local.cfg 23 KB

  1. ; Personal drummyfish's 0 A.D. settings
  2. ; put in ~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg
  3. ;
  4. ; Global Configuration Settings
  5. ;
  6. ; **************************************************************
  7. ; * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE if you want personal customisations: *
  8. ; * create a text file called "local.cfg" instead, and copy *
  9. ; * the lines from this file that you want to change. *
  10. ; * *
  11. ; * If a setting is part of a section (for instance [hotkey]) *
  12. ; * you need to append the section name at the beginning of *
  13. ; * your custom line (for instance you need to write *
  14. ; * "hotkey.pause = Space" if you want to change the pausing *
  15. ; * hotkey to the spacebar). *
  16. ; * *
  17. ; * On Linux, create: *
  18. ; * $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/0ad/config/local.cfg *
  19. ; * (Note: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config) *
  20. ; * *
  21. ; * On OS X, create: *
  22. ; * ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/config/local.cfg *
  23. ; * *
  24. ; * On Windows, create: *
  25. ; * %appdata%\0ad\config\local.cfg *
  26. ; * *
  27. ; **************************************************************
  28. ; Enable/disable windowed mode by default. (Use Alt+Enter to toggle in the game.)
  29. windowed = false
  30. ; Show detailed tooltips (Unit stats)
  31. showdetailedtooltips = false
  32. ; Pause the game on window focus loss (Only applicable to single player mode)
  33. pauseonfocusloss = true
  34. ; Persist settings after leaving the game setup screen
  35. persistmatchsettings = true
  36. ; Default player name to use in multiplayer
  37. ; playername = "anonymous"
  38. ; Default server name or IP to use in multiplayer
  39. multiplayerserver = ""
  40. ; Force a particular resolution. (If these are 0, the default is
  41. ; to keep the current desktop resolution in fullscreen mode or to
  42. ; use 1024x768 in windowed mode.)
  43. xres = 0
  44. yres = 0
  45. ; Force a non-standard bit depth (if 0 then use the current desktop bit depth)
  46. bpp = 0
  47. ; Preferred display (for multidisplay setups, only works with SDL 2.0)
  48. display = 0
  49. ; Emulate right-click with Ctrl+Click on Mac mice
  50. macmouse = false
  51. ; System settings:
  52. ; if false, actors won't be rendered but anything entity will be.
  53. renderactors = true
  54. watereffects=true ; When disabled, force usage of the fixed pipeline water. This is faster, but really, really ugly.
  55. waterfancyeffects = false
  56. waterrealdepth = true
  57. waterrefraction = true
  58. waterreflection = true
  59. shadowsonwater = false
  60. shadows = true
  61. shadowquality = 0 ; Shadow map resolution. (-2 - Very Low, -1 - Low, 0 - Medium, 1 - High, 2 - Very High)
  62. ; High values can crash the game when using a graphics card with low memory!
  63. shadowpcf = true
  64. vsync = false
  65. particles = true
  66. fog = true
  67. silhouettes = true
  68. showsky = true
  69. nos3tc = false
  70. noautomipmap = true
  71. novbo = false
  72. noframebufferobject = false
  73. ; Disable hardware cursors
  74. nohwcursor = false
  75. ; Linux only: Set the driconf force_s3tc_enable option at startup,
  76. ; for compressed texture support
  77. force_s3tc_enable = true
  78. ; Specify the render path. This can be one of:
  79. ; default Automatically select one of the below, depending on system capabilities
  80. ; fixed Only use OpenGL fixed function pipeline
  81. ; shader Use vertex/fragment shaders for transform and lighting where possible
  82. ; Using 'fixed' instead of 'default' may work around some graphics-related problems,
  83. ; but will reduce performance and features when a modern graphics card is available.
  84. renderpath = default
  85. ;;;;; EXPERIMENTAL ;;;;;
  86. ; Prefer GLSL shaders over ARB shaders. Allows fancier graphical effects.
  87. preferglsl = false
  88. ; Experimental probably-non-working GPU skinning support; requires preferglsl; use at own risk
  89. gpuskinning = false
  90. ; Use smooth LOS interpolation
  91. smoothlos = false
  92. ; Use screen-space postprocessing filters (HDR, bloom, DOF, etc). Incompatible with fixed renderpath.
