sauerbraten tesseract cheatsheet.txt 2.9 KB

  2. speak t
  3. enter/leave edit mode e
  4. rotate view around selection j + mouse move
  5. execute command window F6 (write commands withou '/')
  6. undo u
  7. edit reference (tesseract) F10
  8. recompute lightmaps k
  9. start singleplayer (sauer) run command "map" in console
  10. increase map size menu -> editing -> map -> increase mapsize
  12. select voxels left mouse (can drag)
  13. extend (move) voxel selection right mouse (drag to move)
  14. increase/decrease selection size g + mouse wheel
  15. select voxel corners middle mouse (can drag)
  16. extrude mouse wheel
  17. extrude corner aim at corner, then q + mouse wheel
  18. copy voxels select voxels, then c
  19. paste voxels v
  20. move selected voxels shift + mouse move
  21. rotate selected voxels in plane aim at appropriate side, then r + mouse wheel
  22. "terrain" edit select voxels, then aim, press h and scroll mouse
  23. smoothen terrain h (in terrain mode)
  25. texture selection menu F2
  26. quick change texture select voxels, then y + mouse wheel
  27. texture offset X select voxels, then o + mouse wheel
  28. texture offset Y select voxels, then p + mouse wheel
  29. scale texture select voxels, then . + mouse wheel
  30. rotate texture select voxels, then , + mouse wheel
  32. 1. select texture from menu (for upper layer)
  33. 2. use command "/vlayer N" (for bottom layer, N = texture number, can be get with "/echo (getseltex)")
  34. 3. with y + mouse wheel set these layers to given voxels
  35. 4. with numpad select the blend paint mode (mouse wheel changes brush)
  36. 5. paint
  37. OBJECTS (so called mapmodels):
  38. object selection menu (sauer) F4
  39. object selection menu (tess) F3
  40. move object in plane aim at appropriate object BB wall and drag
  41. quick object change aim at object + mouse wheel
  42. delete object aim at object + delete
  43. rotate object select object, then F3 and change "direction" (sauer)
  44. r + mouse wheel (tess)
  46. 1. select object
  47. 2. type "/editcopy"
  48. 3. unselect object
  49. 4. type "/editpaste"
  51. material volume selection menu F4
  53. entity selection menu F1
  54. OTHER:
  55. material selection menu F3
  56. COMMANDS (write in chat): (reference at
  57. save map (to packages/base/) /savemap mapname
  58. load map /map mapname
  59. toggle materials (water etc.) /showmat [0|1]
  60. calculate light maps /calclight [-1|0|1]