#5 Issue with vol_perc

Créé il y a 2 ans par kezwatch · 1 commentaires
kezwatch a commenté il y a 2 ans

Hello, I'm strugging to get the volume percentage function to work. When building with ALSA, it only updates the percentage once. Even manually updating using aslstatus-update doesn't work. I prefer to use pulse but I also couldn't get it to work. Using make AUDIO=PULSE uses ALSA instead, and changing the Makefile to AUDIO ?= PULSE results in the status bar not showing up.

Hello, I'm strugging to get the volume percentage function to work. When building with ALSA, it only updates the percentage once. Even manually updating using aslstatus-update doesn't work. I prefer to use pulse but I also couldn't get it to work. Using make AUDIO=PULSE uses ALSA instead, and changing the Makefile to AUDIO ?= PULSE results in the status bar not showing up.
dm9pZCAq a commenté il y a 1 an

Hello, sorry for long reply Pulseaudio creates separate "sound card" different from ALSA default sound card, which aslstatus is uses, so there is separate volume percentage and changing pulse volume does not change ALSA default "sound card" volume

So, proper way to use aslstatus with pulseaudio is to make AUDIO=PULSE, it is strange that it is still uses ALSA

Please make sure that you using latest changes from master branch and show me output of make -Bn AUDIO=PULSE command

Hello, sorry for long reply `Pulseaudio` creates separate "sound card" different from ALSA default sound card, which `aslstatus` is uses, so there is separate volume percentage and changing pulse volume does not change ALSA default "sound card" volume So, proper way to use `aslstatus` with `pulseaudio` is to `make AUDIO=PULSE`, it is strange that it is still uses ALSA Please make sure that you using latest changes from `master` branch and show me output of `make -Bn AUDIO=PULSE` command
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