  93. postproc = false
  94. ; Quality level of shader effects (set to 10 to display all effects)
  95. materialmgr.quality = 2.0
  96. ; Maximum distance to display parallax effect. Set to 0 to disable parallax.
  97. materialmgr.PARALLAX_DIST.max = 150
  98. ; Maximum distance to display high quality parallax effect.
  99. materialmgr.PARALLAX_HQ_DIST.max = 75
  100. ; Maximum distance to display very high quality parallax effect. Set to 30 to enable.
  101. materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max = 0
  102. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  103. ; Replace alpha-blending with alpha-testing, for performance experiments
  104. forcealphatest = false
  105. ; Color of the sky (in "r g b" format)
  106. skycolor = "0 0 0"
  107. [adaptivefps]
  108. session = 60 ; Throttle FPS in running games (prevents 100% CPU workload).
  109. menu = 30 ; Throttle FPS in menus only.
  110. [hotkey]
  111. ; Each one of the specified keys will trigger the action on the left
  112. ; for multiple-key combinations, separate keys with '+'.
  113. ; See keys.txt for the list of key names.
  115. exit = "Ctrl+Break", "Super+Q" ; Exit to desktop
  116. cancel = Escape ; Close or cancel the current dialog box/popup
  117. leave = Escape ; End current game or Exit
  118. confirm = Return ; Confirm the current command
  119. pause = Pause ; Pause/unpause game
  120. screenshot = F2 ; Take PNG screenshot
  121. bigscreenshot = "Shift+F2" ; Take large BMP screenshot
  122. togglefullscreen = "Alt+Return" ; Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
  123. screenshot.watermark = "Alt+K" ; Toggle product/company watermark for official screenshots
  124. wireframe = "Alt+Shift+W" ; Toggle wireframe mode
  125. silhouettes = "Alt+Shift+S" ; Toggle unit silhouettes
  126. showsky = "Alt+Z" ; Toggle sky
  128. summary = "Ctrl+Tab" ; Toggle in-game summary
  129. lobby = "Alt+L" ; Show the multiplayer lobby in a dialog window.
  130. structree = "Alt+Shift+T" ; Show structure tree
  131. civinfo = "Alt+Shift+H" ; Show civilization info
  133. copy = "Ctrl+C" ; Copy to clipboard
  134. paste = "Ctrl+V" ; Paste from clipboard
  135. cut = "Ctrl+X" ; Cut selected text and copy to the clipboard
  137. console.toggle = BackQuote, F9 ; Open/close console
  138. ; > OVERLAY KEYS
  139. fps.toggle = "Alt+F" ; Toggle frame counter
  140. realtime.toggle = "Alt+T" ; Toggle current display of computer time
  141. session.devcommands.toggle = "Alt+D" ; Toggle developer commands panel
  142. timeelapsedcounter.toggle = "F12" ; Toggle time elapsed counter
  143. session.showstatusbars = Tab ; Toggle display of status bars
  144. session.highlightguarding = PgDn ; Toggle highlight of guarding units
  145. session.highlightguarded = PgUp ; Toggle highlight of guarded units
  146. session.toggleattackrange = "Alt+C" ; Toggle display of attack range overlays of selected defensive structures
  147. session.toggleaurasrange = "Alt+V" ; Toggle display of aura range overlays of selected units and structures
  148. session.togglehealrange = "Alt+B" ; Toggle display of heal range overlays of selected units
  149. session.diplomacycolors = "Alt+X" ; Toggle diplomacy colors
  150. ; > HOTKEYS ONLY
  151. chat = Return ; Toggle chat window
  152. teamchat = "T" ; Toggle chat window in team chat mode
  153. privatechat = "L" ; Toggle chat window and select the previous private chat partner
  154. ; > QUICKSAVE
  155. quicksave = "Shift+F5"
  156. quickload = "Shift+F8"
  157. [hotkey.camera]
  158. reset = "R" ; Reset camera rotation to default.
