A simple Emacs setup for the terror of academic life.

DELM 0b872f4655 use-package 1 yıl önce
templates fcb0c9fa8e templates de roam 1 yıl önce
LICENSE f4cac31b7a gpl-v3 2 yıl önce
README.org a7333b4b47 nsxiv 1 yıl önce
custom.el 9f6169a525 capture and roam templates 2 yıl önce
elfeed.org a7333b4b47 nsxiv 1 yıl önce
init.el 0b872f4655 use-package 1 yıl önce
terror.org 72bcc4542e templates for capture and roam 2 yıl önce


Terror Emacs

A minimal and functional configuration of GNU Emacs aimed at academic use, mainly for the creation of technical articles, presentations, literary programming and reproducibility.

NOTE: The init.el configuration file is automatically generated from terror.org, and is explained in detail in this file. A copy can be found here.

For full-featured Emacs distributions, it is highly recommended to check:

Many ideas have been taken from System Crafters' EFS:

Some features


  • Git
  • GNU Emacs (27.1+)
  • JetBrains Mono (or any other font and replace it in init.el)
  • PDF Tools (at the moment it is installed manually due to conflicts with use-package.)

On Debian GNU/Linux:

# apt install git emacs fonts-jetbrains-mono

With GNU Guix:

$ guix install git emacs font-jetbrains-mono


The following tools are optional and allow you to open files from dired. They can be replaced by any other package of choice in the corresponding section of init.el.

  • nsxiv (image viewer)
  • mpv (media player)

On Debian GNU/Linux:

# apt install nsxiv mpv

With GNU Guix:

$ guix install nsxiv mpv


If any previous configuration exists, move it (or delete it):

$ mv .emacs.d/ old-emacs-d

Clone and rename the repository in ~/:

$ git clone https://notabug.org/dlmayhem/terror-emacs.git .emacs.d

Start Emacs et voilà !

Once all the packages are installed, all that remains is to run the following command inside Emacs:

M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts

To do

  • [X] Org Roam
  • [X] Citar
  • [X] YASnippet
  • [ ] Screenshots

Happy hacking!