123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- # Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- EAPI=8
- inherit git-r3
- DESCRIPTION="GNU compatible suckless coreutils"
- HOMEPAGE="https://notabug.org/dm9pZCAq/dm9pZCAq-coreutils"
- EGIT_REPO_URI="https://notabug.org/dm9pZCAq/${PN}.git"
- SLOT="0"
- IUSE="path"
- BDEPEND=">=dev-lang/metalang99-1.8"
- BASEDIR="/opt/${PN}"
- src_install() {
- emake PREFIX='' DESTDIR="${ED}/${BASEDIR#/}" install
- local prefix=60
- use path && prefix=40
- # original PATH seted from 50baselayout
- # if we want to use this coreutils insetad of GNU coreutils
- # we need to set our path first
- local var_name="${PN^^}"
- printf '%s="%s"\n' \
- "${var_name/-/_}" "${BASEDIR}" \
- PATH "${BASEDIR}/bin" \
- | newenvd - "${prefix}${PN}"
- }