  159. follow = "F" ; Follow the first unit in the selection
  160. rallypointfocus = unused ; Focus the camera on the rally point of the selected building
  161. zoom.in = Equals, NumPlus ; Zoom camera in (continuous control)
  162. zoom.out = Minus, NumMinus ; Zoom camera out (continuous control)
  163. zoom.wheel.in = WheelUp ; Zoom camera in (stepped control)
  164. zoom.wheel.out = WheelDown ; Zoom camera out (stepped control)
  165. rotate.up = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W" ; Rotate camera to look upwards
  166. rotate.down = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S" ; Rotate camera to look downwards
  167. rotate.cw = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", Q ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain
  168. rotate.ccw = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", E ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain
  169. rotate.wheel.cw = "Shift+WheelUp", MouseX1 ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain (stepped control)
  170. rotate.wheel.ccw = "Shift+WheelDown", MouseX2 ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain (stepped control)
  171. pan = MouseMiddle ; Enable scrolling by moving mouse
  172. left = A, LeftArrow ; Scroll or rotate left
  173. right = D, RightArrow ; Scroll or rotate right
  174. up = W, UpArrow ; Scroll or rotate up/forwards
  175. down = S, DownArrow ; Scroll or rotate down/backwards
  176. scroll.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+S" ; Increase scroll speed
  177. scroll.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+S" ; Decrease scroll speed
  178. rotate.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+R" ; Increase rotation speed
  179. rotate.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+R" ; Decrease rotation speed
  180. zoom.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+Z" ; Increase zoom speed
  181. zoom.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+Z" ; Decrease zoom speed
  182. [hotkey.camera.jump]
  183. 1 = F5 ; Jump to position N
  184. 2 = F6
  185. 3 = F7
  186. 4 = F8
  187. ;5 =
  188. ;6 =
  189. ;7 =
  190. ;8 =
  191. ;9 =
  192. ;10 =
  193. [hotkey.camera.jump.set]
  194. 1 = "Ctrl+F5" ; Set jump position N
  195. 2 = "Ctrl+F6"
  196. 3 = "Ctrl+F7"
  197. 4 = "Ctrl+F8"
  198. ;5 =
  199. ;6 =
  200. ;7 =
  201. ;8 =
  202. ;9 =
  203. ;10 =
  204. [hotkey.profile]
  205. toggle = "F11" ; Enable/disable real-time profiler
  206. save = "Shift+F11" ; Save current profiler data to logs/profile.txt
  207. [hotkey.profile2]
  208. toggle = "Ctrl+F11" ; Enable/disable HTTP/GPU modes for new profiler
  209. [hotkey.selection]
  210. add = Shift ; Add units to selection
  211. militaryonly = Alt ; Add only military units to the selection
  212. nonmilitaryonly = "Alt+Y" ; Add only non-military units to the selection
  213. idleonly = "I" ; Select only idle units
  214. woundedonly = "O" ; Select only wounded units
  215. remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection
  216. cancel = Esc ; Un-select all units and cancel building placement
  217. idleworker = Period ; Select next idle worker
  218. idlewarrior = ForwardSlash ; Select next idle warrior
  219. idleunit = BackSlash ; Select next idle unit
  220. offscreen = Alt ; Include offscreen units in selection
  221. [hotkey.selection.group.add]
  222. 0 = "Shift+é"
  223. 1 = "Shift+Plus"
  224. 2 = "Shift+ě"
  225. 3 = "Shift+š"
  226. 4 = "Shift+č"
  227. 5 = "Shift+ř"
  228. 6 = "Shift+ž"
  229. 7 = "Shift+ý"
  230. 8 = "Shift+á"
  231. 9 = "Shift+í"
  232. [hotkey.selection.group.save]
  233. 0 = "Ctrl+é"
  234. 1 = "Ctrl+Plus"
  235. 2 = "Ctrl+ě"
  236. 3 = "Ctrl+š"
  237. 4 = "Ctrl+č"
  238. 5 = "Ctrl+ř"
  239. 6 = "Ctrl+ž"
  240. 7 = "Ctrl+ý"
  241. 8 = "Ctrl+á"
  242. 9 = "Ctrl+í"
  243. [hotkey.selection.group.select]
  244. 0 = é
  245. 1 = Plus
  246. 2 = ě
  247. 3 = š
