1. This directory includes most of Guile's SRFI support. -*- text -*-
  2. For more details about what SRFI means, and what the various numbers
  3. stand for, please refer to the SRFI homepage at
  5. SRFI-0: cond-expand
  6. Supported by default, no module required.
  7. SRFI-1: List Library
  8. A full toolbox of list processing procedures. (use-modules (srfi
  9. srfi-1)) will make them available for use.
  10. SRFI-2: and-let*
  11. (use-modules (srfi srfi-2)) to make and-let* available.
  12. SRFI-4: Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes
  13. SRFI-6: open-input-string, open-output-string and get-output-string
  14. (use-modules (srfi srfi-6)) to make these available. (Currently,
  15. these procedures are available without using the module, but the
  16. procedures might be factored out of the core library in the
  17. future.)
  18. SRFI-8: receive
  19. (use-modules (srfi srfi-8)) to make receive available.
  20. SRFI-9: define-record-type
  21. A mechanism for defining record types. (use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
  22. makes this syntactic form available.
  23. SRFI-10: #,()
  24. The hash-comma reader extension. (use-modules (srfi srfi-10))
  25. activates the extension.
  26. SRFI-11: let-values and let-values*
  27. Syntactic extensions for handling multiple values. (use-modules
  28. (srfi srfi-11)) makes these syntactic forms available.
  29. SRFI-13: string library
  30. A lot of (more or less) useful string processing procedures.
  31. (use-modules (srfi srfi-13)) loads the procedures.
  32. SRFI-14: character-set library
  33. Character-set library. (use-modules (srfi srfi-14)) loads the
  34. procedures and standard variables.
  35. SRFI-16: case-lambda
  36. Syntactic form which permits writing functions acting different
  37. according to the number of arguments passed. (use-modules (srfi
  38. srfi-16)) makes this syntactic form available.
  39. SRFI-17: Generalized set!
  40. Guile supports generalized set! by default, but this module makes it
  41. fully compliant to the SRFI. (use-modules (srfi srfi-17)) loads the
  42. procedures.
  43. SRFI-19: Time Data Types and Procedures
  44. A lot of data types and procedures for dealing with times and
  45. dates. (use-modules (srfi srfi-19)) loads the procedures.
  46. SRFI-23: Error reporting mechanism
  47. Guile fully supports this SRFI. No need to load any module.
  48. SRFI-26: Notation for Specializing Parameters without Currying
  49. Exports: cut, cute.
  50. SRFI-31: A special form for recursive evaluation
  51. Exports: rec.
  52. SRFI-34: Exception Handling for Programs
  53. Exports: with-exception-handler, raise.
  54. Exports syntax: guard.
  55. SRFI-39: Parameter objects
  56. Exports: make-parameter, with-parameters*.
  57. Exports syntax: parameterize.
  58. SRFI-55: require-extension
  59. Supported by default, no module required.