Output a CSV file.
+ elif c == "csv":
+ def to_csv_string(data):
+ ret = ""
+ for n, i in enumerate(data):
+ if n == 0:
+ comma = ""
+ else:
+ comma = ","
+ if type(i) in [int,float,bool,str]:
+ ret = ret + comma + '"'+str(i).replace('"', '""')+'"'
+ else:
+ ret = ret + comma + '"[COMPLEX DATA]"'
+ return ret
+ text = to_csv_string(parts[0][0].keys())
+ keys = text
+ for i in parts:
+ for b in parts[i]:
+ if to_csv_string(b.keys()) != keys:
+ keys = to_csv_string(b.keys())
+ text = text + "\n\n"+ keys
+ text = text + "\n" + to_csv_string(b.values())
+ saving = open("/tmp/fast_lbry_csv_tempfile.csv", 'w')
+ saving.write(text)
+ saving.close()
+ Popen(["xdg-open",
+ "/tmp/fast_lbry_csv_tempfile.csv"],
+ stdout=DEVNULL,
+ stderr=STDOUT)
+ # Saving graph
+ elif c == "save":
+ itemsjson = []
+ for i in parts:
+ for b in parts[i]:
+ itemsjson.append(b)
+ filename = settings.get_settings_folder(flbry="flbry/graphs")
+ from datetime import datetime
+ now = datetime.now()
+ filename = filename + "/" + str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")) + ".json"
+ note = input(typing_dots("Note?"))
+ savedata = {"note":note, "items":itemsjson}
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(savedata, f, indent=4)
+ center("Saved to :"+ filename)
+ input()
+ elif c == "help":
+ markdown.draw("help/graph.md", "Graph Help")
+def get_data(claim_id="", total=0, mode="sales"):
+ # This function will actually load data from
+ # a given claim_id
+ if not total:
+ command = [lbrynet_binary["b"],
+ "txo", "list",
+ "--exclude_internal_transfers",
+ "--is_not_my_input",
+ "--page_size=1"]
+ if mode == "sales":
+ command.append("--type=purchase")
+ if claim_id:
+ command.append("--claim_id="+claim_id)
+ txo = check_output(command)
+ try:
+ txo = json.loads(txo)
+ except:
+ center("Connect to LBRY first.")
+ return
+ total = txo["total_items"]
+ cpage = 1
+ items = []
+ total_total = total
+ print()
+ while total > 0:
+ progress_bar(total_total-total, total_total, "Getting "+mode+" data...")
+ command = [lbrynet_binary["b"],
+ "txo", "list",
+ "--page_size=50",
+ "--exclude_internal_transfers",
+ "--is_not_my_input",
+ "--page="+str(cpage)]
+ if mode == "sales":
+ command.append("--type=purchase")
+ if claim_id:
+ command.append("--claim_id="+claim_id)
+ txo = check_output(command)
+ try:
+ txo = json.loads(txo)
+ except:
+ center("Connect to LBRY first.")
+ return
+ cpage = cpage + 1
+ for i in txo["items"]:
+ items.append(i)
+ total = total - 50
+ progress_bar(total_total, total_total, "Done.")
+ print()
+ return items
def sales(mode="sales"):
# This function will show sales of non-gratis publications.
@@ -219,6 +454,8 @@ def sales(mode="sales"):
command = [lbrynet_binary["b"],
"txo", "list",
+ "--exclude_internal_transfers",
+ "--is_not_my_input",
if mode == "sales":
@@ -260,30 +497,61 @@ def sales(mode="sales"):
c = int(c)
total = data_print["data"][c][-1]
i = list_of_publications["items"][c]
- cpage = 1
- items = []
- while total > 0:
- command = [lbrynet_binary["b"],
- "txo", "list",
- "--claim_id="+i["claim_id"],
- "--page_size=50",
- "--page="+str(cpage)]
- if mode == "sales":
- command.append("--type=purchase")
- txo = check_output(command)
- try:
- txo = json.loads(txo)
- except:
- center("Connect to LBRY first.")
- return
- cpage = cpage + 1
- for i in txo["items"]:
- items.append(i)
- total = total - 50
- graph(items)
- input()
- print()
+ try:
+ items = get_data(i["claim_id"], total, mode)
+ graph_loop(items)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print()
+def load_graph_from_file():
+ # This function will load cached graphs back into the terminal.
+ folder = settings.get_settings_folder(flbry="flbry/graphs")
+ while True:
+ data_print = {"categories": ["Note", "Size", "Saving Time"],
+ "size":[4,1,2],
+ "data":[]}
+ graphs = []
+ for graph in os.listdir(folder):
+ if graph.endswith(".json"):
+ date = graph.replace(".json", "").replace("_", " ")
+ with open(folder+"/"+graph) as f:
+ json_data= json.load(f)
+ try:
+ note = json_data["note"]
+ except:
+ note = ""
+ try:
+ items = json_data["items"]
+ except:
+ items = []
+ graphs.append(items)
+ data_print["data"].append([note,len(items), date])
+ print()
+ table(data_print)
+ center("")
+ print()
+ c = input(typing_dots("Select graph number."))
+ if not c:
+ break
+ try:
+ graph_loop(graphs[int(c)])
+ except:
+ center("Something's wrong!", "bdrd")