  248. 4 = č
  249. 5 = ř
  250. 6 = ž
  251. 7 = ý
  252. 8 = á
  253. 9 = í
  254. [hotkey.session]
  255. kill = Delete ; Destroy selected units
  256. stop = "H" ; Stop the current action
  257. backtowork = "Y" ; The unit will go back to work
  258. unload = "U" ; Unload garrisoned units when a building/mechanical unit is selected
  259. move = unused ; Modifier to move to a point instead of another action (e.g. gather)
  260. attack = Ctrl ; Modifier to attack instead of another action (e.g. capture)
  261. attackmove = Ctrl ; Modifier to attackmove when clicking on a point
  262. attackmoveUnit = "Ctrl+Q" ; Modifier to attackmove targeting only units when clicking on a point (should contain the attackmove keys)
  263. garrison = Ctrl ; Modifier to garrison when clicking on building
  264. autorallypoint = Ctrl ; Modifier to set the rally point on the building itself
  265. guard = "G" ; Modifier to escort/guard when clicking on unit/building
  266. patrol = "P" ; Modifier to patrol a unit
  267. repair = "J" ; Modifier to repair when clicking on building/mechanical unit
  268. queue = Shift ; Modifier to queue unit orders instead of replacing
  269. orderone = Alt ; Modifier to order only one entity in selection.
  270. batchtrain = Shift ; Modifier to train units in batches
  271. massbarter = Shift ; Modifier to barter bunch of resources
  272. masstribute = Shift ; Modifier to tribute bunch of resources
  273. noconfirmation = Shift ; Do not ask confirmation when deleting a building/unit
  274. fulltradeswap = Shift ; Modifier to put the desired trade resource to 100%
  275. unloadtype = Shift ; Modifier to unload all units of type
  276. deselectgroup = Ctrl ; Modifier to deselect units when clicking group icon, instead of selecting
  277. rotate.cw = RightBracket ; Rotate building placement preview clockwise
  278. rotate.ccw = LeftBracket ; Rotate building placement preview anticlockwise
  279. [hotkey.session.gui]
  280. toggle = "Alt+G" ; Toggle visibility of session GUI
  281. menu.toggle = "F10" ; Toggle in-game menu
  282. barter.toggle = "Ctrl+B" ; Toggle in-game barter/trade page
  283. tutorial.toggle = "Ctrl+P" ; Toggle in-game tutorial panel
  284. [hotkey.session.savedgames]
  285. delete = Delete ; Delete the selected saved game asking confirmation
  286. noconfirmation = Shift ; Do not ask confirmation when deleting a game
  287. [hotkey.session.queueunit] ; > UNIT TRAINING
  288. 1 = "Z" ; add first unit type to queue
  289. 2 = "X" ; add second unit type to queue
  290. 3 = "C" ; add third unit type to queue
  291. 4 = "V" ; add fourth unit type to queue
  292. 5 = "B" ; add fivth unit type to queue
  293. 6 = "N" ; add sixth unit type to queue
  294. 7 = "M" ; add seventh unit type to queue
  295. 8 = Comma ; add eighth unit type to queue
  296. [hotkey.session.timewarp]
  297. fastforward = Space ; If timewarp mode enabled, speed up the game
  298. rewind = Backspace ; If timewarp mode enabled, go back to earlier point in the game
  299. [hotkey.tab]
  300. next = "Tab", "Alt+S" ; Show the next tab
  301. prev = "Shift+Tab", "Alt+W" ; Show the previous tab
  302. [hotkey.text] ; > GUI TEXTBOX HOTKEYS
  303. delete.left = "Ctrl+Backspace" ; Delete word to the left of cursor
  304. delete.right = "Ctrl+Del" ; Delete word to the right of cursor
  305. move.left = "Ctrl+LeftArrow" ; Move cursor to start of word to the left of cursor
  306. move.right = "Ctrl+RightArrow" ; Move cursor to start of word to the right of cursor
  307. [gui]
  308. cursorblinkrate = 0.5 ; Cursor blink rate in seconds (0.0 to disable blinking)
  309. scale = 1.0 ; GUI scaling factor, for improved compatibility with 4K displays
  310. [gui.gamesetup]
  311. enabletips = true ; Enable/Disable tips during gamesetup (for newcomers)
  312. assignplayers = everyone ; Whether to assign joining clients to free playerslots. Possible values: everyone, buddies, disabled.
  313. aidifficulty = 3 ; Difficulty level, from 0 (easiest) to 5 (hardest)
  314. aibehavior = "random" ; Default behavior of the AI (random, balanced, aggressive or defensive)
  315. settingsslide = true ; Enable/Disable settings panel slide
  316. [gui.session]
  317. camerajump.threshold = 40 ; How close do we have to be to the actual location in order to jump back to the previous one?
  318. timeelapsedcounter = false ; Show the game duration in the top right corner
  319. ceasefirecounter = false ; Show the remaining ceasefire time in the top right corner
  320. batchtrainingsize = 5 ; Number of units to be trained per batch by default (when pressing the hotkey)
  321. scrollbatchratio = 1 ; Number of times you have to scroll to increase/decrease the batchsize by 1
  322. woundedunithotkeythreshold = 33 ; The wounded unit hotkey considers the selected units as wounded if their health percentage falls below this number
  323. attackrange = true ; Display attack range overlays of selected defensive structures
  324. aurasrange = true ; Display aura range overlays of selected units and structures
  325. healrange = true ; Display heal range overlays of selected units
  326. rankabovestatusbar = true ; Show rank icons above status bars
  327. respoptooltipsort = 0 ; Sorting players in the resources and population tooltip by value (0 - no sort, -1 - ascending, 1 - descending)
  328. [gui.session.minimap]
  329. blinkduration = 1.7 ; The blink duration while pinging
  330. pingduration = 50.0 ; The duration for which an entity will be pinged after an attack notification
  331. [gui.session.notifications]
  332. attack = true ; Show a chat notification if you are attacked by another player
  333. tribute = true ; Show a chat notification if an ally tributes resources to another team member if teams are locked, and all tributes in observer mode
  334. barter = true ; Show a chat notification to observers when a player bartered resources
  335. phase = completed ; Show a chat notification if you or an ally have started, aborted or completed a new phase, and phases of all players in observer mode. Possible values: none, completed, all.
  336. [gui.splashscreen]
  337. enable = true ; Enable/disable the splashscreen
  338. version = 0 ; Splashscreen version (date of last modification). By default, 0 to force splashscreen to appear at first launch
  339. [gui.session.diplomacycolors]
  340. self = "21 55 149" ; Color of your units when diplomacy colors are enabled
  341. ally = "86 180 31" ; Color of allies when diplomacy colors are enabled
  342. neutral = "231 200 5" ; Color of neutral players when diplomacy colors are enabled
  343. enemy = "150 20 20" ; Color of enemies when diplomacy colors are enabled
  344. [joystick] ; EXPERIMENTAL: joystick/gamepad settings
  345. enable = false
  346. deadzone = 8192
  347. [joystick.camera]
  348. pan.x = 0
  349. pan.y = 1
  350. rotate.x = 3
  351. rotate.y = 2
  352. zoom.in = 5
  353. zoom.out = 4
  354. [chat]
  355. timestamp = true ; Show at which time chat messages have been sent
  356. [chat.session]
  357. extended = true ; Whether to display the chat history
  358. [lobby]
  359. history = 0 ; Number of past messages to display on join
  360. room = "arena23" ; Default MUC room to join
  361. server = "lobby.wildfiregames.com" ; Address of lobby server
  362. terms_of_service = "0" ; Version (hash) of the Terms of Service that the user has accepted
  363. terms_of_use = "0" ; Version (hash) of the Terms of Use that the user has accepted
  364. xpartamupp = "wfgbot23" ; Name of the server-side XMPP-account that manage games
  365. echelon = "echelon23" ; Name of the server-side XMPP-account that manages ratings
  366. buddies = "," ; Comma separated list of playernames that the current user has marked as buddies
  367. rememberpassword = true ; Whether to store the encrypted password in the user config
  368. secureauth = true ; Secure Lobby Authentication: This prevents the impersonation of other players. The lobby server confirms the identity of the player before they join.
  369. [lobby.columns]
  370. gamerating = false ; Show the average rating of the participating players in a column of the gamelist
  371. [lobby.stun]
  372. enabled = true ; The STUN protocol allows hosting games without configuring the firewall and router.
  373. ; If STUN is disabled, the game relies on direct connection, UPnP and port forwarding.
  374. server = "lobby.wildfiregames.com" ; Address of the STUN server.
  375. port = 3478 ; Port of the STUN server.
  376. delay = 200 ; Duration in milliseconds that is waited between STUN messages.
  377. ; Smaller numbers speed up joins but also become less stable.
  378. [mod]
  379. enabledmods = "mod public"
  380. [modio]
  381. public_key = "RWQBhIRg+dOifTWlwgYHe8RfD8bqoDh1cCvygboAl3GOUKiCo0NlF4fw" ; Public key corresponding to the private key valid mods are signed with
  382. [modio.v1]
  383. baseurl = "https://api.mod.io/v1"
  384. api_key = "23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55"
  385. name_id = "0ad"
  386. [network]
  387. duplicateplayernames = false ; Rename joining player to "User (2)" if "User" is already connected, otherwise prohibit join.
  388. lateobservers = everyone ; Allow observers to join the game after it started. Possible values: everyone, buddies, disabled.
  389. observerlimit = 8 ; Prevent further observer joins in running games if this limit is reached
  390. gamestarttimeout = 60000 ; Don't disconnect clients timing out in the loading screen and rejoin process before exceeding this timeout.
  391. [overlay]
  392. fps = "false" ; Show frames per second in top right corner
  393. realtime = "false" ; Show current system time in top right corner
  394. netwarnings = "true" ; Show warnings if the network connection is bad
  395. [profiler2]
  396. autoenable = false ; Enable HTTP server output at startup (default off for security/performance)
  397. gpu.arb.enable = true ; Allow GL_ARB_timer_query timing mode when available
  398. gpu.ext.enable = true ; Allow GL_EXT_timer_query timing mode when available
  399. gpu.intel.enable = true ; Allow GL_INTEL_performance_queries timing mode when available
  400. [sound]
  401. mastergain = 0.9
  402. musicgain = 0.2
  403. ambientgain = 0.6
  404. actiongain = 0.7
  405. uigain = 0.7
  406. [sound.notify]
  407. nick = true ; Play a sound when someone mentions your name in the lobby or game
  408. [tinygettext]
  409. debug = false ; Print error messages each time a translation for an English string is not found.
  410. [userreport] ; Opt-in online user reporting system
  411. url = "http://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"
  412. [view] ; Camera control settings
  413. scroll.speed = 120.0
  414. scroll.speed.modifier = 1.05 ; Multiplier for changing scroll speed
  415. rotate.x.speed = 1.2
  416. rotate.x.min = 28.0
  417. rotate.x.max = 60.0
  418. rotate.x.default = 35.0
  419. rotate.y.speed = 2.0
  420. rotate.y.speed.wheel = 0.45
  421. rotate.y.default = 0.0
  422. rotate.speed.modifier = 1.05 ; Multiplier for changing rotation speed
  423. drag.speed = 0.5
  424. zoom.speed = 256.0
  425. zoom.speed.wheel = 32.0
  426. zoom.min = 50.0
  427. zoom.max = 200.0
  428. zoom.default = 120.0
  429. zoom.speed.modifier = 1.05 ; Multiplier for changing zoom speed
  430. pos.smoothness = 0.1
  431. zoom.smoothness = 0.4
  432. rotate.x.smoothness = 0.5
  433. rotate.y.smoothness = 0.3
  434. near = 2.0 ; Near plane distance
  435. far = 4096.0 ; Far plane distance
  436. fov = 45.0 ; Field of view (degrees), lower is narrow, higher is wide
  437. height.smoothness = 0.5
  438. height.min = 16